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Hashirama's eyes could barely open the next morning. His head was pounding from the whole bottle of sake Madara and he drank. Any movement he made felt like agony.

"Why did I drink so much?" he thought to himself, regretting his decisions.

In the next room over, he could hear shuffling and movement.

"Tobirama is back home." he thought.

He forced himself to get out of bed, wincing in pain. Hashirama stood for a moment, trying to collect himself before Tobirama sees him.

*knock knock*

"I'm home, Hashi," Tobirama called out through the door. His footsteps trailed off to another room, followed by the sound of a closing door.

Hashirama immediately sobered up at the sound of his brother's voice. He quietly rushed to the door, pressing his ear against it.

"He must be in his room." he inquired.

He slowly opened the door, and tiptoed down the hall to go to the wash room. The thought of Tobirama catching him like this was worrisome. He would lecture him for days.

"Are you just waking up?"

Hashirama froze in place, afraid to turn around and face his brother, whom just called out to him. He racked his brain trying to think of something to say.

"Brother?" Tobirama called out, concern in his voice.

Hashirama could hear his footsteps approaching him. He had no choice but to face him.

"Yes, I had a long night at the office." Hashirama replied, as he spun around.

Tobirama's eyes scanned Hashirama up and down, shock growing on his face.

"You look like shit," he scoffed, crossing his arms.

"I don't feel well, Tobirama. Let me go-"

"Did you go out drinking?" Tobirama interjected.

Hashirama's face grew red remembering what had happened yesterday. He couldn't tell Tobirama about it or else he will go ballistic.

"No, I told you I just don't feel well," Hashirama defended, sounding annoyed.

"I smell it on you, idiot."

His eyes widened, unsure of how to reply to Tobirama. He fumbled over words, trying to explain.

"Save it. You better be ready to make a decision about who will be Hokage tomorrow." Tobirama scolded. He turned around and stormed off to his room.

Hashirama stared down the empty hall, guilt washing over him. He needed to figure things out for the village, but he didn't want to tell Tobirama how he really felt about the situation.

"Well, shit." Hashirama thought.

He let out a sigh and continued going to wash up. He had a long day ahead of him, especially since Tobirama was breathing down his shoulder now.


In the office, Hashirama was surrounded by reports and documents, all built up from the day before. His hair was a curtain around him as he hunched over the paperwork, scribbling furiously. Hours had already gone by and he was barely halfway through. It was mid-afternoon now and most of the aides were already on their way home, leaving Hashirama alone at the office. As he worked, he daydreamed of Madara. Hashirama had looked for him throughout the day, hoping to at least catch a glimpse of him; but it seemed he wasn't around. Hashirama convinced himself he was probably busy, too.

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