Capitol Update: Day 3

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Justice Flickerman (Capitol Interviewer)

"Welcome back to Capitol Updates" I say to the cameras that are up in my face.

"The first death of the feast this morning belonged to Juliana Potenzis, after one of Mila's knives entered her head. I knew she would be giving us more action!"

"After Juliana was a death also made by Mila, Cache Zeltonio! Cache was electrocuted by a trap that was made by Dart, but meant for Mila. Poor Cache, I was rooting for her and Link."

"After Cache, Gallus was speared in the neck by Aroura. That was a close call for Rare and Aroura!"

"Speaking of Rare and Aroura, they were the last two tributes of the day to die. Rare was burnt alive, while Aroura committed suicide. She most likely would have been killed by her burn boils either way."

"I'm so excited for this arena's showdown!"

"That is it on today's Capitol Update! Hopefully we will have our victors tomorrow!"

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