The Strength It Takes To Be Noticed - Training

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Celestio Calving (District 1)

My alliance and I are the first tributes to arrive in the newly created training center. "It's massive!" We all say almost simultaneously. Yesterday, we agreed to start in the weaponry stations, and then make our way right until we finish all the stations together. This would mean that we would need to be on schedule or we might miss a few station, which could be critical to surviving.

I don't want to seem over-eager, but I sprint to the spear station, where I begin to improve my okay aim. My main weapon is a katana, but I try to use other weapons, as the likelihood of a katana being put in the games are very slim.

The head trainer of the station coaches me on how to aim for the targets better, such as saying that the closer you are to the target, the lower you will have to aim. This advice helps greatly, and highly improves my aim within the two hours I use the weapon. I smile to, and thank the trainer, before continuing to the fire starting station.

This station seems rather easy compared to what victors from District 1 say. It must have not worked for them, but for me it is really easy. The catch is if your using two sticks, the angle you push the sticks in, needs to be perfect. I quickly graduate from this station and continue to my right, making the next station to be the electronic station.

I stand at the enterance of the station, highly guarded by 6 of the 8 District 3 tributes. They are pretty annoying, guarding the whole station, saying it is for safety purposes. Right as I begin to argue with the head guard, Javio, a huge explosion comes from inside the station. Before I'm given the chance to look inside, Javio screams "That's why!"

Every person in the room stares into the station, where Dart had successfully managed to create a robot that danced, using only a radio clock, a fan, a few cords, and some water. "This is really impressive!" I tell him, Dart not even looking up at me. The three's are weird, I think to myself. I decided to continue to the next station, as the electronic station is still being guarded.

Mila Manstron (District 2)

The second I see the beautiful training center, I automatically know what I'm going for. I basically run to the throwing knife station, where I quickly scare a pathetic Styleen away. I immediately pick up the knives, and avoid the trainer trying to help me. Instead of listening to him, I throw a knife that lands perfectly in the center of the target. The trainer looks in awe, before running and talking to Head Gamemaker Black Heart, most likely talking about my great capabilities.

I continue to throw knives for well over four hours, barley improving my aim, that is practically perfect. I still thank the time I am given with the knives, before going to one of the knife simulations. In this simulation, I will have to use my knives against holographic tributes, who have fake weapons, which they will be trying to throw at me. I know I'll beat this, I mutter under my breath, as I walk into the simulator.

3, 2, 1, begin! The simulation begins and I grasp onto my large stack of knives. Two holographic figures, both holding spears, appear on either side of the room. I quickly throw a knife into ones neck, and focus as I try to throw another knife at the other hologram. I simply throw, focusing on my aim, leading my knife to fly victoriously fast throw the holograms head.

The simulation quickly notices my skill, and the number of holograms exerting the room significantly rises within a minute. I'm soon chucking knives in every direction that I see a hologram, smiling ruthlessly as I hit all my targets. After a short 2 more minutes, I am congratulated by the monotone voice that says I beat the simulator. I cheer up and down, then turn around.

Behind me, a good 6 tributes are watching me, horror filled over all their faces.

Juliana Potenzis (District 2)

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