Chapter 38: The Quest

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     Aleksander was next to her in seconds pulling her away from the black mass that she had created to kill the conductor. She didn't even realize she was capable of taking a mans life and not thinking twice until now.

      When she unknowingly killed that little boy it shattered her because he had been innocent. She still hadn't even learned the boys name let alone what is grisha abilities were.

     She placed a hand on her very pregnant belly and let Aleksander pull her away and back to her bedroom. It was a quiet and lazy walk but once she was back she felt like having a warm bath and a good nights sleep.

     "I'll run you a bath." Aleksander told her kissing her temple and stepping into the bathroom. She heard water and pulled off Aleksander's extra kefta laying it on the chair nicely. She had a habit of just throwing her clothes in random places. He was very picky about not having his keftas just thrown about. Then she took of her beautiful dress, shoes, gloves, and crown. She hung the dress in the wardrobe and put the shoes on the bottom. She then gently pulled down a velvet box and put the crown and gloves inside to keep them safe from harm or any dust.

      She quickly walked into the bathroom to find Aleksander had already hopped in. She gave him a cheeky grin and slid in with him. Her back was against his chest and she could feel his heart beat against her shoulders. She felt every time he inhaled and exhaled and it was slowly lulling her to sleep. He played with strands of her hair that had come undone through the night and managed to undo Zoya's great masterpiece of a hair bun. He let it fall over her shoulders and his chest.

She hummed as he played with her hair. She would never admit this to anyone but Aleksander but she loved it when he ran his fingers through her hair. It felt like little tingles along her scalp and it made her sleepy. Sleepy was really what she needed right now. That and she needed food but food would have to wait until morning as everyone had gone to bed.

The festivities had died down once people realized the sun summoner had literally gone missing and the other sun summoner was to "ill" to attend the rest of the ball. Zoya had told people that she was sick and trudged out of bed to do this for everyone and they thanked her and me and she ran off to help with the conductor.

Yelna pulled a night dress over her head and grumbled when she realized it wasn't going to be horribly comfortable because her stomach was much bigger now so it didn't exactly fit. Aleksander laughed at her and pulled one of his much bigger shirts from his drawer and handed it to her. She glared and pulled it from his hands.

"This is your fault you know." She jokingly yelled to him from the bathroom. He laughed a deep laugh and flipped onto his bed. His head hitting the pillows.

"Oh is it now? I do distinctly remember two of us being there but I mean could have just been me." He sarcastically answered her as she walked out of the bathroom. She was wearing his shirt buttoned to the top button and a pair of his boxers because she didn't have any trousers with her. "Come here." He beckoned her closer.

"What?" She crawled awkwardly onto the bed and laid with a pillow between her legs and her head on her hand across from his face. He looked at her like nothing else mattered in the world. To him nothing else did except the two people lying across of him.

"I love you Milaya." His words were soft to her ears and she snuggled closer to him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head before placing his chin there. He wanted to hold her close forever. He enabler wanted to let her go. Slowly he was making sure that he kept that safe from anything and everything that would cause them harm.

The next morning Yelna woke up alone in her bed. The place where Aleksander had once been was still warm to the touch so he must have been here not long ago. She rolled over and got to her feet stretching. Slowly she walked to the bathroom needing to pee before anything else happened this morning.

      "Milaya?" Aleksander called closing. The door softly behind him when he walked into the room. She was now washing her face and hands in the wash basin under the mirror in the bathroom.

      "I'm in here." She called to him ready to give him a proper morning greeting. She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed bags were starting to form under her eyes which was weird considering she had been manipulating shadows very recently and she should look perfect. No blemishes or ache or eye bags of any kind should be seen. She frowned confused for a moment at herself in the mirror.

     "What's wrong beautiful?" He wrapped his arms around her waist and put his chin in the crook of her neck. Making sure she was comfortable above all else.

"I have eye bags." He laughed and she pushed him off of her. "Aleksander I'm serious. Our power is supposed to keep us healthy looking but, I look like I haven't slept in two weeks which isn't true since I've mainly been sleeping for two weeks." She looked at him confused.

"Maybe it's the baby. I can't all be you. Maybe the baby is more draining than we thought it would be. That's a possibility Milaya." Aleksander stood in front of her and grabbed her hands in his. "It will be alright." He kissed the top of her head.

"Maybe your right. But for now I suggest we go look for the stag because that if where Alina is headed." He looked at me with a very confused expression on his face. "I saw her yesterday. Well not like literally it was like some future event. I don't know all I know is we need to go to Ferjdah."

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