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"He was with you?" Tobirama questioned, sounding definitely shocked.

"Sorry! I had invited him in after he walked me home. We talked so long that we fell asleep!" she explained, stepping beside Hashirama. She tucked her hand around his bicep and gave him a reassuring squeeze. "I didn't mean for him to get in trouble."

Hashirama didn't know what to say. What was she doing? Does she know something?

"Oh, well...that's fine," Tobirama sighed, still eyeing Hashirama suspiciously. Hashirama couldn't tell if he was convinced, but he knew he couldn't argue with Mito.

This was sheer luck.

"Can I go inside my home now?" Hashirama asked innocently.

Tobirama stepped aside and allowed them both to come in. Mito hung back with Tobirama while Hashirama rushed to his room to change. As he dressed, his mind wondered why Mito would lie for him.

Is she going to use this for blackmail? I don't see any other explanation...

Once he changed, he met back with the others in the kitchen. Tobirama appeared visibly shaken still. Mito acted completely normal, almost as if she was enjoying this. They both turned their attention to Hashirama as stepped beside them.

"I'm heading to the office now," Hashirama announced.

"I'll join you," Mito smiled.

She grabbed Hashirama's arm and led him out of the house, waving to Tobirama as they left. Hashirama studied her every move, picking her apart to see what the hell she was up to. She noticed him staring, and gave him a smile. They just walked, acting as if nothing happened.

"Can I ask you something?" Hashirama asked once they were far from his home.

She kept her eyes straight in front of her, tightly holding his arm. "Hm?"

"Why did you lie for me?" he shakily continued.

"No reason," she simply answered.

This wasn't enough explanation for Hashirama. He needed to know more.

"Do you even know where I actually was?" he blurted out. He instantly regretted saying that. He honestly didn't want to know if she knew. It would only make things messier.

"Nope," she answered.

"I'm confused. This really doesn't make any sens-"

She stopped walking and pulled Hashirama to face her. Her usual bright demeanor was toned down to a serious one. "I trust you and your judgement, Hashirama. I want you to feel the same way about me. Now drop it and stop worrying."


"Th-thank you."

She brought back her usual smile and began walking again, waving Hashirama along to follow. He was at a loss for words. He followed behind her like a puppy-dog, ready to obey her every command now.

This woman...she's amazing.

"How about that dinner tonight? I noticed a lovely restaurant the other day that I want to try," she spoke cheerfully, changing the subject.

Hashirama wasn't going to say no to her. He practically owed her his life now. "Of course. Anything you'd like."

She looked happy with his answer. Whatever she was up to, Hashirama wasn't going to do anything to fuck it up. She was on his side and he needed that.


"Hashirama, darling? Do you prefer yellow or orange?" Mito asked, holding up two different fabrics. They were in his office, wrapping up their day's work.

Hashirama looked up from his paperwork that was scattered on his desk. He studied the choices, before answering, "Orange?"

Mito scoffed. "Wrong answer. You really weren't lying when you said you'd be no help."

Hashirama chuckled, "I'm sorry. I tried to warn you."

She smiled and continued sifting through the last minute details of the wedding. For once, it really didn't make Hashirama uncomfortable to talk about the wedding. He was still very much against it, but Mito had this unique hold on him. In a weird way, he was okay that it was her that he had to marry. She was nothing like he had imagined. She was becoming his friend, if anything.

"I'm going to drop off the rest of the plans with the aides and I'll be right back. Do you need anything while I'm away?" Mito was already standing by the door when Hashirama looked up.

"I'm fine. Thank you, though."

She scurried out of the room with her hands full of wedding plans. Hashirama listened until he could no longer hear her footsteps. Taking his chance, he left his office in a hurry and headed out to find Madara.

He checked every room he passed until he found Madara. He was in an office with his nose in a book. His dark hair hid most of his face, but Hashirama could still see that he was deeply focused.

He knocked on the doorframe to get his attention. "Hey."

Madara dropped the book on the table once he noticed it was Hashirama. He looked him up and down as if he was trying to see if he had been harmed.

"You're in one piece? Did you manage to slip past your brother?" he questioned with a surprised look.

Hashirama started to explain the situation with Mito, but figured it would be too hard to understand. He didn't even fully understand it, himself.

"Yeah, he was still asleep when I got back," he lied.

Madara nodded. "I see."

"You seem busy, so I'll leave you to finish you work. I just wanted to find you and let you know I was still alive," Hashirama said light-heartedly.

"I appreciate it," Madara chortled.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

Hashirama left and went back to his office, leaving him to work in peace. Madara picked up the book he had been reading, and flipped to the page he was last on. It was a collection of the Uchiha clan's history. He had others just like it in a pile beside him. He was scouring them in search of information about the stone tablet, but they all reiterated the same things. He was frustrated that he couldn't find the answer he was looking for, even though he wasn't entirely sure what that answer would be. It just felt like it would be the solution to all of his problems.

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