Day 1: (Game 2)

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Cardinal Chester (District 5) 12:07 PM

I sit underneath a tree on the main ground, not very far from the cornucopia. The swimming I've has been very exhausting. I sit with the one axe I got from the cornucopia, and a singular water bottle. Luckily for me, the bottle is filled to the top.

I get up, to walk farther away from the cornucopia, when cannons begin to sound.


I count ten. That is a lot higher then the amount of bloodbath deaths in the first installment of these games.

I wonder if that means these games will go by faster?

I make my way through the large cherry blossom trees, until I reach the outer part of the arena, where the blossom trees turn into small oak trees, that are packed together, leaving small amounts of space to walk through.

I come to a tree that is a few feet taller than the others, which I begin to climb. This is no struggle for me, as I'm familiar, from having done the rock wall station plenty of times during training.

After a good two and a half minutes of climbing, I'm fifty feet in the air. There is no way a tribute will see me unless looking in the trees, for something specific, such as me.

After sipping from the bottle, a huge white wave of pollen sweeps past me. Luckily for me, I am too high for it to affect me. I watch as a few more waves swoop around beneath me, and then scurry off into the surrounding woodlands.

Being out in the nature of the arena is amazing. The only bad part is that your starving and hoping you won't get killed!

I spend the next hour resting in my tree, until I see Caidence walking underneath. I prepare my axe, hoping that she will not see me. I am tempted to throw it down at her, but I do not dare lose my only weapon, and risk missing Caidence.

She takes a seat right on the roots of my tree. This will be hard to remain fully quiet. I manage to go a few minutes, until a branch I sit on, accidentally squeaks. I panic, thinking that Caidence heard, but she does not.

A few more minutes go by, before she gets up and continues her journey through the arena. That was a close call.

I lay in the tree, not caring about the games, until I'm blasted in the face by a large wave of pollen. I didn't think it would get this high!

I panic as the pollen fills my mouth, eyes and nose. I almost fall off of my tree, but luckily for me, I catch myself by holding onto the tree. This causes my water bottle to fall down, and explode, leaving no remains in the bottle.

Darn it. Water will not be the easiest to get now since the bloodbath is over. The only water source in the arena I can think of, is the cornucopia lake. I know that water is fresh, due to a small amount getting in my mouth while swimming, but this does not change the fact that Grayling will most likely be camping there, waiting for an 'easy kill' to come along.

Hopefully I can get some water soon. These games won't be fun without it.

Kinetica Jersete (District 5)  1:38 PM

Blue-Jay and I both made it out of the cornucopia alive, with many water bottles, items of food, and a sword for each of us.

We swipe our way through the trees, many large branches blocking the trail like paths that lead throughout the arena. We do this until we come across the perimeter, at which point, we decide to rest, and drink a small quantity of our water.

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