Chapter 13: His Voice

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Hello skittles ❤️❤️❤️
Yes the person in the picture above is me.
I edited my eyes thank you
I hate my eyes
Enjoy. But not to much. I don't know what I am doing in this chapter.



     I woke a few times turning our bumpy trip. The first three the blond I saw the first time who was definitely a heart render had slowed my heart and knocked me back out. Every time  I had the same dream or nightmare.

      The world around me shifted to fit a picture perfect image of hell. The fold had taken over the west. Pushed further and further past the boundaries that had been set hundreds of years prior. I had no idea how. Something was moving it. When I looked down at my hands I realized that it was me.

      I was moving and morphing the fold to take West Ravka. I was turning hundred of people into Volcra. Their screams brought a smile to my face. I screamed as I was trapped inside myself. I couldn't move. I couldn't fight. I was trapped inside and I couldn't control a thing.

       I tried hard to fight for control but with nothing to grasp on to I failed every time. And every time I would get close to something I was pulled from this nightmare and back to the real world. Just to be plunged back in again.

The fourth time I woke up I caught Ed and hacked until my throat and lungs burned. I help my hands up to signal the heart render not to do it again. I groaned and tried to speak but it came out as a horse whisper.

"If you put me under again you could stop my heart." I had made it a habit when I was younger to study all of the different grisha. Their small science skills and what each of they could and couldn't do.

"Is she right?" The voice of Kaz Brekker met my ears and I grimaced.

"Yes. Yes. If I put her under again her heart could stop." The blond heart render answered him kindly taking my hand. I knew this trick. She was going to try and get answers for them. I pulled my hand back.

     "Damn." I heard his foot tapping against the rough wood of the carriage outside. The reins for the horses were grasped in his hands tightly. "Jesper. You and Inej, keep your eyes on her."

"Kaz." Inej removed herself come the now stopped coach and joined Kaz where the reins where. The man I was assuming to be Jesper waltzed into the carriage. When I say waltzed I mean he basically skipped and jumped enthusiastically into the carriage.

His skin was the most beautiful shade of brown she had ever seen. She looked over his rather skinny and slim body and noticed two pistols attached to his belt. She smiled a little realizing that she now had the advantage.

She couldn't be put back under due to the fact that her heart could shut down. The lady with knives was no where to be seen. She had her shadows and light. Her kefta was bullet proof and she had been trained in hand to hand combat. She defiantly had the advantage.

     "I assume you're Jesper?" I questioned. I knew I was right but I was making conversation.

      "Yup." He popped the p with force as he looked out the window. He obviously didn't feel like talking. I pressed my luck anyways.

      "That's an interesting name. Where are you from? I'm guessing West Ravka." With the look he gave me when I said that I knew I had to be pretty close.

      "Ketterdam." My heart rate quickened. "We're all from Ketterdam." He fiddled with the guns in their holsters again this hips.

      "Ketter-ketterdam." I choked the word out. They were taking me to the fold. These three humans and the beautiful heart render were taking me to be sold.

     "Yup." He popped the p again and that's when I made my move. My foot went heel first onto Jespers toes. My knee into his groin. I pulled one of the guns from the holster. Cocking it I kicked open the door with my free foot.

     "Bye." I waved and hopped out. I took off running in the direction we had come from. Though I had no idea how far from the palace we were. I felt something wiz past my head and stopped when it embedded itself into a tree inches in front of me.

       The knife shook wildly and I turned back placing my finger lightly on the trigger of the gun. The three stood shoulder to shoulder like some boy band ready to rock a concert hall. I smirked at them and watched as Inej pulled another knife from her clothes.

     "Well, this is unfortunate." I sighed and let the gun hang loosely at my side. It was in my right hand. I wasn't going to use the shadows. It was to bright out for them to do much good.

     "Get back in the carriage." Kaz spoke harshly and gestured to the carriage waiting for me. Jesper looked at the gun by my side like I had stolen one of his children. I looked down and uncocked it.

     "Here. I can fight you with out it." I threw the gun at his feet and twisted my fingers as light formed in a ball hovering above my hand and fingers. Inej had tears forming in her eyes.

     "Sankta." It was barley above a whisper but I heard it. I grit my teeth and pulled my other hand forward so the shadows formed in my hand just like the light.

     "I want to go back to the little palace. Let me go and no one gets harmed." I called out. My focus on Kaz. He smirked like he knew something I didn't.

     "I'm sure the general is on his way already but that's not why we took you. We need your help." It was more of a confession from Kaz than anything else. I was kind of shocked for a moment then I burst into laughter.

     "You need my help?"


     The wind blew and I felt my hair get washed up in the breeze. A voice found it's way to me at this moment and I turned my head to look behind me.

     "I'm coming,"

     "Fine. I'll help. But first you need to run."

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