Chapter 1: Shadows

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AN- Hello everyone!!! I need something to call y'all because everyone isn't working.

HMMMMMM Send me thoughts, Anyways.

I am going to go both off book and show for this fanfiction. I loved both so very much so I thought I would share a new story.

Enjoy skittles!!! (Ew that is gonna need work)

Listen to this playlist while you read:


(Third POV)

She was weak, frail, disposable. The First Army thought so, why shouldn't she? She stood at the edge of the Fold. Letting the wind whip her skirt around her pale frail legs. She softly hummed a tune as she let her fingers sway over the wisps of black shadows. The noise of the people far behind her faded as she stood their listening to the fold breathe.

"Yelna!" Someone called to her. Another girl almost her exact age came bounding up to her. She stopped short about ten feet from the Fold. She had long black hair. Her chestnut skin gave beautiful contrast to her brown eyes. Her hair whipped around her and she called for her again. "Yelna! Come on! Mal is here!"

She cracked a smile to turned to meet her friends eyes. "Alina! I knew you wouldn't stay away long!" She ran up to her and pulled her into a tight hug. Her (h/l) (h/c) blew into her face as she ran not having a care in the world. Her (s/c) gave a beautiful glow as they fell to the sand below them. The light blinding them momentarily.

"Alright! Alright! We have to go find Mal!" She pulled her up. Yelna shakily got to her feet. She looked frail, yes, but she was strong. She was an incredibly gifted tracker. She had been put into Mal's unit for that reason. Her and Mal were good but together they were great. Yelna took Alina's hand as they made their way to go find the last cog in their wheel.

She had noticed Alina still had her maps. She hadn't stopped by the tents yet. Alina looked back and smiled at her. What happened to her to make her so happy? Yelna wanted to feel like she did. Unconditional love and happiness for her family but, she didn't. She didn't know if she ever would. Yelna knew something the rest of them didn't. That's why she distanced herself. She was Alina's cousin.

She had always felt at home when she was close to the Fold. She had no idea why but, it called to her. It beckoned her to come closer, be free. She wanted to go into the Fold. She wanted to know what that freedom was like. She looked over her shoulder to the fold. The screeches of the Valcra could be heard from miles away. To Yelna that sounded almost human. She wanted to know what had created those dark horrible sounds.

Someone had pulled Yelna into a tight hug and smiled breathing in Mal's scent. He was sweating and needed a shower but there was always that hint of home. Ana and the orphanage. She hoped he would never lose that smell. They all pulled back to look at one another laughing. Seeing one another again after so long had them all in good spirits. After a few moments Yelna took her leave to take a short walk before the meeting.

She walked across the invisible line that separated the First Army and the Second Army, the Grisha. They used small science. In reality Yelna thought it was very simple. They could not create something out of nothing. They had to have a material or some form of what ever their power used around them to create anything. It wasn't magic as many of the First Army thought. She knew it wasn't magic. She felt it whisper in her hear when she watched.

For a few moments she just stood and watched them in wonder. The Infirni, the fire witches, those were her favorites. Second to the Darkling of course. She envied him. She wanted to power to control the shadows around her. She would be feared and never frightened of the dark again. She sighed and looked down at her hands. They were small and dirty. Disgusted she began to walk away only to trip over a rock.

A screech left her mouth and she closed her eyes tight waiting for the impact of the hard dirt ground against her hands and arms. It never came instead she was rescued. A warm hard chest greeted her head and strong muscular arms held her up. She opened her eyes slowly and pulled herself from her hero's grasp. She looked down and swiped the dirt from her skirt mumbling apologies all the while.

Someone chuckled. It was deep and raspy the voice. She shift her feet and looked up only to meet the eyes of the Darkling. For a moment she felt no fear, only resentment. She wanted what he had, his power. Then she looked deeper into his mesmerizing eyes and found herself scared of the man before her but, also enchanted. He cleared his throat bringing her back to the land of the Grisha.

"Are you alright?" He asked her tucking a stray hair behind her cold ear. She somehow managed to string a few words together while she felt a horrible blush creep but her cheeks at his touch. She felt sparks where his fingers brushed her.

"Um, Uh, Yes! Quite alright! I am so sorry. Thank you General." She gave a little curtsy before not to slyly running off. She heard him chuckle again to himself. When she was far enough away from him she leaned against a poll and took a deep breath. That was a lot for her to handle at this time.

She had in the last five minutes fell into the darkling, probably offended him, and run from him. Great! Just what she needed another thing to keep her mind busy but, the pull she felt when he touched her. His hand barely grazed her ear but it was intense. The surge of something she didn't understand deep inside of her stirred to life.

She barely had time to take a breath before she was being pulled to her feet by a First Army general. His grip was tight and he looked angry. No that wasn't right, he looked down right murderous. He glared at her with dark green eyes that sent a shiver down her spine. "Do you have any idea what you've done?"

"I-I'm sorry?" Yelna stuttered being dragged along the make shift road to the First Army tents. They weren't as nice as the Grisha ones but nothing was anymore. The Grisha remained a higher power to the First Army. They had nice tents and bullet proof kefta. Places that kept them safe and warm all year round.

"The Black General! Are you out of your mind?!" They stopped short just outside the entrance of the meeting tent. His hand still gripped her arm. His knuckles going white with how tight he was holding her. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from yelling out or showing the he was hurting her. She would never let them see her pain.

'Never let them see you cry.' Ana would say to them. They were children at the time. It was not long after the testers came to the orphanage. Alina and Mal hid from the testers. Yelna hated that they left her behind she was furious when they came back. She had been tested and she had the scar to prove it but something inside her told her that she never belonged with the First Army. She was missing a part to her life. Somewhere else entirely.

Thank you for the love y'all.
I don't wanna sound needy but uh read? Like? Comment? 🥺
Pretty please.

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