Chapter 4: Fjordens

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Hmmmmm, I am liking this fic. Don't know why. I love fantasy. Its exciting.

The darkling can have all my babies thought.

like Alexsander yes please.


(Your POV)

I was in an unknown bed. With unknown sheets and blankets pulled up around my shoulder. Against pillows that were not my own. By the looks of it, it was a Grisha tent. By the colors I knew it was the Darkling's. The black kefta he wore hung by the entrance swinging softly in the wind. I sat up to see him sitting at the end of the bed.

"Saints!" I swore. I didn't expect to see anyone in here with me. He looked up from the book in his hand and met my eyes. His smile brought me wonders as he began to speak.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better than I have in a long time. What happened in the Fold?" I jumped right into it. I needed to know if Mal and Alina were okay. Seeing as they were my only family I was concerned about them.

"You tell me."

"I'm sorry?" I sat up straighter and swung my legs over the bed. A soft carpet met my feet and I got shakily to my feet. I wobbled more than I wanted to and I found myself falling into his arms again. He gently set me back down on the bed.

"You went into the Fold. Then a blinding light was seen but also something dark. Something horribly dark and vicious." He looked down at my hands and I followed his gaze. I gasped when I saw them One of my hands, the left, was stark white. Only the skin under my nails showing my true color. The right one was empty and black. No true colored showed through this one.

I looked back up at him tears filling my eyes threatening to spill. He gently grabbed my left hand bringing it up to him. He shifted to the ring that was on his pinky was now on his thumb and he made a little cut down my arm. Blood seeped from it first, then a blinding light followed. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. It was beautiful and brilliant.

He gently laid my arm back down on the bed and lifted my right one. He did the same. He made a little cut and at first it seeped with dark red, almost black, blood. Then shadows creeped through the room. Up the walls and under the carpets. All around us was darkening.

He kept one hand on my right wrist and picked up the left one. Light swarmed out of it this time. It was beautiful the way the shadow and the light fought for dominance around us. I found myself in awe of them both. The shadow winning then losing. The light winning then losing. He dropped my hands and the room went back to its normal lighting.

"You...what did...what am I?" I stuttered as he stood to stand in front of me. He pulled me up slowly allowing me to catch my balance before pulling me over to a full mirror in the corner of the room. He stood behind me and moved the hair from the side of my neck.

"You are Grisha." He whispered into my ear. I felt shivers go up my back at his words and his closeness. I would be lying if I said I didn't find him attractive but, at this moment all I wanted him to do was kiss me. I looked at his eyes in the mirror. They were soft and calculated. My own were scared and soft.

He lifted my arms around my waist so I was holding myself. His hands against my own. "General," I began but was cut off by his deep baritone voice.

"Alexsander. Please." He said wrapping his arms around my own pulling me closer to his chest. I felt his rapid heart beat against my shoulders. His shallow breathing caused me to shiver against him.

"General Kir-," They cut themself off when they walked into the tent. The situation must have seemed odd to them. Me up against his chest in his room. His arms wrapped around my own. HE sighed pulling from me and turned to face who ever had just walked into the room.

"Speak." I watched him in the mirror. He was calm and collected, the pain I once saw in his eyes gone from them. He was tenser than before when it had just been us. I looked down at my hands and arms. The colors krept up them slowly almost as if someone had haphazardly threw paint on them but this, this wasn't going to come off.

"They are leaving sir." The man said before being waved away. Alexsander looked back at me and sighed. He walked over to where his kefta hung and draped it over my shoulders. It was soft but heavy.

"We will get you your own when we get to the Little Palace." He said resting a hand against my cheek. He turned to leave a few moments later and I followed pully my arms through the sleeves. Two horses waited for us outside the tent.

"Where is Alina? Mal?" I asked walking up to the horses. I put my hand against on of their noses and let him sniff before he knew I was safe. I looked to Alexsander again to find him lost in thought. "Alexsander?"

"Alina is leaving for the little palace." He walked over to me and helped me onto my horse. I didn't need the help but I let him anyways. I wanted to relish every moment he had his hands on me. I smiled down at him as he walked over to his own horse climbing on.

The horses began to gallop slowly at first then faster and faster until i was basicly floating against the horse instead of actually riding it. I felt something in my gut as we rode. The pain was to much. It caught me off guard and I fell from the horse. "Alexsander." I moaned his name as I hot the forest floor.

His horse circled back and he jumped off coming to my aid. He strong arms pulling me to my feet as I held my stomach in pain. "What is it?" He asked pushing hair from my face. His other hand found mine and he latched onto my wrist. I screamed out in pain and pushed him away. I was breathing heavily. He looked hurt.

"Alina. It's Alina. Something it wrong." I felt pain in my head this time and I watched as he jumped onto his horse and rode off to get Alina where ever she was. The pain in my head was excruciating. I pushed my palm against it to make it stop. I was becoming dizzy, everything swayed before me.

I pulled my hand away from my head and dark red blood coated my palm. I looked down at the white hand with blood red smears on it and almost collapsed. The blood was so dark. It almost looked back. A little pain in my lip caused me to refocus. I put my fingers to my lip and pulled away with more blood on my hands.

I fell to my knees when something collided with them. It wrapped around them and I was unable to move. I looked down to see a sort of rope around them. I felt a tingle in my fingers when a Fjorden came into view. Three of them actually. I was completely and utterly screwed unless Alexsander came back.

Thx for reading skittles
Remember to vote because I'm needy lmao
❤️❤️❤️lots of love

————————————-Thx for reading skittles Remember to vote because I'm needy lmao ❤️❤️❤️lots of love

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