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"You should get some rest, Madara." Hashirama whispered through the darkness. He looked at the dark-haired man in front of him with concern. They had been working long hours since building the village. He could tell Madara had something on his mind that was bothering him.

"I will head home soon. Go on ahead." he muttered, waving his hand to shoo him. He was looking out the window, a solemn look on his face.

Hashirama frowned. He stepped closer to his old friend, placing a hand on his shoulder. Madara softened under his touch, his breathing becoming uneven.

"Oh, Madara. I know something is on your mind." Hashirama spoke softly. "Let's leave this office for once and get some food."

Madara sighed. He looked at Hashirama with a grimace, but nodded his head in agreement anyways.

Hashirama's mind wandered to the first time they had met. He was a handful of a child. He would often spout all of his dreams and beliefs to Madara during their secret meetings and he would always intently listen. Things were much different then. War changed them in different ways.

"Sometimes I miss the small moments of innocence we once shared together as children," Hashirama thought.

"Sometimes I miss the small moments of innocence we once shared together as children," Hashirama thought

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They arrived at a small shop and ordered themselves some food. As they waited for their food, Madara sat silently brooding.

Hashirama gave him a slight nudge to get his attention.

"Why the long face? Tell me what's on your mind." he queried.

"How can you be so calm when there's so much work to do, Hashirama?"

He gave him a pout. The Uchiha's are always so driven, but they could also be a little dramatic.

"You can take a break every once and a while. Look at where we are, Madara. We achieved what we wanted." he expressed. He reached out to him and grabbed his forearm, giving it a small squeeze.

Madara huffed and looked away. Hashirama could tell more was bothering him. Getting him to express how he feels was nearly impossible at times.

"Madara, I-"

Hashirama was interrupted by the shop worker bringing out their meals. Madara quickly snatched his arm away from his grip, drawing in his arms to cross them.

Hashirama stared at him for a moment, slightly hurt. He just wished to know what he was thinking about.

"Why don't you go on a walk with me after we eat?" he suggested, as he began to eat his food.

"I told you there is more work to be done."

"And I told you it's okay to take a break." Hashirama snapped back. "I just want to spend time as old friends."

Madara's body language softened. He looked at him with an apologetic face.

"Okay," he muttered.

They finished their meal and left the shop. Their dinner was quiet, for the most part. Hashirama tried lift his spirits, but Madara disregarded his attempts.

As they walked side by side through the village, Hashirama couldn't help but admire what has become of it so far.

Madara trailed a little bit behind him, sulking.

"I have something that will cheer you up." Hashirama hummed. He kept walking down the gravel path, winding through houses and shops.

"You know I don't like surprises."

"You will like this one." Hashirama protested.

He couldn't see it, but Hashirama knew Madara rolled his eyes at his comment. Turning off the main road, he led Madara down a small dirt path through the trees.

"Hashirama, where are you taking me?" Madara asked gruffly.

He ignored his question, as they were getting close to the location of the surprise.

"Close your eyes." Hashirama commanded.

"What? No."

"Please! Trust an old friend!" I pleaded. "It's not far from here."

He groaned, closing his eyes. Hashirama grabbed his hand and pulled him down the path. Madara blushed, trying hard to stay stoic.

They had arrived to a small group of shops in the village. Lanterns and decorations were hanging above them. There was a large fountain in the center. In the water were faux lily pads with tealight candles floating on them. It was late so it was just the two of them.

Hashirama let go of his hand.

"Open your eyes."

He watched as Madara opened his eyes. His gloomy expression melted into a soft smile. A smile that usually only Hashirama got to see.

"I guess you were right, Hashi." he chuckled. He looked around in awe. Hashirama watched the reflection of the twinkling lanterns in Madara's dark eyes.

"Let's sit."

Hashirama pointed to a bench placed next to the fountain. He walked over and took a seat, patting the spot next to him. Madara obliged and sat next to the brunette.

"I know something is bothering you. I care about you, Madara. You can confide in me." Hashirama expressed. He placed his hand on Madara's knee affectionately.

Madara's heart began to race at the touch of Hashirama.

"Please, don't worry about me. You are Hokage, after all." Madara pleaded.

"I care about you, Madara."

Hearing those words made Madara sink into the bench a little. He was never sure if Hashirama cared about him the same as he did.

"I know you care. Thank you." he replied, defeat in his voice.

Hashirama frowned at Madara. He wanted him to feel better, even if for a moment. Out of sympathy, Hashirama rested his head on Madara's shoulder.

Hashirama could tell the action caused Madara to be nervous.

"Hashirama." Madara murmured.


"I care about you, too." he voiced.

Hashirama rose up to look at Madara. He moved his hand from Madara's knee to forearm, tugging gently to make Madara look at him.

Hashirama gazed at Madara, thinking back on all of the times that they shared. He was truly his closest friend. Their bond was different than anything he had experienced.

"I'm glad you came." Hashirama smiled, nudging Madara.

Madara grinned, but his eyes showed how nervous he was.

"Hashirama, I care about you differently." he confessed. He looked down at the ground, avoiding Hashirama's gaze.

He felt Hashirama shift closer to him on the bench, but he still refused to look at him. Hashirama's hand slid down his arm to grab his hand.

"Madara, look at me please." he quietly pleaded.

Madara looked up to find Hashirama inches from him. He could see Hashirama moving closer, causing his heart to race.

The moment was interrupted by a crash coming from behind, bringing them to their feet.

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