Chapter 3: Grisha Power

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AN- IIIIIII'M BACK!!!! I wasn't gone long. Like less than a day but yay!

Here is another chapter for you Lovelies.

Y'all are the best .

Tootles skittles!!


(Your POV)

"It's weak but it keeps us safe." The infirni called to the people standing on the skif. She was dressed in a traditional blue kefta, which all summoners wore, and red, orange, and yellow embroidery along the kefta signaling that she was infirni.

The skif got off on a rocky start. swaying side to side. Mal and I were positioned inches from one another and we shared a shaky breathe as we left the docs. The soft blue light illuminating just enough around us to see.

As we got closer the need to feel the Fold and to be in the Fold got worse. More needy as I started to take a step forward not thinking about anything at all. Just that I needed to be there. The infirni put a hand on my shoulder and shook her head breaking me from my trance.

The skif enetered the fold and I gasped for breath. My whole body was on fire. My veins ached with pure energy. my pulse rapidly trying to keep up with my brain. The neurons firing faster than I could think or move. Screeches greeted us almost immediately. I looked back at Alina who looked scared.

I smiled at her as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. Someone was taping the blue lantern a moment later. I opened my eyes and everything was in the dark. Someone behind me lit a lantern and I turned rapidly trying to grab it from his hands. It was to late.

"Put it out." The infirni hissed at him. A Valcra picked him up by the shoulders and flew away screeching. He dropped the lantern and the whole skif went up in flames. I dove for a gun across from me. Everything was in chaos. Mal shot this way and that. More screeching, louder screeching ensued.

I covered my ears in pain. They sounded like human screams. I screamed with them. Every fiber of my being in pain. I watched mal get taken by one. Alina shot at it. It dropped him and she and I were on him in seconds.

(Third POV)

Yelna screamed as she dove for Mal. His body limp against the wet wood of the skif. His face had blood spattered on it. His hands shook as he grabbed for her and Alina. They were his rocks. He whispered to them at this moment.

"Meet me in the meadow." Then something grabbed the two girls. The grasped tightly to Mal's hands. The shock around them was huge. They didn't know what was happening. Talons dug into their backs and shoulders.

Yelna screamed in pain. Alina looked at Mal with fear in her eyes. Nothing was happening. Everything was moving in a sort of slow motion. Yelna and Alina grabbed hands and tightly held on to Mal at the same time.

Then something in them snapped. It was like nothing they had ever felt before. A release of years they kept hiding deep inside themselves. Something they never knew was their. Light grew from the two of them. A blast so big that people form miles away could see.

Then nothing. Yelna felt herself falling and hitting the ground but that was it. The pain and the strain had rendered her unconscious. What ever happened to her in the Fold had made her speechless.

The snap of what ever was inside her was satisfying beyond anything she had ever felt before. Something in her felt whole again. Like she was finally free from hiding a part of herself she never knew existed. She thought she knew why the Fold had been calling her now. She was an extension of it in a way.

(Your POV)

I woke groaning in pain. The world was bright around me. Hard wood against my back and a hand held tightly in my own. I turned my head to see Alina next to me on the floor of the skif. "We need a healer!" The infirni from before yelled causing me to close my eyes in pain.

Alina stirred as someone came over to work on her wounds. She gasped coming to as the pulled her from my grasp. I felt empty then. When her hand was gone from mine. I felt like a part of me had gone missing. I groaned again as another healer came over to work on me.

I screeched in pain as they put my ribs back together. "Saints!" I yelled throwing my head back. I had never felt anything like this before. I could feel the bones moving back into their places. I hated the feeling. I never wanted it to happen again.

"Get them up. The General's tent if you could." Someone out of view yelled from afar. I was pulled to my feet by two summoners and groaned letting my head hang as they half carried, half dragged me to the Drakling's tent. I caught glimpses of people along the way.

Disgusted faces. Scared, angered, feared. Every one something a little different. "Watch her hands! Those need to be seen by him!" The infini yelled to them as they dragged me through the First Army tents. I tried to look at my hands but they were behind the two head carrying me.

I hung my head again to exhausted to fight the sleep that was pulling me under. "Take her to his chambers. He will see her soon. Take Alina to the war tent." The same infirni said to the guards. I felt them drag me left towards the place where the Darkling would sleep.

I felt a soft bed meet my back and pillows meet my head. They felt like silk against my skin. A welcomed sleep greeted me as a soothing voice filled the tent telling the two people who carried me here to leave. I cracked my eyes opened a little to see who was speaking.

"Yelna. Sleep, I will be here when you wake." The Darkling sat next to me on his bed. He pulled a blanket up over my shoulders as i hummed in responce closing my eyes again and felt him push the hair out of my face. "Heal her while she sleeps. She needs it." I caught one last glimpse of him leaving before feeling the healer began her work again. I fell asleep moments later.

Thank you for reading skittles
Remember to vote cause I am a little uh needy. Lmao

 Lmao ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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