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hi pals!
this unrelated to the story, but we are approaching the beginning of the end & i kinda wanna get some ideas on some other ships you may wanna read once this one is over! (don't worry we still have a ways to go with this one)

i have considered sasuke & naruto, gaara & (maybe lee? maybe naruto?), & kakashi & obito
((i can also do het-ships too))

i just want to have some ideas in my head so i can start preparing for the next & i want to hear from you guys! so please don't be shy & let me know!

thanks!! now back to our regularly scheduled programming!


"Any other reports that I need to look over?" Hashirama sighed as he looked over to his younger brother.

He was standing off to the side, sorting through reports that were scattered on a desk.

"That should be enough for today. There is still so much unrest between the villages. The summit can't get here fast enough," Tobirama groaned. He looked more stressed than usual.

"We'll achieve peace. It just doesn't come easy," Hashirama assured.

He gathered the reports on his desk and set them off to the side for them to pick up tomorrow morning. As he looked back up, Tobirama was still looking at him dolefully.

"I believe in you, Hashirama. You are a better man than me, even if I don't let you know it," he expressed tenderly.

Hashirama was taken aback by his words. He had been so hard on him the last few weeks, it was almost starting to feel like his brother resented everything about him.

"Thank you, Tobirama." he blushed, trying his best to keep his composure.

The younger brother smiled shyly before gathering his own work to put away. As he turned around, Hashirama was already standing in front of him with his arms out. He pulled Tobirama in for a hug that had been long overdue. All of his emotions began to pour out.

"I thought you hated me," Hashirama whimpered.

Tobirama was shocked. "I could never hate you, Hashirama. What are you talking about?"

Hashirama couldn't hold back his tears anymore. "You've been so angry with me lately. I can't handle losing two of the most important people in my life, Tobirama."

"Are you talking about Madara?" the youngest questioned softly.

"I know I'm not supposed to be involved, but it hurts me so much."

Hashirama expected anger to erupt from his brother, but instead, he squeezed him tighter.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you. I just wanted to protect you. You don't understand, Hashirama. He's not the man you think he is," he explained. His voice wasn't harsh like it usually was. He sounded sympathetic.

"What are you talk-"

Before Hashirama could finish speaking, one of the aides entered the office. The quickly let go of each other and Hashirama wiped away his tears.

"Oh, I'm sorry for interrupting. Tobirama, your team has come back from their mission. I was told to inform you as soon as possible." the aide announced nervously. She seemed embarrassed to walk in at such an emotional moment.

"We'll talk later," Tobirama sighed before following the aide out of the room.

Hashirama felt uneasy.

Does he know something?

Or is he just going to reiterate things I already knew?

He shook off the thoughts and tried to compose himself to go home. Mito was going to be waiting for him with whatever surprise she had planned, so he couldn't stop at Madara's like usual.


As he got to his front door, he could hear Mito's voice faintly speaking to someone. He stood for a moment and waited to see if he could hear who else was with her.

But it went quiet.

He figured the only way to find out was to go inside.

His eyes first fell on Mito who was preparing a dinner. She looked up and smiled at him as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

He scanned over to the sitting-room that was across from the kitchen. His eyes grew big and he immediately slammed the door shut behind him.

"Madara?" he gasped.

His lover was comfortably sitting on the couch with a glass of wine in his hand. He was watching Hashirama with a smirk across his lips.

"Surprise! I invited him over." Mito beamed from the kitchen.

"For what? When did this happen?" Hashirama questioned, still in shock from the sight.

"I rushed over to his home before he could leave for the day, so I could invite him over for dinner," she explained cheerfully.

Madara cut his eyes over at Mito in the kitchen. "I wouldn't say she invited me. More like forced."

"Don't listen to him. It barely took anything to get him to agree. He's a real softie for you," she teased.

"I really didn't even come for the dinner. I'm here for what will be dessert later," Madara chuckled.

Hashirama couldn't believe what he was seeing and hearing. Having both of them in the same room was too much.

"Hush, Madara. We haven't talked about that, yet." Mito scolded.

"Talked about what?" Hashirama queried.

They both looked at each other as if they were determining who would be the one to explain everything.

"I was going to wait until dinner was served to explain," Mito began.

"Explain what?" Hashirama snapped. His anxiety was through the roof.

"I invited Madara to help us. It was the only solution I could figure, and I knew you would never ask him yourself," she explained nervously.

Hashirama glanced over to Madara, who was sitting with a pleased look.

"You agreed to this?" Hashirama asked him.

"Why not?" Madara grinned.

"No, this is not happening! There's a reason I didn't ask him, Mito!" Hashirama bellowed.

Madara quickly stood up and met Hashirama to where he was standing.

"Don't ruin the mood with your sulking, Hashirama." he glared.

"Let's just eat and talk about it. Please?" Mito suggested softly.

Hashirama had an unusual feeling of humiliation wash over him. All he could do is stand and watch as Mito set the table. He felt Madara's hand on the small of his back pushing him gently towards the table. His mind was yelling at him to turn around and run out of the house, but his feet began moving towards his seat.

Am I in a nightmare?

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