Chapter 42: Alina Starkov the Sun Saint

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    I wanna take a moment to appreciate my makeup.
Please and thank you.

Anyways. Remember to comment and vote!!
Love you skittles ❤️❤️❤️❤️


     Ivan nodded his head and took the baby from the bed. Her whines echoed through the room. I frowned and tried to block it out. I couldn't get sentimental, not now.

      I was so close. I couldn't give up half way through. Having my daughter changed my perspective on things. I wanted the fold to come down. No more fear of the dark.

      I wanted her to grow up not know what that fear was. What the volcra were. How they were made. How her father was the one who made it. She didn't need to know that. She only needed to grow up happy and healthy.

     Ivan left the room with a crying baby in his arms. Down the hall the crying stopped. He slowed her heart enough for her to fall back asleep.

     After I heard no more foot steps I exited my room and made my way to the old bedroom. It was only a few doors down from where I was and in that time i pushed my emotions away and inside me.

      I opened the door and the talking inside ceased almost immediately. "You all know that my baby is alive." I said as I turned and shit the door. Latching the lock in the process. "That's a problem."

     I turned back to face the small group of people in the room. Three nurses, a random fabricator I didn't know, and a tidemaker. Those were the people in the room.  "What do you mean Yelna?"

     I didn't know their names. I didn't want to remember their faces. I brought my hands together in a clap and shadows engulfed the room."I mean it's not going to work out. Does that clarify this situation."

     I heard nothing in response, only the sounds of heavy breathing. The shuffling of feet was heard next to me and I formed the cut between my hands and let it go towards the noise. A gurgling sound and a slice was heard. Then something heavy hitting the floor.

Gasps followed the thud. Then nothing. No movement. No sound. No breathing even. Just the sound of my hands coming together and the air pulling violently in front of me to form the cut. I let it go fast and quick and heard nothing but more thuds and gasps before silence. Before I let my shadows fall.

     The room was destroyed. Cuts scratched the walls and the one standing bed posts where now crumpled atop the bodies littering the floor. Blood covered the once white carpet like a cloak against the wind.

     Knocking at the door didn't phase me. Nothing phased me until I heard someone behind me yelling. I turned abruptly running into Zoya.

    "You weren't supposed to see this. You aren't even supposed to be here!" I shouted at her. Her eyes were wide. The fear evident on her face. Her body shook with every breath.

     "Yelna," she whispered into the air. The word floated around the room for a moment before they settled in me.

     "That's not my name anymore. My name is Alina Starkov. I am the summoner that will bring Ravka to its knees."

I pushed Zoya out of the way. "Get someone to clean this up. Ask no questions." I told her looking over my shoulder her body was still shaking uncontrollably.

She nodded and I left the room slamming the door behind me. I took off back down the hall to Aleksander's bedroom. I grabbed a bag and threw some clothes in it. After that I changed into a formfitting black dress and put my kefta on over it.

I grabbed the bag and left the room. Once again shutting the door behind me with a boom. I walked down the hall as fast as I could. I made eye contact with the door to the room once. I never stopped. I never slowed down.

Once outside I caught sight of Ivan. Walking over to him I placed my bag on the ground next to the black carriage. "Where is Zoya. She is to ride with me. As are you. We have much to discuss."

"I do not know. Let me find her. I will be back momentarily." He took back off towards the little palace. I noticed something weird with him.

He wouldn't make eye contact and he kept shifting on his feet like he was getting ready to make a run for it. I studied the way he shuffled into the little palace. Standing there watching him. I felt like I was being betrayed.

That some way I was going to lose them. That I was going to lose Aleksander. Maybe by his mistakes or by my own but, I was going to end up alone. It was a feeling I had deep down in the pit of my stomach.

     I looked away from the little palace blinking a few times to wet my now very dry eyes. I walked to the door of the carriage and climbed inside. It was the same carriage Aleksander and I were the first time we slept together.

     Happy memories flooded my head and I smiled as I sat down. Looking around I noticed little things that would be forever different because of us.

     The scraps on the floors from our shoes. The stitching from my old kefta that had gotten stuck on a nail. The tiny tear in the fabric of the seating from my nails.

     Tony things no one would notice unless they really looked for it and, I just so happened to be looking for it. I heard a faint knock at the door and wiped the smile from my face.

     "Come in." I shouted. The door opened to reveal a very tired looking Zoya and an exhausted Ivan. I gestured for them to climb into the carriage and shit the door behind them.

     Once they settled themselves into the seat across from where I was sitting I put my elbows on my knees and took a deep breath.

     "I plan to kill the sun summoner."

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