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Madara woke up to a pounding headache. The memories of last night were fuzzy. The one thing he could really remember was falling asleep in Hashirama's arms. He had taken him to bed and laid with him as he cried himself asleep. It was apparent that at some point during the night, he had left, because the space beside Madara was empty.

He understood why he had to leave, but it still hurt nonetheless. Today was the day. The man he loved was going to marry someone other than him. Even though Madara never really considered himself the marriage type, he would've married Hashirama in a heartbeat if he asked.

But that will never happen now.

Madara didn't feel like getting out of bed, physically and emotionally. He wanted to just hide from the day until it was over. The headache he felt was nothing compared to his heartache.


Hashirama looked in the mirror as he adjusted his clothes. He wore an all-black kimono with white accents. It was hand-sewn and tailored just for him and his wedding day. He would feel more excited if he was actually marrying someone he loved.

Through the mirror, he could see the door opening behind him and Tobirama walking in. He was dressed in a similar attire to Hashirama.

"You look nice," Tobirama marveled.

"You, too."

Tobirama crossed his arms and made a scowl with his face. "You can't try to sound happy?"

"I am. It's my wedding day, right?"

Tobirama looked down at his feet and sighed. His frustrated appearance switched to a gloomy one. "I'm sorry it had to be this way, Hashirama. I don't want you to hate me."

Hashirama shook his head. "I don't hate you."

"Could you at least look at me when you say that?" Tobirama muttered.

Hashirama turned around from the mirror and faced his younger brother.

"I don't hate you," he repeated in a monotone voice.

"I just wanted to protect you," the youngest whimpered.

"Why are you bringing this up now? An hour before the ceremony?" Hashirama questioned angrily.

"I don't know why I'm bringing it up. I just don't want you to be miserable, Hashirama. I honestly don't. I wanted to be a good brother to you." Tobirama emotionally confessed.

"Just...just drop it. I have to finish getting ready." Hashirama brushed past him and left the room.

He didn't know how to feel about his younger brother. It felt like Tobirama was just being selfish. He didn't want Hashirama to be happy. If he did, he would've left him and Madara alone. It was obvious he just wanted to feel better about himself. He didn't want to harbor the guilt that he ruined his brother's life.



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"You may now kiss the bride."

Hashirama nervously wrapped his hands around Mito's small face. He prayed that she couldn't feel him trembling. She looked at him with her big, almost-black eyes. A puddle of tears pooled underneath them, but didn't dare fall to her cheeks. She was smiling, but not like she usually did. It almost seemed like she was just as hesitant as he was. Hashirama leaned down and placed his lips on top of hers.

Their first kiss.

Her lips were soft and tasted like strawberries. They glided delicately against Hashirama's, which wasn't something he was used to. When he would kiss Madara, there was always passion. It would be hard and desperate, as if they couldn't get enough of each other. It didn't feel right with her.

They pulled away and turned to face their guests. The crowd of people cheered below Mito and Hashirama. They all looked so happy for them. Hashirama forced a smile and waved to his people. The very same people that would've hated him if Madara was standing in Mito's place.

"Are you okay?" Mito whispered, looking up at her new husband.

Hashirama looked down at her with confusion. It was such an odd thing to ask while they stood in front of hundreds of people.

"I'm fine," he uttered.

She wrapped her hand around his and squeezed his fingers. She returned her focus to the crowd, waving to them, as well.

Soon after, they were escorted away to go back inside. They were brought to a room to have some time alone before they had to back out for the reception. It had a few snacks, drinks, and flowers displayed on a table. Beside it was a small sitting area for them to relax.

"I'm glad that's over," Mito sighed, collapsing onto the sofa.

Hashirama chuckled, "That's surprising to hear."

She messed with lining of her white kimono with her fingers anxiously. "I guess I'm not a big fan of crowds."

"Oh, I see." Hashirama sat beside her, letting out sigh, too.

Mito rested her head on his shoulder, and ran her hand up and down his arm lightly. It didn't feel like a romantic gesture, but more like a sympathetic one.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked again.

Hashirama mustered up a small smile. "I told you I was fine. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know," she simply answered.

They sat quietly, listening to the growing chatter coming from outside. Soon, someone would be coming to get them for the reception. Part of Hashirama hoped something big would happen and it would have to be canceled. He wasn't sure if he could through the rest of the day. All he wanted was to do was see Madara. Hashirama couldn't imagine that he was doing well, especially after the night before.

The door opened and one of the wedding aides rushed in. Their moment of relaxation was about to be over.

"Are you two ready to go back outside? The guests are gathered around waiting for reception to begin."

The couple looked at each other and silently agreed to get up and go. Mito still clung to Hashirama's arm as they followed the aide out of the room. They began bracing themselves for the next part of the day.

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