Chapter 21: Back to the Fold

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She rode through the night on the black horse she took from the stables. The cloak and her black kefta whipped in the wind behind her as she rode. Her long (h/c) hair blew around her twisting into knots that would be hell to get out later.

Aleksander watched as she rode out the side gates that led to the path from the little palace. He gripped the rails that kept people from falling. His knuckles turned white as his Corporalki surrounded themselves behind him in a sort of semi circle.

"General?" One of his heart renders questioned. His kefta was falling off his shoulders and crinkled in places. His eyes were puffy as if he had just woken up from sleep. Aleksander assumed he quite literally just did.

"Follow her." His voice was commanding and dark. Shadows followed Yelna as the horse ran into the wood. Aleksander watched until she was gone swallowed by the darkness and the growth of woods.

She rode until exhaustion took over her. The horse slowed and she very ungracefully climbed down and collapsed under a tree after tying the horse to a sturdy branch. She pulled her cloak over her and put her bag under her head as a makeshift pillow and blanket.

She fell asleep a few moments later. Her dreams plagued with thoughts of how her life could have turned out if only she knew the truth. Would she and Alina be different? Would they be closer? Would she have the same feelings for Aleksander she does now? Would they still even be grisha?

She tossed and turned in her sleep barley getting any rest. A few hours after she had closed her eyes she woke. Gasping for breath.

"Fan out. The tracks stop here. She should be close." It was Ivan. She recognized the voice from miles away. He had always been very emotionless and loud when addressing people he didn't exactly like. She stood and undid the knot on the reins.

Quickly she threw her cloak back over herself and attached her bag to the side of the saddle. She climbed on and was getting ready to leave when she heard a branch break. "Yelna?" Ivan's voice caught her off guard and she turned the horse around slowly. "What are you doing?"

"Ivan. Let me go. Please. Just trust me. I'll come back. I promise." He sighed and turned around letting her leave.

"Fine. But come back Yelna." He started to walk away and she took off. Faster then when she had left the first time. Determined to get to the fold within the day. Before night fall.


I rode until my legs were numb. I though for sure that Ivan was going to forcefully take me back. He surprised me and I couldn't stop thinking about that. Why had he let me go? Did he think that maybe this was for the better? Did he know something I didn't?

Questions filled my head as I got closer and closer to the fold. It should have taken me a week by myself to get to the fold but I had Aleksander's horse and it was like he knew the path without me even having to guide him. I stroked his mane when he stopped for water and food. I shared my bread rolls with him thought I knew what he really wanted was the sugar cubes they were giving at the little palace.

      "I'm sorry. I know what you really want." I sighed and put my forehead against his muzzle. He snorted at me and I laughed stroking him again. At the rate we were traveling we would be at the fold before dusk.

      "Yelna Starkov?" I turned around to see who ever had just spoken. The voice sounded so familiar but I couldn't place it. "She's your sister?" A very transparent Alina and one of her grisha guards were standing before me. Almost as if I was watching Alina's memories.

     "Yes. I thought she knew. I need to talk to Al- The general." She looked as if she had been crying for hours. It was light outside so it must have been yesterday when I had been asleep. I walked around the memory in circles. Careful not to touch it.

     "I'm already here Alina." His voice deep and dare I think is alluring. He didn't treat the two of us any differently. He walked up to her and wrapped a hand around her wait and the other rested on her cheek pulling her face closer to his. "What is the matter?"

     His lips were almost touching hers and I was becoming increasingly angrier at myself for falling for his pathetic lies and at Alina for allowing this. Then again I did as well so who is really to blame? "Yelna."

     She whispered my name closing her eyes and closing the distance between her and Aleksander. She seemed to light up in this moment. Having something similar to adoration with Aleksander that she never got from Mal. Aleksander on the other hand looked upset with himself. He was t letting Alina see of course but he let me see.

His eyes opened when they kissed and he was looking directly at me. I yelled and took a step backwards. I took it too fast and fell onto my arse. I blinked and the memory was gone. If it even was a memory. It was like Aleksander was showing me exactly what happened. Where was Alina now? Was she in trouble? What was he doing to her?

My questions were answered seconds later when I felt an intense wave of sadness come through our bond. I heard her sobbing in my ears. She was no where near but I heard her like she was standing next to me.

"Alina. We will find her. She will be okay." He was holding something back from her. His voice showed strain in what he was saying. "I will make sure she is safe."

Alinas sobs continued and I thought this was very unlike her. She wasn't one to show emotion in front of other people. Behind closed doors. Don't let anyone see you weak. That's always what we were told so why was she breaking them now?

I got back into my horse and took of towards Kremzin. I was meeting them in a small village in Tsemna near the fold. I rode and rode until the horse was practically throwing me off and still I pushed on. What ever I was doing had to be important for them to have let me go so easily.

I entered the town a few hours later and left the horse in the stables. He practically collapsed from having run all day. I felt bad and paid the stable hands to give him extra apples and water. They thanked me and I made my way to the field where I spotted a knife stuck in the side of a cart. I was in the right place.

"You're late."

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