Chapter 26: A Fatal Error

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The Winter Fete was in two weeks. Just two weeks and I couldn't wait. The dress I had been drawing on the way home after the whole crowd incident had finally been finished. I wore that more often that I did my kefta anymore.

     It was made of the same materials and when I would see Aleksander out and about and he would spot me he would stop a moment and just look. He was absolutely entranced by me and I him.

      Aleksander I had asked me to help with the preparations for the Fete which I was estates about doing but I agreed to anyways. He would steal me away every chance he got.

     It mostly led to heated make out sessions in the war room or against the wall or bed in his bedroom. I couldn't ask for anything more than what he had been giving me. But I wanted more.

     I wanted control and it was eating away at me and I hated how much it was. All I wanted was to make him happy but this feeling was making it increasingly more difficult as time passed. Currently I sat with the other summoners for dinner.

      We had all been talking about the ball and the dresses we were going to wear. Zoya had been to many but each year she would change her dress so after everyone what wasn't grisha left the little palace we could all go to the secret grisha after party.

      Aleksander refused to join me when I had brought it up. He said it was for the others. It would be weird for him to join seeing as he was the general. I shot back with but if he went he would seem more human and down to earth. He just grumbled and pinned me to wall to shut me up instead. Not that I was complaining about his tactics.

      "Yelna? Earth to Yelna?" I snapped out of my thoughts. "You alright? You seem, preoccupied and by that I mean you're staring at the generals ass." For once he had joined us for dinner in the dining hall. It was very rare for him to do so and currently he stood by the doors talking to Ivan.

     "Zoya!" I screeched. "Sir your bloody mouth." She practically dove off the chair to get away from my slaps. The general having noticed the commotion we were cashing walked over to our table.

     "Everything alright Yelna?" He eyes Zoya currently attempting to pull herself back into her chair and not get hit at the same time. At another table I had caught Alina's eye and smirked at Aleksander.

     "Perfect. Zoya here was just showing me how to run from unwanted attention." I laughed and I swear I heard Zoya swearing in suli.

     "Well. I would like a word with you whenever dinner is over. Ivan will bring you to the war room. Zoya?" He called as she had straightened herself out back on the chair.

     "Yes general?" She looked scared practically cowering in fear of the man before her and I bit my cheek trying not to laugh because I knew he really was just a big softy.

      "Don't crawl your kefta is dirty." Her face went ten shades redder than it was and she froze. I burst into laughter at the general was walking away. Not before giving me a small smirk. The doors closed softly after he had left and the conversations picked back up after everyone was done looking at us.

     "Oh you bitch!" Zoya yelled. I made a mad dash for the door and she chased me onto the grounds. A little boy had been playing by the trees as we ran by. Neither of us saw him which was a mistake.

     We ran to the lake and I yelled as she pretended to push me into the water. "Show me the cut." She randomly said after we had calmed down.

     "What?" I was perplexed at her comment. Why would she want to see that?

     "The cut. I want to see it. I've never seen it before." Her eyes practically sparkled when I sighed and nodded my head.

     I brought my hands together in a loud clap and slowly pulled them away. I motioned towards the tree in front of us for her to watch. I pushed my hands forwards and the silver slice of the cut went faster than sound itself.

     I heard a yell. A small high pitched cry of pain. I froze to my spot as Zoya ran over to the down decapitated tree. She frantically looked around for help but I didn't move. I knew what I had done. I hadn't seen him and he was there watching us behind that tree the whole time.

     The children weren't allowed out this late. They should have been in bed. He should have been in bed. I heard the murmuring of voices and my vision blurred. I was crying. Silent tears streaming down my face.

     The crowd grew as Zoya yelled over and over again for help. No one dared to move. I could feel the confusion and the fear radiating off of them. All eyes were on me.

     "What is all the commotion?!" Aleksander's voice boomed around us. I didn't even flinch. I stood staring at where the tree used to stand tall and Zoya called for him. He ran to the little boy. The cut was enough to just graze his throat but children being so young and their skin being so soft it had been enough.

     Aleksander looked to me and then back at the boy. "Everyone to their rooms. NOW!" He had practically yelled the command. I stood still frozen to my spot. Aleksander shared a few words with Zoya and a few other grisha. He told them to bury the body in the grisha cemetery and find the family. Not to bring my name into it but explain how there was an accident.

      My focus was everywhere at once as I fell to my knees. A deep scream fell from my lips and I shook as shadows engulfed me in a mass of blackness. I heard Aleksander call to me. I heard his voice. Felt his hand in my shoulder but nothing could pull me from this agony.

     "Milaya? Milaya come on. You need to come with me. You need to go inside." He was trying to smooth me. My voice had become hoarse from screaming and I slowly turned my head to Aleksander.

     "I killed him. I kill him didn't I?!" I yelled at him. He placed his hands on my cheeks and pulled me in for a hug. I buried my face in his chest and pulled against his kefta. His hands rubbed circles onto my back and he shushed me slowly and calmingly. 

      When I had become numb and calmed down a little Aleksander picked me up bridal style and carried me in his arms. I didn't know where we were going. Nor did I care. I just put my arms around his neck and buried my face into the collar of his soft kefta.

      "Sleep Milaya. You're alright. Your safe now." He whispered to me. I felt Heath it was a calming heat as we entered a building. He laid me down on a bed and pulled the covers over me after pulling off my dress. I had legging and a tank top under it and he kissed my forehead lovingly.

     He held my hand while I fell asleep and soon it became to much to stay awake. I remember someone in black walking into the room and the person and Aleksander speaking in hushed whispers as I felt my eye kiss droop. His hand had never left mine though.

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