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"Hashirama, we can't just leave. What about the village?" Madara expressed his concern. Hashirama sounded like he had lost his mind.

Hashirama ignored his concern and stood up onto his feet. He appeared distracted by his thoughts. "We'll leave tomorrow morning."

"Do you not hear me? What about the village, Hashirama? You are still the Hokage," Madara tried again.

This time, Hashirama noticed Madara's concern, but he seemed unfazed by it. His expression was blank as he stared back at Madara. It was a dramatic change to how he was a few moments ago.

"It doesn't matter. I have to go talk to them and see what is going on inside of their heads," Hashirama explained solemnly. He couldn't waste any more time. The only way he could solve this is by talking to them directly and giving his side of the story.

"Maybe it would be better if I just stayed here," Madara sighed. "I might make things worse."

Hashirama gently shook his head. "You won't."

"No, you should go alone. Seeing those old fucks will only make my blood boil," Madara retorted.

Hashirama looked displeased, but he nodded in agreement. As much as he wanted Madara to go, the risk of him getting upset could push everything over the edge. Everyone was against Madara right now, and he was never one to stand down from a challenge. If the Feudal Lords tried anything around him, blood would be shed. So, he was right; it probably is best that he stayed in the village.

"I'll leave tomorrow morning. Hopefully I will be back the following night. Will you meet me at our spot once I'm back in the village?" Hashirama took Madara's hand into his and looked longingly into his eyes.

Madara nodded. "What do you want me to do while you are away?"

"Stay out of trouble," Hashirama said lightly. A small smile swept across his face, making the Uchiha chuckle quietly.

"Only for you."


With a small bag packed, Hashirama was ready to head out to meet with the Feudal Lords. He woke up in the early hours of the morning to avoid running into Tobirama. He couldn't know what he was up to, or else, things could get worse.

The sun was close to rising when Hashirama made it to the entrance of the village. It was a huge relief that he made it through without running into anyone. He left a clone to stand in for him while he was away. However, it made him nervous doing so. The last clone he used ended up with a sword in his back. Hopefully, with Madara around, no one will notice.

Stepping out of the village, his journey officially began. It terrified him a little bit. He had no idea what the Feudal Lords would say or do.

Can they really stop Madara and I from seeing each other?

Will they strip me of my Hokage title?

Am I going to have to watch my back for assassins?

So many thoughts and questions cycled inside his head. It was frustrating to feel this way. The uncertainty of it all was maddening. He couldn't understand why they would be so against love. If they truly feared Madara's wrath, why on earth would they do something like this? Madara was in love with Hashirama. Love is supposed to be good and innocent. If anything, people should be glad he was happily in love.

The Feudal Lords were only half a day's travel away. He had many more hours to go, and many more hours to be alone with his raging thoughts. There was really no way for him to prepare for this meeting. He wasn't even quite sure what he would say to them. It was probably best to play the situation by ear, anyways. Pushing back the thoughts, he began to think of Madara.

"I hope he is okay," he thought, feeling worry settle in again.

He couldn't help but wonder what he could be doing. If anything, Hashirama's clone would keep things in order. Hopefully.


Madara found himself walking towards his clan's underground bunker. It was a location where they often held secret meetings to discuss the village and the struggles the Uchiha clan had. There was no meeting being held tonight, yet Madara still felt compelled to go down there. He couldn't understand why, but something was drawing him down there.

Upon entering the bunker, he walked towards a stone tablet that was placed in the center. This tablet had been passed on for many generations in the Uchiha clan. It could only be deciphered by someone with the Sharingan.

For some reason, it was calling to him. It seemed no different than usual. It read the same words as it always did, yet...it was different. Was there an answer here? Or has he just gone mad? His eyes stayed fixed on the stone slab, studying it intensely. It was almost as if he was waiting for it to change before his eyes.

But nothing happened.

He left the bunker and headed back towards his home. Thoughts of Hashirama and his trip weighed heavy on his mind. Part of him wanted to believe Hashirama could fix everything, but with his luck, it was probably unlikely. If only he could live in a perfect world. A world where there could just be peace.

How nice would that be?


Hashirama entered the Feudal Lords' home, feeling anxiety course through him. He could hear chatter in the room ahead.

"They must be in there."

He knocked twice before entering. The room went silent as he stepped inside. The Feudal Lords were gathered around at a table, staring at Hashirama as he stood in the doorway.

"Lord Hashirama, it's a surprise to see you," one finally spoke up.

"I need to speak with you all," Hashirama said confidently. He shut the door behind him and approached the table they were seated at. They stayed quiet and waited for him to continue.

"It's about what my brother may have told you."

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