Chapter 24: The Past pt2

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      Aleksander laid her down gently on the floor of the coach. The keftas and her cloak having enough padding for Yelna to be comfortable.

      There was so much adoration in Aleksander's eyes and his every move. He wanted nothing more than to make Yelna feel every pleasure that she had been denied.

      Gently he kissed down her body. Tracing every scar with his lips. His teeth grazing the sensitive skin. Yelna gasped and her hand found their way into Aleksander's hair as she gently tugged every time she felt tingles.

     He made his way to the outside of her thighs and did the same with the scars there. When he got to her hip with the recent injuries he whispered against them. Something Yelna could not understand in kerch.

      As they carried on with their activities the guards on the outside of the carriage remained stone faced and stoic on their journey. None of them wanted to tell the general that they would have to stop because the sun had set and it was dangerous to travel at night let alone with a saint.

      Ivan made a motion for the carriage to stop at the next town and the grisha nodded their heads in agreement. No one making a sounds. The sound proof coach was full of love that no one would be witness to on this night. Yelna and Aleksander were one in this moment and nothing could pull them apart.

     An hour came and went and the two lovers were holding each other in the hot carriage. Their sweaty bodies entangled together. The cloak had been moved to cover the two lying naked on the keftas.

     "What did you whisper against my hip?" Yelna asked him as she made little circles with her fingers against his chest. He had holding her close. One arm was around her as he gently dragged his fingers up and down her body.

     "Perfectly healed." He whispered to her not wanting to break this perfect moment that they had created. "It's old ancient Kerch. Not many still speak the language."


     I hummed in response when Aleksander told me what he had said against my hip. He had made me feel like no one had ever done before. My whole body was fueled by his touch.

     Every sense was on maximum overload when he hummed against my skin or touched me just the right way. I felt like everything was in place and all was where it should be in the world. Aleksander here now, with me and me alone.

Alina would soon be gone. Thank you saints. I would not have to worry about her again. Though I had a thought. I could use her. We could use her. I had to think my plan through before I brought it up to Aleksander but maybe he had been thinking something similar.

     The carriage came to an abrupt stop and I was thrown further onto Aleksander. We laughed and someone knocked on the door. He opened it just a crack. Ivan was there.

     "Sir. We need to stop. It's to dark to travel." Aleksander sighed as Ivan shut the door. I stood and pulled my clothes back on. He helped me pull my shirt and kefta back on. Leaving little kisses along my neck and gently licking the hickies he had made.

     "You're horrible. Everyone is going to see those Koya." I giggled and slapped his hands away playfully. He groaned and turned me around.

     "Let them know that you're mine Milaya." He coed pulling me into a passionate kiss. Another knock was heard against the coach doors and I sighed placing my fire head against his.

     "I guess that means it's time to get out."

     "I guess it does." I smiled sadly at him. He was everything I ever wanted. He was my whole world. My being standing before me. My opposite but at the same time my equal.

"What's wrong?" He pulled us both down to sit against the couch in the coach. His hands squeezed my arms in a loving way.

"I was thinking," Alina had invaded my thoughts again. I didn't want this to be something had only happened once. I wanted him to be mine. Till the end.


"Alina." His features turned to stone. He was waiting for the inevitable fall. "I saw something on the way here. I don't know if it was a memory or if it was you or what ever but," I took a deep breath. "I just don't want you to break my heart Aleksander."

I looked to the floor. Not wanting to look at his disappointment. I heard him sighed and he rubbed my arms soothingly. "There is nothing with Alina. At least not in the way you think."

I looked at him confused. My eyes shot up to his and I swear he let out a little laugh at my reaction. "What do you mean?"

"You manipulated the fold earlier. That's the goal. I want to use her power to manipulate the fold without killing myself in the process. Her power could make Ravka feared. We could rule. The grisha could be worshiped instead of hunted." He was so passionate.

"Amazing." It was almost a whisper. I couldn't believe that he and I had the same thoughts. Or well, practically the same. I just wanted to control Alina. He on the other hand had an actual plan to make us powerful.

"Yelna? You're not saying anything. I can't tell whether or not you're going to run." He sounded almost scared.

"I'm not going to run Aleksander but, I am willing to help. I want control of Alina though. I want her to suffer the way I have and if that is a problem then so be it but I won't stand in your way."

He looked at me as if I had just given him the best news on the planet. His features had a light to them that made me smile. For once I got to see his real genuine smile and it made butterflies erupt in my stomach. He placed a hand on my cheek and pulled me to him.

"Saints you're perfect." And he kissed me. I had never felt more complete in my life. I've said it so many times but he made me feel whole. He made me feel like I belonged here. With him. With the grisha. This was my home now and nothing could take it away from me.

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