Chapter 6: Butterflies

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"It's called The Cut," His voice was hard as leather. His eyes showed no emotion when I met them with my own in the mirror. "It takes an incredible amount of power and concentration. How you did it, that is what I question."

I turned around to face him. I let my eyes drop slowly. He had removed his cloak and jacket and was now only wearing his boots, pants, and shirt. My eyes lingered on his torso before they snapped back up to his eyes. "I have no idea how."

"You have to have some idea." He bantered with me. I walked past him and towards the bath. I kicked off my shoes and stretched. I was about to remove my pants before I felt his hands on my right arm. I gasped at the amount of power that surged around us.

Shadows surged up the walls. Climbed onto the ceiling shielding out any and all light from the room. My power was amplified with his as the shadows solidified around us. He never took his hand from mine but moved it so our fingers were intertwined. His touch sent shivers down my spine. I felt him gently move the hair from my neck. He leaned to whisper in my ear.

"I think you do." His lips met the base of my ear in a soft kiss. I gasped at the sudden touch. He turned me around slowly to face him. All I could see were his eyes glowing in the darkness. I stood there lost in them when a knock at my door caused me to jump and pull away from him. the darkness fell almost at once and light was brought back into the space.

"Alexsander," I breathed but he was no longer the Alexsander I had seen only moments ago. This Alexsander was cold and hard. He walked back into my bedroom and straight to the door. I heard a muffled conversation and the door slam. After a few moments of waiting I knew he wasn't coming back.

I removed my remaining garments and slipped into the scolding water that had filled the tub. I let myself relax for a few moments wrapping my head around what just happened. He kissed me. Well he kissed my neck but it was apart of me. I sighed and let myself drift down so I was under the water fully. I closed my eyes and held my breath letting the pressure of the water relax me further.

I resurfaced and sucked in a deep and needed breath. There was soap on the little table next to me and I started to wash out my hair. The bath water had started to turn a light pink and weird brown color from the dirt and blood that had soaked off. Rinsing my hair I sighed and climbed out. I let myself air dry for a moment before drying off my hair as best as I could. I grabbed a velvet black robe that had been hanging on a chair next to the tub.

Keeping the robe on I spent the rest of the night wondering the room. Looking in drawers and the wardrobes. reading little books that were on the tables. Lying in bed staring at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep, as much as I wanted to my body was fighting sleep. Rather it wanted to explore. No, it wanted to go back to the fold. It wanted Alexsander's touch.

(Third POV)

She rolled onto her side as she thought of the things she wanted. The man she thought she could not have. The place in which she was forbidden to enter alone. The freedom that was never granted to her. Her eyes drifted forcefully shut as the cogs in her brain tired themselves out.

She slept peacefully for the first time in a long time. Her worries were set aside as she allowed herself a moment to relax in the huge cloud like bed she had been given. She curled into a little ball to keep warm as she had forgotten to slide under the covers. Her soft snores were met with a lovely wind from outside her windows.

Alexsander entered the room a little after three in the morning to make sure she was alright. She didn't know about this. She was sound asleep in the bed. He quietly walked over to her gently sliding the hair out of her face. He pulled a blanket over her and gently kissed her temple.

"You're safe here." He whispered to her before leaving the room just as quietly as he had entered. She never stirred. She kept sound asleep in the bed. The room settled slowly as the wind outside died down. The rain had yet to fall leaving the air dry and uncomfortable for this time of year.

Yelna dreamt of a fantasy world where she was queen. A king by her side ruling with her. Fairness and equality ensued through the kingdom. Power was nothing. People were everything. Magic did not exist. She felt at home and alive in this world.

She woke up with a start when people burst into her room the next morning. A woman with red hair and a white kefta. Her team bustled around the room pulling clothes around and make-up from bags.

(Your POV)

"What is going on?" I called as two of the maids pulled me from my bed. I almost lost the robe with it. I grabbed the sides hurriedly to keep from flashing everyone in the room. The ginger smirked and motioned to the bathroom.

The maids pulled me in and shoved me towards the tub. Whispering among themselves in a different language. I scowled towards them. The water was room temperature as the washed my hair. Pulling knots and tangles out roughly.

"She is Shu. Genya should fix her eyes. And her hair." The snickered to one another giggling. The ginger which I was assuming was Genya sat on a chair in the corner of the room. Completely emotionless.

"Yes, she can fix my eyes. I don't like them anyways. My hair is perfectly fine though. Thank you. I can finish this myself." I growled at the maids who dropped what ever they were holding and looked at me shocked. I rinsed out my hair and caught Genya smirking at me.

"Everyone out!" She yelled clapping her hands together. The maids followed suit. They left in a hurry grabbing all the things that they had brought with them. Some of them made rude faces as they left and I sighed stepping out of the tub and putting the robe back on.

"Thank you." I said holding my hand out for her to shake. "I presume you are Genya?"

"Yes. Very observant. Have a seat at the desk. The General will be here shortly." She pulled the chair of my desk out and I sat down. She pulled a box onto the desk and started shuffling through it. This was going to be interesting.

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