Chapter 44: Destiny

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     When I stepped out of the carriage all head in the area turned to face me. My black eyes being the one thing that caught most people's attention.  That of course and the fact that I was wearing Aleksander's colors.

      I looked to Ivan and gestured for him to lead the way. It shouldn't be hard. She would be in the grisha tents. The second biggest. It would be white not cream or black or red like the other tents were.

I followed Ivan with quick footing through the First Army area. People I had once known attempting to catch my attention, people I didn't know doing the same. Rocks were thrown my way but with a simple flick of my wrist the shadows caught them before they hit me.

The shadows were like a train billowing out behind me. The followed where I went never being to far and always staying connected to me. I felt invincible.

I saw Aleksander before he saw me and I ran into his arms. They were open wide for me when I got to him. He held me tightly against his chest and looked me over to make sure everything was alright.

"Where is the baby?" He questioned me as I pushed away from him gently allowing myself to get my footing back before standing proudly and tall.

"I need to see Alina." My physical appearance definitely trigger that question from him. I was healthier looking then before. Skinnier and I looked like I had actually slept. Though the dark circles under my eyes were still prominent and the black smoke cascading down my face from my eyes we're definitely off putting to him.

"Where is the baby?" I shot him a look yelling him I didn't want to talk about this right now. We would talk later and he sighed in defeat before pointing to a cream colored tent next to his.

I walked closer to it and heard small quiet sobbing from inside. I took a deep breath before pushing the curtain out of my way and stepping through.

Her eyes lit up when she saw me. She came running the blanket wrapped around her shoulder completely forgotten on the floor were she had been sitting.

I pushed he back a little and placed one hand on her cheek. The other delicately traced the bones sticking out of her shoulders. "They would have looked much better on me." I sighed.

She pushed away from me and gave me a disgusted look. "What do you mean they would have looked better on you?! Are you INSANE?!" She yelled that last part which sent my blood boiling.

I walked closer to her incredibly fast. She was now up against the pole holding the tent together. My anger present as she cowered away from me. "Know who are your superiors Alina. Watch your tone."

She gulped before I moved away and she fell to her knees on the floor of the room. "Due to an...unfortunate turn of events, I am here. I am going to make Ravka bow to me and I will rule. I will make the grisha one together. I will do what Aleksander never had the guts to complete and all you have to do is be a good pet and obey."

I looked at her with disgust. The sleeves of my vest jacket catching her collar and tugging slightly. I heard her gasp and a smirk formed on my face.

"You will burn Alina. You and whoever else is stupid enough to go against us." I told her menacingly before leaving the tent. The smirk still plastered on my face.

Aleksander was waiting outside the tent for me and grabbed me by my wrist pulling me into his tent instead. "What the hell is going on?!"

I pulled my wrist from his grasp and snaked my arms around his neck bringing him close and kissing him deeply. "I'm saving us." I whispered to him before I kissed him again.

God I kissed kissing him. I missed how it felt when his lips were against my skin. How his fingers would give me goosebumps as the traced my skin. How I would shiver against his tongue.

"Yelna," he whispered as he kissed down my neck. The need for him over took me in this moment and I brought his face back to mine kissing him roughly.

"Alex." I whispered into the kiss. Things were getting heated and I honestly didn't give a single fuck who would hear or see us in this moment.

I was alone and the baby and everything and I wanted someone to tell me I was still important. To show me how much they really loved me. To give me the feeling of pure bliss again.

I wanted him. I wanted all of him. Right here and right now. He pulled away from the kiss and intertwined my fingers in his as he led me to the bed.

Slowly he undressed me. Not to look or to touch but for a romantic purpose. Who knew what was going to happen tomorrow so if this was our last night we would make it count.

I did the same with his clothes as he climbed into the bed and on top of me. He gently kissed my collar bones nibbling in the sensitive parts as I gasped each time he did. His hands roamed my body touching every single ounce of me that he could.

      It was like in the next few hours the world stopped for us. We found life in each other and wouldn't let go of it. It was only the two of us here. The two of us just being with each other.

      We talked and ate by the fire and laid in bed together. He kissed me and made love to me and I felt like I was the most important woman in the world.

When darkness fell we held each other in our arms. Our naked bodies are close as they could get. "What happened to Rose?"

"She was still born." I told him as I snuggled closer to him. My head was flat against his chest. I could hear his heart pounding inside him and I heart his pained breathing when I told him about the baby.

"Oh." He didn't say much else that night. What I remember is falling asleep in his strong arms my head against his chest and out legs intertwined. His chin on my head and our arms wrapped around one another. Never wanting to let go.

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