Chapter 8: The Show

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AN- this is the design of the keftas later in the chapter.

——————————————(Your POV)

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(Your POV)

Alina stood at the entrance with Genya waiting for the two of us. She was beautiful even in her First Army uniform. She kept her eyes I had happen to notice when she pulled the veil over her hat so we could see her face. She had a slight blush like I did and her lips were slightly pinker than usual. I smiled at her and Alexsander let go of my hand before she saw. I was confused for a moment until I noticed that he was treating her how he had been treating me.

Of course I had hoped he was only treating me like that but that was swallowed when I saw the two of them talk. I was butted to the back of our little group as we made our to the Palace. It wasn't far but I ended up lagging behind to look at everything. It was beautiful but I thought the Palace didn't quite fit with all of this amazing architecture.

"It's the ugliest building I have ever seen," Alexsander said. I snorted and he looked back at me with a small smile and held out his other arm for me to take. I looped mine through his and we all walked together to the palace.

"Yes. It is quite ugly isn't it." I replied with a smile playing at my lips. Alina remained in a quiet awe as we walked into the building. What looked to be at least fifty grisha were standing there waiting for out arrival. Blue, red, purple, all grisha colors met us as we walked in.

I held tighter to Alexsander's arm. I never liked crowds. They made me uncomfortable and nervous. When we were all spaced out it was fine but in a room like this with this many people it was a little much for me. He squeezed my hand in comfort and we walked to the huge double doors that led to the ball room we would be using for our show.

     We all stood in front of the doors. Guards in black and red in front of us. Alina, Alexsander, and myself behind them. Behind us more guards and a ton of grisha. I felt intimidated by the doors. The room in front of me held every single key to my future.

      I took a deep breath and the guards pushed open the doors. Aleksander let go of Alina and I's hands and we walked one pace behind him. Alina and I were mesmerized by the room. It was an almost white cream color. Gold adorned the details and the king and queen sat on their throne. Their first son behind the king looking externally bored.

       We made our way down the stairs and stopped before the king. My fear of disappointment crept its way into my head. Alina and I bowed in respect. The general and the king shared a few words about the two of us then it was time for the show. Alina was presenting first. I would have to remove my left glove.

      I took a deep breath as I felt the shadows climb the walls. My right hand twitched as I pulled the glove from my left hand. I felt pulled towards Aleksander at that moment. I took a step towards him and his eyes shifted to me. He shook his head and grabbed my right hand through the glove forcing the power to back down.

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