Chapter 15: Aleksander

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     When I woke I was still in the room with the healers. People were walking about. Putting things away and pulling stuff off of shelves. Someone was sitting in a chair by my bed.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched. My joints cracked and popped from not moving them for a while. The person in the chair stirred and their kefta fell off their shoulders. Aleksander sat in the chair across from me.

"You're awake." He groggily said picking his kefta back up. I noticed the little red splotches on it here and there. I nodded and turned to look out the little window to my left.

"I ruined your kefta." I stated my eyes looking at the floor in shame. I heard Aleksander chuckle and the bed dipped. I looked over at him.

"Malenchk." His palm met my cheek and I leaned my head into it. "Little ghost."

"I speak Ravkan lapushka." I responded hoping he didn't quite hear me whisper the last word. My face flushed with embarrassment. His hand left my face and he walked over to the side of the bed and held his hands out for me.

"You need a bath." He stated as I grabbed his hands and he gentle helped me out of the bed.

"Spasibo. I wasn't aware of what being kidnapped did you one hygiene." I grumbled as I lost my footing. I must have been in one hell of a situation I was in before being healed. I didn't remember most of it. I just remember pain.

"Are you alright?" His face was inches from mine. I felt my heart quicken in pace.

"I'm fine. My hip. It feels numb." I rested one of my hands against it and I felt him pick me up. "What are you doing?"

"We can't have you walking in this state now can we?" The smirk on his face made me think he had other plans. Shadows engulfed us as we walked through the halls.

Well more like when he walked through the halls. No one could see us. We were invisible to the eye. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I was nervous to be spotted like this. Though there was no reason to be.

When we entered the hallway of my room he kept walking to his bedroom. "Koja what are you doing?" Realization hit me that I had called him handsome out loud instead of in my head.

His laugh vibrated his chest and sent shivers down my spine. "You find me handsome?" He stopped inches from his door and placed me back on my feet. Still unable to really feel my hip I basically fell against it.

The space between us closed and his arms wrapped around my waist. His hands were warm against my hips. His breath hot against my cheek. I found myself looking into his eyes. "Milaya." He whispered in my ear before attaching his lips to my neck.

The door opened behind him and I was caught by Ivan. I was out of breath and embarrassed beyond all belief. Aleksander looked smug. "Babink." I grumbled as Ivan helped me onto my feet and to a comfortable chair in the corner of the room.


Ivan shot me an apologetic look before he turned back to Aleksander so glared at me from across the room. They spoke in hushed whispers and quite quickly.

Looks were shot my way more than a few times before I sighed and played with the rips in my clothes. My kefta had been removed and ruined by Aleksander much earlier. I hadn't noticed Ivan left until Aleksander was back by my side.

"Milaya," he looked sad when he looked down at me in this chair. In his bedroom I might be add. "I've started a bath for you."

He helped me up and into the bathroom. I managed to get my clothes off and I slid into the tub. Aleksander had turned around as to give me privacy. He slid a chair a little closer to the tub but not close enough that I could reach out and touch him.

"Why do you keep calling me your love?" The question was more loaded than I meant it to be. "Milaya."

He chuckled. "I honestly didn't think you would notice or mind." His honest caught me off guard. "I can call you maleni, if you prefer it."

"No I don't want you to call me a ghost Koya."

"How about malenchk?" I could tell he was smiling by the way his words sounded. He laughed and I did as well. I scooped up some water and threw it at his back.

At first the room was silent except for my heavy breathing. Slowly he took his now wet kefta off. He threw it to the floor. His undershirt was also wet and I realized the damage I had done. He removed his under shirt as well and dropped it beside him.

"This means war malenchk." Aleksander's words had a playful air to them but something darker in them as well.

"Does it soverenyi?" A smile placed itself on my lips as I scooped another hand full of water. I threw it over at him but it met with his now wet chest. He grabbed my wrists holding them in his own hands. My breath caught in my throat. His eyes grabbed my attention and I looked at his lips while he quickly licked them.

"Da." Was all he said then he completely disappeared from the room. Everything was dark. No light shown what do ever in the small room. I cautiously scrambled to get out of the bath. Being aware of the pressure I was putting on my hip the entire time. "Find me." He whispered into my ear.

It was a short chapter I know but it's just a filler
Plus soft Kirigan has my heart

Enjoy skittles ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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