Chapter 37: Unwelcomed Guests

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     I pulled from Aleksander placing my forehead against his. I let out a sigh a relief at the events of the last few minutes. I really thought he had left me for good. I was naive and a fool to think that. Then again I was a fool for him.

       Aleksander got on his knees before me and held my now much bigger stomach between his hands as he rested his head against it. "I'm sorry my beautiful baby girl." He whispered gently against it before placing a kiss where my belly button was. I smiled down at him and pulled his kefta onto me.

     "Aleks?" I questioned as he once again rested his forehead against my stomach. It was like he was more connected to this baby in this moment than he ever had before with anyone.

     "Yes Milaya?" He looked up at he and took my hands in his. He gently squeezed and got to his feet before me.

     "Marry me." I placed a comforting hand on his face and his features lit up like sparks. He reached into the keftas pockets and pulled out two rings. One for him and one for me. They both had beautiful black diamonds on them. It was a rose gold band with little black diamonds surrounding his black diamond and little clear diamonds surrounding my beautiful clear and black dashed diamond.

     He gently slid it onto my ring finger and brought my hands to his lips. I giggled and cupped his face in my hands after he had put his own ring on his finger. "I will."

    I pulled his face to mine and I kissed him. It was like electricity. The first time we kissed all over again. Over and over and over again. Every time his soft loving lips met my own in a passionate kiss. His lips moved slowly across my jaw and down neck. He nibbled my ear gently which gasped me to gasp and moan all at once.

      I let my hands tangle themselves in his beautiful raven hair and gently pull when he attacked the sensitive spots on my neck. He lifted me onto the table behind me. And stepped back just looking at me.

"What?" I felt my cheeks redden as a blush crept their way to my face. I looked away shyly at my fiancé.

"Let's run away. Just you and me. Let's go get married and get a farm with pigs and goats and our own horses." He cupped my face and I put my arms around his waist.

"There is still so much to be done here Aleksander. As much as that sounds like heaven we would have to set everyone up here before we left. We couldn't just up and leave three hundred grisha to mind themselves. It would be like children tasked with cleaning. It's a bad idea my love."

"Then we wait just a little longer. We stay until we're no longer needed then we go and raise this baby away from all of this. On a farm in Keremzin. Away from Os Alta and the king."

"I will agree to that Aleksander. We stay until we're not needed then we go buy a farm with pigs and goats and our own horses." I kissed his nose softly and he kissed my lips instead. I giggled into the kiss which made him laugh as well. This felt right. It felt perfect.

A knock was heard at the door. "Sir someone tried to attack the sun summoner. They-"

Aleksander walked over to the person speaking at the door. "They killed the decoy. Alina is missing. She has been taken sir. We have someone in custody."

"I'm coming. Don't even think about leaving me here alone Aleksander. This is as much my problem as it is yours now." I held my ring to his face and he smiled.

"I was only going to ask if you wanted to come Milaya." He chuckled and kissed my hand before entwining our fingers together. That's how we walked through the halls to the basement level of the little palace. His hand tightly holding my own. His kefta wrapped around me. My other hand on my stomach protectively and Aleksander watching me the whole way.

He watched as I held myself. I was confident despite having a now bulging stomach. His daughter was kicking but I didn't let it phase me. I kept on walking. Him by my side keeping me confident and loved. I looked over at him and he shot me a sheepish smile. I returned it by wrapping his arm around my neck and letting out hands intertwine like that and I rested my head against his side.

      The basement was cold. Colder than what I was used to. I could sleep in first army tents and shiver but this was freezing. I shivered and Aleksander pulled me closer to him. We walked to where the heartrender was leading us. Zoya stood against one of the walls. Ivan and two other heart renders including the one that brought us here were standing on the other wall.

I recognized him instantly. I saw him in this little village when I went to see Kaz Brekker. I didn't let anyone speak. I growled inhumanly and walked up to him. "Where is she Conductor?" I snarled.

"Far away from here I'm sure." He sneered. In that moment. I didn't think before I acted. I let shadows engulf the room. No one said a word. The only thing being heard was the screams the conductor made when my shadows ate him alive. I let my anger die along with him in this moment. Then I felt something. A tugging on my heart and my mind.

It was Alina. She was with Mal and I gasped. I saw them standing before me. They were in the woods far from here. But it was day in my vision which couldn't be right because it was still dark. Then it hit me. I was seeing the future.

"There going to find the stag."

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