Chapter 25: We Don't Need Power

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The next few days went by smoothly. We had restarted our travels to the little palace the next morning. On the way there I had used the paper and pencils I had asked for to create new designs for things I wanted to wear.

A kefta material dress was one of them. It was beautiful. It was black with gold adorning the top in an almost wave like look to the bottom of the dress. The shoulders were bare but it had sleeves to my wrists. It would just brush my ankles and my boots would match perfectly.

When we had arrived at the little palace Aleksander immediately gave the drawing to the fabricators who got to work on it seconds after they were given it.

Alina was worried sick about me and Aleksander. I pretended and lied. I watched the two interact as I stood by the sidelines. He had explained what he was planning and how he was going to accomplish it. I thought it was genius.

    Though, he seemed to have his reservations about it. About his own plan. We had been in the war room when he had first told me about his doubts. To say I was angry really wouldn't safice.

     "What do you mean you're having doubts about the plan Aleksander? It's your plan!" I had been yelling at him when he told me. He looked scared and sad for telling me that he didn't want to go through with it.

    "We don't need Alina! We have you. You moved the fold yourself!"

      "Yes two fucking inches Aleksander! TWO!" I was seething. It was his plan to begin with why was he backing out now?

      "We could practice! You could get better. Stronger!" The shadows crept around the room. Our anger affecting our abilities.

     "I slept for almost a full day after that and what?! You just want me to go and do it again?! Really?!"

      "That's not what I'm saying,"

     "It sure sounds like it. Or either with me or against me on this Aleksander. And right now it really looks like you're against. I don't need you to go through with this. I can do it myself. So if you're done crying in a corner and licking your wounds I have something to tell you."

He was visibly hurt by my words. I felt bad for snapping at him but he wasn't seeing the big picture. If we used Alina then neither of us would get the brunt end of the blame. It was Alina's power after all that had caused it. I didn't want everything put back on me and he wasn't getting that.

I sighed and walked over to him. I put a hand on his cheek and moved his face so he could look into my eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. I felt so powerful by the fold. I don't- it's all just getting to my head I think."

"Milaya," his town was soft as he placed his own hand over mine and moved so our foreheads were connected. I closed my eyes and felt his do the same. His eye lashes tickling the skin they had touched. "I know how it feels to hold that power. You changed that for me. I don't want the power anymore. These last few days with you have shown me that I only need you to be happy.

"I don't need the grisha to be in charge. I don't need to be kind. You don't need to be queen. We just need each other. That's all the matters anymore and I want you to see that. Of course if you are truly set on being in power I will get you there but please, just think it over. Don't jump to it just because you crave that feeling again. It leads to a dark path. If you'll pardon my pun."

I snorted and punched his chest. He had taken this beautiful moment and did that and it was perfect. I laughed with him. Tears filling my eyes as my stomach had begun to hurt from the strain.

"You're horrible." I said pulling out the seat behind his desk and sitting in it. He flopped onto the little love seat that was tucked away against one of the walls and laughed as he watched me.

      I pulled some blank papers and pencils from a drawer and began to draw. I always used to do this. When I had nothing better to do I would draw clothes and gowns that I wanted to wear one day. Not that I ever thought I was going to. I glanced up for a moment and caught him watching me.

      "Come lay with me. Show me what you're drawing." He moved to lay on his side and kept his head up and his elbow against the cushion. I sighed a happy and comfortable sigh. I made my way over to him taking off my kefta as I did. His smile sent butterflies to my stomach.

I made sure to grab the paper to show him as I walked over. Since the carriage ride back I have been making more and more designs for gowns and clothes that I want to wear. He asked to see each and everyone of them. Sometimes sending them to the fabricators sometimes keeping them for himself and tacking them on the wall. I had yet to receive any of the gowns and dresses he had sent fabricators.

     I laid with him on the couch. My side against his stomach. I showed him the paper and he smiled at it. "I want to wear it to the winter fete. It's a bit much but I think it's beautiful."

     "If you want to wear it then we'll make sure you wear it." He placed a kiss on the top of my nose and I smiled giggling as his hands reached for my sides. I was an incredibly ticklish person. My sides were my weakness and this he knew.

     "Aleksander," I began but didn't get to finished what I was saying as his hands had attached themselves to my sides and begun to tickle me. I screamed in pleasure and tried to push him off of me. "Aleks!"

     "Yes Milaya?" He said a smirk appearing on his face. He was enjoying this way to much. I tried to push him off which only landed us on the floor with a very auditable thud. The door burst open a moment later.

Ivan appeared at the doorway and we looked up. Aleksander had landed on top of me and I under him. It was a very insinuating position. And I laughed burying my head into Aleksander's shoulder.

"All is fine Ivan." Aleksander called to him and I heard the door shut with a soft click a moment later and Aleksander joined me in my fit of laughs.

A filler chapter for y'all

Do y'all like fluffy Aleksander?
I do lmao

Anyways lots of love skittles ❤️❤️❤️

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