District 4 Interviews

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Justice Flickerman (Capitol Interviewer)

"Welcome back to Capitol Updates! Tonight the tributes pre-game interviews will take place! Now give it up for the first tribute that will be interviewed tonight, Narelle Dixie!"

Narelle walks out in a sea green dress that barley passes her knees, and a pair fancy green heels, that raise her short height by a few inches.

"Hello Narelle, how have you been doing since arriving in ," I ask her as she takes a seat.

"It has been a wonderful experience. Between the food, service, and nature, I think it may be better than District 4!" She responds back to me, smiling to the crowd.

"You seem like such a kind and pleasant young lady!" I tell Narelle truthfully.

"Why thank you Justice, but I think your a little too old to date me!" She says back.

"Haha" I laugh with the crowd. I was simply trying to compliment her, but okay.

"Will you have any allies in the games with you?" I ask.

"I was going to team with Marsh, but I'm not fully sure if we will anymore" she says, seeming like she is about to cry.

"Oh no! You can make it without him," I tell her even though I bet she cannot.

"Give it up for Narelle!" I exclaim to the crowd as the interview timer beeps.

"Hello Marsh!" I greet to the boy as he walks to the interview chairs.

"Hi Justice, it is amazing to finally meet you in person!" He exclaims.

"It is amazing to see you in person too!" I respond back to Marsh.

"How is your alliance with Narelle going? Do you still plan on allying with her in the games?"

"I think that we will still be allies, but we will focus on ourselves more than each other" Marsh responds truthfully.

"Oh thank goodness! I was looking forward to see the two of you as allies in the arena!" I say.

"Is there a 'special someone' back at home?" I ask Marsh, winking.

"Yes. My girlfriend Shelly. I'm hoping to win these games to get back home to her." Marsh says.

"Well good luck!" I exclaim to Marsh as the reaping timer goes off.

The next tribute, Seana Leblanc, comes to the stage in a dark blue dress, with seashells all in her beige hair.

"Hello Seana!" I exclaim as she takes a seat.

"Hello Justice! I have a song prepared for The Capitol tonight!" She says.

"Ooh! I'm really looking forward to hearing it!"  As I say this, Seana walks forward to the front of the stage, and begins to sing.

When I was still young
No harms of the reaping
She starved herself
Just for our own sake

But now I am here
And will end up like my sister
Now there's no one left
But it's for his future

Now to you Pearl
I will try to not join you
You did a few years ago
For my own sake

You shouldn't have volunteered
And just let me die
They want to see us

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