Chapter 40: Scarlet Rose

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I'm sorry. It's a short chapter but I promise the next is longer. I wanted to put the drama with Bagrah all together in one chapter versus separating it.

Love you skittles!!!
Don't forget to comment and like ❤️❤️❤️


Death had told me the truth.

I held up a hand to Ivan. He had taken in a breath to begin speaking. He was startled at my actions for a moment before closing his mouth and allowing me these few moments of silence.

"Where is she?" My voice was cracked and broken. Something I only ever wanted Aleksander to see and hear but he wasn't here. I didn't know where Zoya was. Ivan was by my bed. He had been a friend since day one which everyone found to be weird since he wasn't exactly a people person.

"Sankta." I shot him a look. It was full of fury. It was full of hate and pain and loss. It was the look of a woman who had lost everything. "I didn't mean any rudeness. I only wished to comfort you."

I stood on wobbly knees and he was by my side in seconds grabbing my waist and pulling one of my arms around his neck. "There's no way I'm going to get you to back to bed is there?" I shook my head and took a few steps forward already out of breath and we had barley even begun our journey to Bagrahs hut.

"I...need to see...Bagrah." I said between heavy breaths. I held onto his shoulder tightly and the other was grasping his hand at my waist. He nodded and took my weight against his side as he began to walk a little faster.

I had a hard time keeping up with him at this point and I allowed him to basically drag me out the double door to the little palace. I heard gasps from the people who had been outside before we had disrupted the peace around them. Pitied looks met me as we walked down the well worn path to the hut buried in the rocks and grass.

"Ivan." I whispered. A healer was headed out way. She was beautiful. Young and had beautiful straw gold hair. It bounced with her as she speedily walked towards us.

"M'Lady." She bowed which was new. I had no idea at this point what had happened while I was begging the goddesses for the life of Scarlet Rose. "This is a bed time I see but," she took a deep breath. "Would you like to see the baby?"

My features turned to stone as she gestured for another healer to bring the still born baby to us. I chocked on a breath as they got closer. She had striking green eyes. A head full of fire red hair. Her little hands were cold as I reached out to touch her. She was pale. To pale and I knew it as did everyone else. "Scarlet." I whispered as I took the baby from her.

She was tiny. Barley even a person. Her skin was cold against my hands and I shivered as I pulled her into my arms. Ivan held onto my waist tighter now. I gently pushed the little bits of red hair from her face and leaned in to kiss her forehead. Tears were falling freely my whole body shook with my sobs as I kissed my beautiful baby girls head. When I looked up away from the baby I swore for a moment I saw death.

Shrill crying filled the space around us as I felt the little bundle in my arms squirm and scream. The healers gasped and backed up a step. Ivan's fingers dug into my hips and I smiled down at my child. "Scarlet Rose." I whispered to the being that no longer stood before us. For death had gone. She had fled before the beautiful sight. She had given me my daughter back but it didn't take away my list for revenge.

"That's not possible." One of the healers gasped as a hand had been placed against her lips. I pushed myself from Ivan and handed him the baby. I looked at the healer and roughly grabbed her jaw. My nails dug into her skin leaving marks and red spots.

"Not impossible. Just improbable." I let go of her face and held my hands out for the baby. "Get a carriage ready. We're leaving for the fold at first light tomorrow." I slowly, with new vigor and enthusiasm, made my way to Bagrah's hut as Ivan left to make preparations.

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