Capitol Update: Day 4 (Game 2)

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Justice Flickerman (Capitol Interviewer)

"Welcome back to the final update for Game 2! The first death was that of Pike who was speared in the head by Grayling!"

"Following Pike was the other feast death, Astrid, who was forced to drink squirrel repellent, and then speared in the neck by Grayling. What a gruesome murder!"

"The final death of the games was that of Marino, after he was pounded by squirrels, who then ate him!"

"That makes our victors Grayling Odair, Caidence Williams, Kinetica Jersete, Blue-Jay Nicholson, Morph Rodriguez and Ling Rodriguez! They will be starring in The victor interviews that will occur tomorrow night. Along with the victors of this game, the victors of Game 1 will perform their victor interviews!"

"I will see all of you tomorrow evening! Until then, goodbye!"

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