Tribute Assessments (Game 2)

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Black Heart (Head Gamemaker)

"Narelle Dixie!" The intercom calls.

The skinny and bony girl comes in, before saying that she will be throwing knives for her assessment.

She makes her way to an archery target, and throws with pretty bad aim. Only a few of her many shots hit the target, while the others disappear in between the wall and the targets.

After a few minutes, her and her weak knife skills are dismissed.

After Narelle's weak performance with knives, the assessment of Marsh takes place. Marsh enters the room with a large grin on his face, as he had just done something mischievous.

"I will be sword fighting a peacekeeper!" He exclaims. While a peacekeeper and Marsh get placed in armor, us gamemakers discuss what tributes will have great assessments. The one tribute we can guarantee will do something unforgettable, is Grayling. There is no way she will perform a weak assessment.

We are then distracted, by the fight that begins.   Marsh scores many easy points, until the peacekeeper comes back for revenge near the end. The fight ends with one of the highest sword fight scores I've ever seen. 34-32. Marsh won by two points.

"What an impressive performance!" I say to Marsh, who proudly bows, before dismissing himself. Next is the girl who has been dubbed "The Soul Singer", Seana Leblanc.

Before I have the chance to greet her, she says "Hello", in a concerned voice. She makes her way to the center of the assessment room, and instead of using a weapon, or showing knowledge in something, she says "I made this just for you..."

I question what she means, but my thoughts are silenced when she begins singing.

You can judge me
You can destroy me
But that won't change what happened before

You can hurt me
You can kill me
But I'll still remember what's used more

You killed her

I am very concerned about what Seana just sang. Does she think I'm the person who murdered her mother and used her? I hope she knows I did not.

Before I can question Seana, a fellow Gamemaker pops up from his seat, and says "I'm sorry! I had to!", before slitting his own throat with a knife.

"No!" Many people around me scream, as chaos begins to break loose. The gamemakers run around, looking for avoxes, while I stare in shock at Gamemaker Fletcher's body.

How convenient. In the first game, Selene caused the chandelier to break, and now, Seana  guilted my fellow Gamemaker into killing himself.

Before I can look back at, and talk to Seana, she runs out of the room crying, screaming "I knew it this whole time! Why wouldn't they believe me!"

This assessment was another weird one.

After Gamemaker Baffiano Fletcher's body and blood is cleaned up after the short time of ten minutes, the next tribute, Marino West, is called in.

The gorgeous man comes in, and greets us gamemakers, not mentioning the long wait time since Seana's assessment.

Marino makes his way to the trident cart, before grabbing one of these weapons, and chucking it at some of the moving targets. His aim is almost unbelievable. He hits the target every throw, except for his last, which is when he sighs, and dismisses himself from the assessment room.

I hope that the rest of the interviews will go smoothly like Marino's, and not Seana's.

"Pike Tyson!" The intercom announces. Within seconds, the young boy makes his way into the assessment room, and grabs a spear, before greeting us, and then throwing.

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