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The Feudal Lords looked up at Hashirama with blank stares. He could feel his nerves rattling with stress and anxiety.

"So you want to talk about your affair with Madara Uchiha?" said one of them.

Hashirama crossed his arms and glared at the man who spoke. "Yes, that's what I want to talk about."

"Well, go on."

"First, I want to know what exactly Tobirama has told you about the situation," Hashirama ordered.

The men exchanged silent looks amongst one another. It seemed like they were deciding who would be the one to speak up.

"We have been told that you are quite distracted by the Uchiha. There is evidence that you have skipped out on some of your duties as Hokage so you could go off with him. Many villages have reported that the work you send is sloppy. This only started when you began your affair with Madara. Is that what you are wanting to hear?" one of the men explained. They all stared at Hashirama with disapproving looks. He felt like a child being scolded.

"Yes," he replied sheepishly. He hadn't realized that other villages were complaining, too. This makes matters so much worse.

"Not only have you neglected your duties, we also realize that Madara is a dangerous man. There are rumors he has been holding meetings with his clan to undermine the leadership we have in place. Did you know that?" Their eyes burned Hashirama's skin. He couldn't believe what they were saying.

Hashirama's eyes widened. "What are you talking about?"

"Madara was quite upset that a Senju was elected Hokage. He believes the Uchiha clan is being pushed to the sidelines. The man is power-hungry. He is only using you for his gain," they concluded.

The room was eerily silent. Hashirama's heart was pounding hard in his chest.

That can't be true. Madara would never hurt me. He loves me. I know he does.

Hashirama took a deep breath and made sure to look the Feudal Lords in the eyes. "Madara would never do anything to harm the village, or me. I was aware of Madara's fears, but we talked about it. This is all taken out of proportions."

"Hashirama, you have to set an example for the village. Madara has done some questionable things in the past. You cannot deny that. No one will take Konohagakure serious if you are attached to Madara. If anything, it will cause distrust," spoke the eldest of the Feudal Lords.

Hashirama stepped closer. Frustration was building up inside of him. He was no longer nervous. He was angry. "What are you getting at? You cannot expect me to just stop."

"Oh, we realize that. That's why we have made arrangements for you. You came at just the right time, as we had just finished discussing our plan," they explained in a confident voice.

"Plan?" Hashirama questioned. He eyed the men, waiting for their explanation.

"To set a good example for the village, we have arranged a marriage for you. A marriage that the people of the village will approve of, and it will be widely accepted with other nations. She comes from a well-respected clan and family. I think you might like her if you just let Madara go." The words rattled in Hashirama's brain. It all sounded like nonsense, but he knew they were serious.

"You can't make me marry anyone. That's absurd. Did you really expect that to work?" Hashirama bellowed. His face was red with anger.

"Actually, we can. Either you marry her, or you are to be exiled and deemed a criminal. You would spend the rest of your days with a target on your back," they remarked.

The floors underneath Hashirama's feet began to buckle and crack. Small roots popped a few inches above the floorboards. Hashirama was beyond angry. The looks on their faces showed fear at the power of Hashirama.

"Do you know who you are talking to? I'm not some child you can control. I won't marry that woman, whoever she may be," he seethed.

"Marry her or lose everything you have," one of them snapped. "Do you want another war on your hands? Do this for your people, Hashirama."

Hashirama was in disbelief. Every inch of his body was screaming at him to just wipe out everyone in the room. Marriage? This was their answer? This was far from what Hashirama expected.

"What about Madara?" Hashirama asked, his voice much calmer than before.

"Nothing will happen to him if you just do this," they replied.

Hashirama thought about it for a moment. All of his options ran in circles in his head. He felt cornered. There was no compromise for him.

"If I do this, will it be the end of all of this?" Hashirama sighed.

"You have our word."

Hashirama covered his face with his hand. He felt like a scumbag for even agreeing to it. What will Madara say? What will he do? There would be no stopping his wrath.

"Who is the woman?" Hashirama asked, looking up from his hand.

"She is the daughter of a well-respected leader of the Uzumaki clan. Her name is Mito. She has no idea about the situation, so you don't have to worry about her knowing your dirty, little secret," the eldest explained. "She lives outside of the village, so she will arrive at the end of the week to allow her to prepare. The wedding is set for the following week."

Hashirama's heart sank as he listened. He couldn't believe he was actually agreeing to this insane plan. He felt selfish for not fighting harder. But what could he have done if he lost everything? What would they have done to Madara?

"So what do I now?" Hashirama wept. He hadn't noticed the tears streaming down his face.

"Go home and end things with Madara. We will send word to the village to start preparing for the wedding."

Broken and defeated, Hashirama left the room. How on earth could he face Madara now? What would he even say? There's no way he could end things.

Maybe I could still sneak around with him. I just have to be smarter about it.

Or maybe, he will murder anything and everyone.

Hashirama felt useless. He allowed them to control him. The only way he could justify it in his mind was the fact that Madara would be left alone. Hashirama would rather suffer, than have Madara be in harm's way.

Hashirama didn't bother to rest for the night. He just wanted to get to Madara as fast as possible, before the rumors of the wedding got to him. He needed to be the one to explain first.

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