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Hashirama and Mito sat across from each other in the corner of the restaurant. There were a few other people inside besides them, but they were seated far enough away to give them privacy. Their table was filled with lavish foods that were treated to them for their upcoming wedding. Most of the evening, they talked about their families and upbringing, their shinobi life, and other little stories that came up. Hashirama was impressed over her life and her abilities as an kunoichi. They shared a lot in common, making the conversation even better. She was so smart and well-spoken that he could've listened to her talk for hours.

Mito was equally impressed with Hashirama. Her eyes sparkled when he retold stories of the war and how he became head of his clan. She was completely invested in anything Hashirama talked about, asking tons of questions and adding her own thoughts. They shared laughs, and then had moments of seriousness. By the time they finished eating, they were talking as if they knew each other for years.

"I really enjoyed our dinner and not just because they gave it to us for free," Mito giggled as her cheeks blushed a light shade of pink.

Hashirama grinned, blushing a little himself. "I have to agree. I needed this, honestly. It's nice to have a conversation with someone that isn't angry with me all the time."

Mito gave him a look of concern. "Are you talking about your brother?"

Hashirama thought about her question. Tobirama was definitely one of the people he was talking about, but he also was thinking of Madara in the back of his mind. Lately, their relationship has been strained. Madara was quick to lash out at him sometimes, but even more so with the wedding approaching. Hashirama didn't fault him for it, but it still hurt his feelings.

"Tobirama is always angry with me nowadays. Nothing I do pleases him anymore. He used to look up to me, you know. But now? He just looks at me like he's disappointed," Hashirama confessed. His eyes got teary as he spoke. He hadn't told anyone about how he felt with his brother, mainly because it involved Madara. But with Mito, she felt like a safe space for him.

Mito reached across the table and held out her hand for Hashirama to take. "Do you want to talk more about it?"

Hashirama wanted to say yes, but he knew that explaining it would expose his affair with Madara and the truth behind the arranged marriage.

"It's okay. There's really not much to say about it," he sighed, sadly looking down at the table.

"You seem pretty bothered by it," she said sympathetically. She squeezed on his hand, making him look at her again.

"I'll save it for another night. Let's just enjoy our time," he sighed, forcing a smile on his face.

Mito appeared like she had more to say, but she was holding herself back. She smiled back at Hashirama, but her eyes still showed the same concern.

"Do you want to go on a walk before I turn in for the night?" she suggested.

Hashirama answered her question by standing up and holding out his hand. She happily accepted and let him lead her out into the village.

They walked hand in hand as they made a circle around the village, sharing a few more stories as they went. It felt nice for Hashirama. He really felt like he had a friend now, someone he could rely on. Mito was what he needed.

As they sauntered around, they managed to walk right past the area where the Uchiha clan lived. His relaxation quickly disappeared. He watched the buildings in the area as they passed, wondering if Madara would make an appearance. He was so focused that he didn't even notice Mito was studying him just as closely.

"Are you looking for someone?" she spoke out.

Hashirama returned his attention back to her, pretending to not be as panicky as he felt. "No. I was just keeping an eye on my village, that's all."

"Oh, okay," she sighed. She didn't look like she believed that excuse, but she wasn't going to push any further.

They finally circled back around and were standing face to face in front of Mito's inn. Mito held onto Hashirama's hands, gently rubbing the tops of his fingers with her thumbs. Her eyes were fixed on their hands, smiling to herself.

"Thank you for tonight," she hummed.

"No, thank you," Hashirama chuckled.

She looked into his eyes and brought one of her hands up to softly caress his face. "I know you're going through something that you aren't ready to speak about yet, but I just want you to know that I'm here for you. You can trust me."

Hashirama tried to look away, but she grabbed his chin to pull him back.


"You don't have to tell me anything. I just wanted you to hear that," she said softly.

They stared into each other's eyes for a few moments. Hashirama wanted to breakdown in front of her, but he forced his composure. When she looked at him, he didn't feel like a disappointment. It felt like she truly saw him for who he was and she was proud of it.

Hashirama broke their gaze by pulling her into his chest. She gasped from the sudden affection, but quickly relaxed into his arms. He held her tightly for a minute or two before releasing her from his grasp.

"Goodnight, Mito," he whispered before placing a kiss on her cheek.


He watched her go inside, and waited until the door was closed behind her before he started making his way back home.

But he noticed something. It was a familiar feeling.

The feeling of being watched.

He glanced around, looking at every possible area someone could be standing.


"Is someone there?" Hashirama called out, still feeling someone's eyes watching him.

No answer.

Hashirama was starting to feel uneasy. He decided to keep walking, hoping he could make it home without any issues. Eventually, the feeling went away as he exited the area and got closer to his home.

Was Tobirama still keeping tabs on me? Or do I have another problem to worry about?

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