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The early commotion of the village outside the room woke Hashirama up. His eyes opened to find he wasn't in his room, but in Madara's. He turned and reached out to find Madara wasn't beside him. Quickly raising up, he crept out of bed and walked out of the room.

"Madara?" Hashirama called out, standing in the hallway.

Hashirama could hear movement in another room down the hall. He walked towards the noise to find himself in a living room. Madara was sat at a table in the corner, working on the unfinished reports Hashirama had brought with him. Hashirama stood for a moment and admired him. He was wearing his sleep pants and an open robe, exposing his chest. His hair was still messy from his slumber and it fanned around him as he slouched over the papers. Madara noticed Hashirama standing at the doorway and put down the papers.

"I figured I would get these done for you," Madara explained, holding up the finished reports.

"Thank you," Hashirama beamed.

He walked over to where Madara was seated and hugged him from behind. Madara tried to push him away, but Hashirama squeezed tighter.

"I can't work with you hanging on me, Hashirama," he scolded.

"I didn't make you do my work," Hashirama reminded, placing a kiss on Madara's head.

Madara grumbled, succumbing to Hashirama's affection. Hashirama's hands rubbed his bare chest, leaving goosebumps on his skin.

"I'll let you finish," he whispered, placing one last kiss on Madara's head.

He left the room to go wash up, leaving Madara to himself. Madara returned to the last of the paperwork with a soft smile on his face. The touch of Hashirama still lingered on his skin.

A few minutes later, Hashirama returned back to the room. He was dressed and cleaned up. Madara was finishing the up the last of the workload, furiously writing and reading. Hashirama sat on the couch across from him and watched.

"Everything's done," Madara announced, writing down the last bit of notes. "I'm going to get ready."

Madara stood up and placed the papers in a neat pile for Hashirama. He exited the room and disappeared down the hall to another one. Hashirama stayed seated on the couch and waited patiently for him to return. His eyes floated around the room, looking at the intimate space of Madara. His home was sparsely decorated with just the essential furniture. The Uchiha emblem appeared frequently throughout the home. It was tempting to look around more, but he didn't want to invade Madara's privacy.

"Are you ready to go?" Madara asked as he walked back in the room, now fully dressed.

Hashirama nodded and stood up from the couch. He followed Madara through his home and out into the village. He noticed Madara become visibly more nervous as they stepped out onto the road together. The morning crowd surrounded them as they walked through the village. Eyes followed their every movement, making Hashirama start to feel self-conscious, too. It felt like everyone knew their secret.

"I have a Uchiha clan meeting to attend, so I will catch up with you later," Madara spoke abruptly, grabbing Hashirama's shoulder.

Before Hashirama could turn around and reply, Madara disappeared into the crowd of people. Hashirama continued walking towards his office, a feeling of dread overcoming him. Tobirama was going to be waiting for him to arrive.

Hashirama entered his office to find Tobirama waiting. He was sitting on the edge of the desk with his arms crossed. His face was emotionless, but his eyes were like daggers. Hashirama bowed his head down and headed straight for his seat.

"Where the hell did you go last night?" Tobirama questioned, still seated on the desk. He shifted slightly so he could turn around and face Hashirama.

"None of your concern," Hashirama snapped, cutting his eyes at Tobirama.

"It is my concern when you're slacking on your work for the village, Hashirama," he growled. "You know I will find out."

Hashirama glared at him, annoyed by his brother's pushiness.

"I'm allowed to have a life outside of this office. I completed yesterday's work and I have today's waiting on me. You should go." Hashirama ranted, waving his hand to shoo him.

Tobirama stayed in place, scoffing at Hashirama's words.

"You know why I am here," he said, eyeing Hashirama.

Hashirama groaned out of frustration. He leaned back in his seat, pushing his hair out of his face.

"I want to suggest Madara," he announced, keeping his eyes low.

Tobirama hastily slid off the desk to stand and face Hashirama. The eldest brother looked up to find Tobirama's face was in shock.

"You can't be serious, Hashirama," he pleaded.

"I am."

"He may be one of the founders of this village, but it will never happen. You can't be that naive to realize that," Tobirama replied.

"You need to get over your disdain for the Uchiha clan," Hashirama scolded, standing up from his chair.

"The people want you as Hokage. Even the Uchiha clan recognizes you. I am just being honest about what everyone thinks," he explained.

Hashirama frowned, lowering his eyes.

"Do you even understand where their power comes from?" Tobirama questioned.

Hashirama stood silently, waiting for him to continue.

"The more hatred they hold, the more powerful they become," he continued, "And you are choosing the strongest one. The one who holds the most hate."

"He cares about this village, Tobirama," Hashirama reminded.

"I believe you. However, the village doesn't trust him. You need to accept it."

Hashirama was at a loss of words. He didn't want to believe that to be true. Madara cares deeply about the village they created and deserves to be Hokage just as much as him. Before he could reply to his brother, he sensed something.

"Someone is listening," Hashirama spoke, lowering his voice. "Do you sense it?"

"No, I'm not infusing chakra. Don't try to change the subject, brother," he grumbled.

Hashirama rushed to the door and opened it to find no one behind it. He looked both ways down the hall before retreating back to his office. Tobirama was looking at him with a look of confusion when he returned.

"See? It's nothing," Tobirama pointed out.

Hashirama sat down at his desk with a sinking feeling in his gut. It didn't feel like nothing.

"I will finish this discussion with you at home. I have to prepare for the conference tomorrow," Hashirama expressed, shooing his brother out.

Tobirama left, leaving Hashirama alone. Uneasiness washed over him, making his thoughts race. Things were beginning to get harder.

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