Chapter 9: Whispers

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AN- this is the dress you will be wearing later on in this chapter. This one if more of a filler chapter than anything else.


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Oops. Sorry skittles
Lots of love
(Third POV)

They made their way through the Little Palace, every now and again stopping to talk to some of their fellow grisha. Polite exchanges took place but once the Darkling and Yelna were far enough away the whispers began.

"She's in his color."

"She doesn't belong here."

"She smells like the inside of a barn."

They would laugh with one another secretly taunting the new grisha that had captured the Darkling's gaze. Most of all Yelna thought that were jealous. The new girl getting all of the attention from the person with the most power over them. She saw the looks and the stares while she walked down the halls in her black kefta, Alexsander holding the black and white one on his other arm.

Her gloves had been put back on some time ago so the other grisha wouldn't ask questions. The only people who knew of the twin powers were Alexsander, the infirni from the skif, Alina, and who ever was on the skif. That was it. Only the people who actually witnessed it were the ones who knew. The ones who knew that she was a freak even by Grisha standards.

They walked to the black hallway as it was so graciously named for the colors. Alexsanders room was at the very end of the hallway. Huge double doors with his mark on them. The eclipsed sun and moon painted in gold. The war room was a few doors down from his and hers was right across from that.

They slowly walked down the hallway in silence just enjoying one another company. Her uniform itched and the heavy kefta sitting on top was making her hot and uncomfortable. Alexsander took notice to this and stopped taking the kefta off her shoulders and opened her door for her to enter.

Rows of dresses and dressing gowns lined the bed. In every color and design. Yelna gasped and rushed up to the dresses touching the fabrics with her gloved fingers. Alexsander chuckled to himself and laid the keftas on a chair shutting the door behind him. He walked up to her and gently removed her glove as she studied his face.

"You do have dresses to look at you know." removing her gloves he went and placed them on the desk against the wall across from the bed. She cleared her throat and went back to looking at the dresses that had been laid out across her bed. Her fingers traced the stitching delicately as Alexsander leaned against the wall watching her.

He watched her move with the tapping of his foot gently on the floor. It was a nervous habit but one that he never minded all that much. She took a deep breath and grabbed one of the dark green dresses from the bed and went into the bathroom to change.

His breath was taken away when she exited the bathroom a few moments later. The bodice fit her waist and hips perfectly. The whole top of the dress had beads and diamonds stitched in the "sleeves" if you could really even call them that, were wisps of green mesh fabric stitched to thing straps which held the dress up. The bottom of the dress fanned out to make a beautiful almost cloud like puff around her legs. She stood waiting for him to say something as she fidgeted nervously with her fingers.

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