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i'm sorry if the last chapter was painful for your hashimada hearts

it had to happen

ok now back to the story <3

The day had turned to night and people were scattered everywhere at the venue. Some were dancing, some talking, and some drinking away the night. It was a bit chaotic to watch. The newlyweds had just finished receiving their gifts from villagers, and other allied nations and clans that came to attend.

The gift they received from Konoha was a brand new house for them to call home. Hashirama wasn't sure if he was excited about that. On one hand, he didn't have to live with Tobirama anymore. But on the other, he had to live with Mito. The Uzumaki clan gifted them with a luxury honeymoon at a hot springs. They received numerous other items, as well.

Hashirama was ready for the night to be over. He broke away from the crowd to be on his own. Mito was surrounded by her family and friends, busy chatting away. Tobirama was mingling with the other nations' leaders. It was the perfect moment to catch some peace.

Hashirama stood at the edge, right next to the dense forest that surrounded the entire village. There wasn't a soul around him, which was relieving. He couldn't stand to have another meaningless, fake conversation. It was going to drive him insane if he had to hear one more "Congratulations!"

It was quiet where he stood. He could hear the rustling of leaves behind him.

Wildlife, he thought.

The crunching of leaves got a little louder.

Maybe it's a bear coming to eat me and take me out of my misery.

Hashirama kept his eyes forward. He didn't care what it was, he just hoped that he wouldn't be bothered.

The crunching stopped and it was silent again.

"You're not going to enjoy the party?"

Hashirama's heart stopped.

That voice.

He spun around to find Madara standing a couple of steps away from him, hidden by the shadows of the trees.

Hashirama glanced back at the party to see if anyone was watching him. Everyone was still preoccupied, so he took his chance to slip away. He took Madara's hand and pulled him further into the forest.

Little did he know, Mito was keeping her eye on him. She watched as he escaped into the forest, but didn't dare react to bring attention to him. She would handle it on her own once she had the chance.


The two men walked a little bit further into the trees, but not too far so Hashirama could easily rush back if he heard someone searching for him.

"What are you doing here?" Hashirama questioned out of concern.

Madara shifted nervously on his feet. "I-I don't know. I just found myself walking here."

Hashirama smiled, taking Madara's hand into his. He gently rubbed the top of his hand with his thumb.

"I'm glad to see you," he murmured.

Madara grinned, but his eyes held sadness behind them.

"You look really nice," he whispered.

Hashirama blushed, shocked to hear Madara openly compliment his appearance. "Thanks."

Their bodies seemed to gravitate closer. Barely any space was between them now.

"Are you doing okay?" Hashirama asked softly. He rubbed his other hand on Madara's chest, trying to comfort him.

Madara shook his head, frowning. "I don't want to talk about it right now."

"Did you want to talk at all?" Hashirama frowned.

"I just wanted to make sure you hadn't forgotten me already, I guess."

Hashirama chuckled quietly, "Don't be ridiculous, Madara."

"You're a married man," Madara pointed out.

"And I'm out in the woods with you. What's your point?"

Madara pouted his lips and brought his arms up to drape around Hashirama's neck. They were chest to chest, breathing in sync.

"Can we just forget everything that is going on for a moment? I want a little bit normal." Madara sighed. He dropped his head, hiding behind his hair.

"We can do that," Hashirama agreed.

He placed his fingers underneath Madara's chin, and gently pushed him to look back up. A small smile crept on his face once their eyes met.

"I love you. Only you." Hashirama whispered.

"Do you promise?"

"I promise."

Madara smirked. He leaned in as if he was going to kiss Hashirama, but stopped only millimeters away from his lips.

"I love you, too."

Hashirama closed the gap and pushed his lips against Madara's. His arms wrapped around his waist, squeezing so tight that Madara was almost being lifted off the ground. Small giggles escaped his lips in between breaths, but Hashirama pulled him back in possesively each time.

For a brief moment in their kiss, everything felt right. The wedding, the drama, the pain were all far in the back of their minds. It was like time stopped just for them. There wasn't a thought in their mind other than them.


Madara shoved Hashirama back and took several steps back. Once Hashirama found his footing, he looked back towards the party.

Standing a few feet away was Mito, staring directly at the two men. She looked frightened that she had been caught by them.

Hashirama's heart began racing.

"Mito, I can explain-"

"I-I didn't see anything! I won't say a word!" she frantically shouted to them.

She ran back towards the party, stumbling a bit from the panic.

Hashirama started after her, but was stopped by Madara grabbing his hand.

"What are you doing? I have to go!" Hashirama stressed, looking back at him.

Madara had a look of terror painted on his face.


"I have to go!" Hashirama wriggled himself out of Madara's grasp and darted after Mito.

He made it back to the edge of the party and began scanning around for Mito.

Where did she go? I can't see her.

He stepped further into the mass of people, pushing past anyone that was in his way.

In the corner of his eye, he spotted Mito. She was rushing to the opposite side of the venue. He started making his way after her, feeling panicked.

My life is over now.

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