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The two lovers laid on their sides, facing each other with their legs tangled together. Their lips were glued to each other, tasting salty from sweat. Their skin was hot, sticky, and covered in hickeys and bruises. They couldn't keep their hands off each other. It had been a few hours of intensity, and they still acted as if they craved more.

"Are you still mad at me?" Madara teased after leaving a trail of kisses along Hashirama's jaw.

Hashirama grinned. "Yes and no."

"What can I do to make it better?" Madara pouted.

"Maybe you could actually apologize?" Hashirama answered with his tone shifting into agitation again.

Madara raised up and rested himself on Hashirama's chest. He met with Hashirama's eyes, showing a bit of sympathy. He was starting to realize Hashirama was actually bothered by his actions.

"I'm sorry I did that to you. I was an asshole," he said softly.

"Did you actually sleep with anyone while I was gone?" Hashirama questioned, feeling his insecurities coming back. It was a question that had been on the back of his mind all night.

Madara shook his head no. "Your brother was up my ass the entire weekend, so I wouldn't have had time even if I wanted to. Tonight was the first time he actually let me out of his sight and wasn't demanding reports. You don't have to worry, Hashirama."

"I'm surprised you managed to tolerate him," Hashirama chuckled, feeling relieved by his answer.

"I figured you'd be mad if I hurt him," Madara joked.

Hashirama laughed. "You're right."

"So, what are you going to do about Mito?" Madara queried.

"I'm not sure. I'm sure she'll have something in mind," Hashirama sighed.

Madara seemed dissatisfied with the answer, but left the conversation be.

Hashirama sat up while gently sliding out from under Madara. "Speaking of, I should probably head home. I promised her I wouldn't be out too late, and it's already way past midnight."

Madara grabbed his arm before he could completely get out of the bed. His dissatisfied look quickly escalated to a look of irritation. "I don't want you to leave. She had you all weekend, so that isn't fair."

Hashirama gave him a stern look.

"Tobirama will probably show up first thing in the morning. If I stay here any longer, I might end up falling asleep. Neither Mito nor I would be able to explain why I wasn't home without the truth slipping out. Plus, I don't want to piss her off enough for her to expose everything. You know this, Madara." Hashirama explained.

He could see that Madara still didn't agree, but he let go of his hand anyways.

"I just missed you," Madara whined.

Hashirama smiled and his eyes lit up. It was rare for Madara to be honest about how he really felt.

"I missed you, too."

He kissed Madara's cheek before putting his clothes back on. Madara relaxed onto the bed and waited for him to finish.

"I love you," Hashirama hummed before giving him one last kiss goodbye.

He could tell Madara was still agitated as he left, but Hashirama hoped that he could make it up to him later.


Mito had prepared a large breakfast for Hashirama, Tobirama, and herself to enjoy. They all sat around the table, finishing up the last fee bites of their meal. Most of the morning was just Mito explaining the details and telling little stories of their trip. Hashirama tuned most of it out and stayed quiet. It only reminded him of the uncomfortable experience.

"Did you enjoy your trip, Hashirama? You've been pretty quiet this morning," Tobirama inquired.

"Of course," Hashirama replied, forcing a smile on his face.

"I think he is still in relaxation mode. Right, darling?" Mito spoke, trying to avoid Tobirama's pressing questions.

Hashirama caught her eye and she was giving him a "Don't blow this" look. She knew him well enough now to know he couldn't hide his emotions.

"Right. I wish we could have stayed longer. It was nice to get away and relax for a bit," Hashirama explained further, forcing a cheerful tone.

Tobirama didn't even seem to notice his fake attitude.

"Well, I'm glad you could rest, but I hate to tell you we have a lot of work ahead of us." Tobirama cautioned. "However, I did try to make it easier for you by laying out some plans."

Hashirama nodded, and began mentally preparing himself for the work ahead of him. Despite it all, he really did enjoy having some time away. It was refreshing to not be stuck behind a desk all day.

"Mito, I enjoyed the breakfast, but I'm going to have to steal my brother away so we can get back to work," Tobirama smiled.

"Oh, of course! Don't work him too hard!" she teased as she began clearing the table.

As the two brothers prepared to leave and head out the door, Mito called out to Hashirama, "I'm going out today! Hopefully I will have a surprise waiting for you at home tonight!"

Hashirama was confused, but went along with it. He has learned that Mito is always two steps ahead while scheming something. Whatever it was, it was probably nothing Hashirama would expect.

As the two brothers walked, Hashirama could feel Tobirama eyeing him. He was starting to get flustered, wondering if Tobirama was onto him.

"What's on your neck?" he asked sternly.


"Nothing," Hashirama answered bluntly.

He attempted to cover up the hickeys with his hair and clothes, but Tobirama yanked his hand away to reveal them.

"Those are hickeys," Tobirama asserted.

"Why are you concerned? I came back from my honeymoon, remember?" Hashirama quickly replied.

"I just find it hard to believe you have taken to your new wife so well. Especially with how adamant you were with Madara." Tobirama explained with his tone hinting suspicion.

"It's strictly professional with Madara and I now. That's what everyone wanted, right?" Hashirama scoffed.

Tobirama smirked. "I wasn't accusing you."

Don't say anything stupid.

"Mito and I get along well. You should be pleased."

"I've noticed." the younger brother replied dryly.

He's suspicious. Does he still have eyes watching me?

If so, why hasn't he done anything?

"We should go over today's meeting," Hashirama advised, changing the subject quickly.

He wanted to avoid any possible conversation with his relentless younger brother about Mito and Madara. The anxiety of Tobirama possibly finding out was too much for him to handle right now.

Thankfully it worked. As they continued walking, they conversed about their plans for the day. Despite the hickey-conversation, Hashirama enjoyed talking to his brother. It felt like old-times again.

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