Chapter 5: The Cut

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AN- I love writing for all of you. Please fantasize away about Alexsanders abs. Like god man


I fell to my knees unable to move my legs. The three Fjordens circled me none of them willing to make the first move. I held my hands out from my sides. My fingers flexed with anticipation. I heard nothing but their foot steps and my breathing. The world slowed before me.

I didn't know what I was doing until I did it. My hands slid in front of me pulling an incredible amount of energy with them. I put them together prayer style and closed my eyes taking a deep breath. I heard them come closer. Their feet loud against the ground. I waited till they got closer. Keeping my hands where they were.

When they were within twenty feet of me I slashed my hands down towards my sides. The force that went with them was breath taking. A long sliver of something shiny formed all around me. Half of it was stark white and gold. The other half was black with a shimmering gold. It shot away from me and directly into the three Fjrodens around me.

I opened my eyes and saw what I had done. The three Fjordens were completely split in half in front of me. I stifled a scream as I was Alexsander make his way into the clearing where I was. He stopped for a moment taking in his surroundings. The three Fjordens that now lay dead at his feet. He slowly walked up to me with his hands up.

"What have you done?" He whispered pulling me into a tight hug. His face was buried into my neck. The hug lasted maybe a few seconds before he was on the rope keeping my legs together. I let him untie them and lift me up. I was numb, I didn't feel a thing.

My whole being was shattering around me. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to his horse and Alina. I heard her gasp and run over to me. My hand was in her grasp as we rode. I had no idea how I had gotten onto a horse. Who's horse I was on, or who I was on the horse with. The Little Palace came into view a few moments later.

Alexsander helped me off the horse and I almost collapsed into his arms. HE lifted my chin to meet his gaze as Alina shuffled into the Little Palace. "It's alright now." He said helping me back up onto my feet. I looked around me for a moment,

I was at the Little Palace, in Os Alta. I was with Grisha. I was finally here. Aina was here. Alina was right in front of me. I ran up to her and pulled her into a tight breath taking hug and bit the inside of my cheek not letting the tears escape. Her arms wrapped around me and she squeezed.

Everything hurt as we made our way into the Palace. My legs and back, tailbone and knees, everything was aching and sore from our journey here. Alexsander led us to the stairs. "Take them to the suits. Yelna to the once across from the war room." He stated and turned to leave but not before Alina spoke up.

"Are we prisoners?" She sounded scared. Worried for herself and for Mal most likely. She stood her ground with a confidence I didn't think I could muster at this time though.

"All of Ravka is prisoner." He said before leaving. The two guards positioned by the stairs led us to our rooms. Alina first. She walked in and they closed the door behind her. I heard her voice break as she began to sob. I wanted to help her but, I had to help myself first.

I was led down a few more hallways until I was motioned to my room. It was dark unlike Alina's. Hers was white adorned with rose gold. Mine was black adorned with silver and gold. The Darkling lived up to his name I guess.

The door shut silently behind me and I sighed as I leaned up against it. I sunk to the floor my knees pulled close to my chest and sobbed. I cried for ages. The tears burning my skin, my eyes doing dry. The world was a cruel place and I knew that but, it got to me even when I didn't want it to. I needed to be stronger than I was.

I curled into a little ball against the door and let my hands lay flat against the cold tile floors. You could barely see my right against the dark tile but, my left stood out like a clown in a room of ghosts. I let my fingers trace along the lines of cracks.

A short while later I stood and wondered around the room. I removed Alexsanders kefta from my shoulders and laid it on the huge bed at the center of the room. The silk sheets and blankets on it made it seem almost as if it was a cloud instead of a bed.

The opening in the wall to the left of the bed led to a full bathroom. A claw foot tub sat dead center of the room. A sink and toilet to the right. A full shower in the back left. Beautiful plants lined the walls and a full length mirror was to the left. I smiled sadly and left that room.

I headed over to the little desk against the wall across from the bed. A letter opener, ink, parchment, and a quill were the only things that sat on top. A mirror lined the back of it. It was beautify carved with gold paint lining every detail. I sat on the little matching stool. The intricate designs on the wood reminded me of the maps and drawings Alina used to make at the orphanage. They were so detailed for someone so small.

The stag was always my favorite. She always had a talent in her hands. Something about them for her. It was beautiful. I on the other hand was always in my head. I was the thinker of our little group. The problem solver. Mal was the brute though he didn't know it at the time. I smiled at the thoughts of the days we used to share.

"Happy memory?" I jumped startled at the voice. Alexsander was standing in my door way. His black cloak lightly touching the ground as he walked over to me. His eyes looked lost this time. He always seemed to be lost. Calculating. I smiled at the familiarity of it. That's how I was as well.

"You could say that." I responded turning back to look at the mirror. My reflextion shamed me. I was dirty, my cheeks stained with tears. Dried blood dripped down my face and my hair. I sighed at myself and went to stand. Making my way to the little bathroom connected to my room Alexsander followed lightly behind. He chose a seat on the other side of the wall so he gave me privacy.

"What you did today, do you know what it was?" His voice echoed around the room. I shook my clothes off and ran the bath. Extra hot to soak off the layers of dirt from my face and hair. I had my pants and bra on still and I felt his hand wrap my wrist as I pulled the ties from my hair. "Do you know what it was?"

"No." I whispered dropping my hands to the counter in front of me. My shoulder shook with silent sobs. He let go of my wrist and stood behind me for a moment thinking. I had no idea what I did or how I did it. Why did he want to know so badly?

"It's called The Cut."

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 Your daily dose of laughter

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