The Reaping for Districts 4, 5 and 6

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Debbie Drake (Capitol Escort)

I walk through the Districts long tunnel, starting at Town Square, and ending at the Reaping Square.

If I had the choice to, I would not be an escort. I was given the choice to be an escort, or an avox. Anyone would easily choose to be an escort over a toungless slave.

This is my third year as the escort for District 4. According to the other escorts, District 4 is one of the easiest districts to escort. Lucky me.

I stare out into the blue clad youths, who all look sad for the upcoming reaping.

"Welcome to the reaping for the 100th Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor" I say to the youths, before walking to the large reaping bowl.

I pick a slip that feels larger than the others. I pull it up, to reveal the name of 17-year-old Narelle Dixie. A girl with short brown hair, walks head down to the platform, where she refuses to answer any of the questions I ask her.

After giving up to ask her questions, I walk back to the reaping bowl, where I reap 18-year-old Marsh Willie. A boy with practically no hair makes his way to the platform, where I see that he has many bruises all over his face. Before I can ask him what happened, he says "The peacekeepers did it."

The next person I reap is 16-year-old Seana Leblanc. A small girl with dirty blonde hair makes her way to the enclosure, before beginning to sing:

I have little past
You destroyed my future
You ruined my career
I will soon be six feet under

She starts walking to the platform as I give her a round of applause. She won't even look at me. How rude. A single tear falls from her eyes as she sits in the seat next to Marsh. Before I can go back to the reaping bowl, I hear Seana say "I'm a singer, you'll be hearing a lot of me in the arena..." That was an interesting thing for her to say. I hate to say it, but Most of these tributes I'm reaping won't be alive in a week.

The next tribute I reap is 18-year-old Marino West. A stunning young man with gorgeous black hair and green eyes makes his way to the enclosure, seeming even more dreamy as he makes his way towards the platform.

"Hello Debbie," he says as a greeting to me.

"Hello young man, what is a single word that you would use to represent yourself?" I ask.

He simply responds with the word, "Beautiful".

This makes me slightly giggle. Marino smiles, and then takes a seat.

"Pike Tyson, aged 15," I say into the microphone. A very small boy reveals himself, before, revealing his prosthetic hand. I wonder what happened to make him lose a hand?

On the platform, I ask Pike this exact question, to get the unexpected answer of: "A girl bit it off while I was swimming."

"Oh my!" I say, in complete disbelief. "How old were the two of you?" I ask.

"We were both 10. She has to be somewhere in the reaping square today."

Ooh, she is in the reaping square. I wonder what we will have in store for the games if she gets reaped...

I shake Pike's prosthetic hand, before going back to the reaping bowl, and pulling the name of 18-year-old Aquario Cresta. A boy with black shiny hair, and bright blue eyes, screams in fright as a peacekeeper picks him up and drags him to the platform.

Why would they start doing this now? This has not happened to any other tribute today. When he is on the platform, the peacekeeper says "This guy was in prison, he stole many fish from a market."

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