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"So let's talk, Tobirama," Hashirama challenged, stepping closer to the men. There was a change in his demeanor. He no longer seemed afraid.

"I was just telling Madara what the village thought of him. Care to add your thoughts?" Tobirama said in a sarcastic tone.

Hashirama rolled his eyes and scoffed. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I'm just being honest," Tobirama taunted.

Madara glared at Tobirama, feeling his anger getting the better of him. The only thing stopping him from attacking Tobirama was Hashirama. With him around, he can't lay a finger on his brother.

"What can you possibly do to get rid of me, Tobirama? This seems to be what this whole thing is about," Madara inquired.

"I gave you the easy option. Stop the affair and everyone will leave you alone," Tobirama expressed in a calm tone.

"But what if I don't stop it? What if I keep sticking my dick in your brother's mouth?" Madara growled. He found joy in watching Tobirama's smug face turn into one of horror.

"Madara!" Hashirama gasped, grabbing his arm harshly. His eyes were wide in disbelief.

Tobirama brought himself inches away from Madara's face. "Is this what you want to do?"

Before the situation could escalate, Hashirama yanked Tobirama away. He put himself in between them as a way to block them.  "Stop this right now."

"You're going to let him tell you what to do?" Madara argued.

"Of course not! But this is getting absurd," Hashirama shouted. He waited for the men to settle down and give him their full attention before speaking again. "Tobirama, I'm not going to give up on Madara. End of story."

Madara felt heat rush to his cheeks listening to Hashirama stand his ground for him. However, Tobirama did not seem as pleased. He had scowl on his face and his crimson eyes were cutting through Hashirama like daggers.

"You are letting him ruin you. You haven't had any focus since you became Hokage. The village needs you, Hashirama," Tobirama pleaded.

"Then blame me. Not him. He hasn't done anything wrong." Hashirama stepped closer to Madara, brushing against his shoulder. The touch was calming to Madara. It was tempting to grab Hashirama's hand, but he refrained.

"What are you talking about? Think of everything he did during the war, Hashirama. He is pure evil," Tobirama exclaimed, crossing his arms. His frustration with the situation was apparent through his tone.

Before Madara could react, Hashirama had already stretched his arm across his chest, preventing him from stepping forward. For some reason, this frustrated Madara more. He couldn't understand why he still was protecting Tobirama. He was threatening their happiness and peace, despite being Hashirama's brother. He was their enemy now.

"You don't know what evil I'm capable of," Madara seethed at Tobirama. His stare was almost lethal, cutting through the younger brother. He was close to losing all control now.

"Madara, he wants you to get angry. Don't listen to him," Hashirama tried to assure.

Tobirama laughed to himself. "He's upset because he knows I'm right about everything. He even admitted it."

"You're taunting him. That's not the same," Hashirama argued.

"I'm not a child, Hashirama. I can defend myself. Just get out of my way and I'll dispose of this problem," Madara growled. His eyes were bright red again. He pushed through Hashirama and charged towards Tobirama at full force. Just as he grabbed the collar of Tobirama's shirt, he felt something wrap around his wrists and yank him backwards. Madara flew across the room, landing a safe distance away from the two brothers. His arms were bound to the ground with thick tree roots that splintered out of the hardwood floor.

"Hashirama stopped me," Madara thought to himself. He tried to break free of the binding, but the roots only tightened more.

"I've had enough of this," Hashirama spoke out harshly to both of them.

The sight of Hashirama's power seemed to change Tobirama's attitude. He was still stunned from watching Madara be restrained in a matter of seconds. Tobirama was strong, but knew his place when it came to the power of his older brother. He could never challenge that.

"I'll be the bigger man, and leave. Hashirama, I hope you think long and hard about this," Tobirama announced. He rushed out of the room, leaving Hashirama and Madara alone.

The vines that held Madara's wrists unwinded themselves and vanished back into floor. He immediately rose up and paced over to Hashirama.

Hashirama was looking down with his shoulders slumped. As he got a closer look, Madara noticed he was crying. Tears streamed down Hashirama's cheeks and dropped down to his feet. The sight broke Madara's heart.

"I'm sorry, Hashi," Madara whispered as he wrapped his arms around Hashirama.

His soft cries turned into a wailing sob. He slipped out of Madara's grasp and collapsed to his knees in front of him.

"Talk to me," Madara murmured, dropping down in front of Hashirama. He placed a hand on his back and gently rubbed circles as a way to calm Hashirama.

"M-my brother," he cried out. "He is going against me. What am I supposed to do? I can't pick sides."

Madara thought of his own brother. What would he have done if the roles were reversed? The thought of it was unbearable. He understood Hashirama's struggle. It's hard to go against your own blood.

"Let's end it then. You shouldn't have to choose," Madara said sadly.

Hashirama whipped his head up to look at Madara in disbelief. "No, I'm not giving up."

"Don't argue with me, Hashirama. I'm trying to save you from this grief." Madara grabbed Hashirama's face with his hands and pulled him in for a forceful kiss. A kiss goodbye.

Hashirama pushed him away. "You wouldn't be helping me by leaving. I need you, Madara. I need more time to figure this out. Please, just- don't leave me."

His words pierced through Madara's heart. Hearing his plea made him feel guilty for even suggesting it. Tears welled up around his eyes.

"I won't leave you," Madara cried, burying his face in Hashirama's neck. He felt Hashirama's arms wrap around him as they cried on the floor.

"I need you to pack a bag. We are going out of the village," Hashirama announced abruptly.

Madara sat up, confused. "What do you mean?"

"We are going to talk to the Feudal Lords."

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