Chapter 2: The Fold

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AN- Welcome back lovelies!! I am bossed with Ben Barnes at this current moment. He is adorable. Tom still has my heart thought.

Love you LOKI!! *kiss kiss*

Anyways, enjoy skittles.


(Your POV)

"Yelna Ortez!" I was assigned for the party of First Army going into the fold. My name was called and a part of me was happy but the other part looked back at Alina and cracked a little. Mal and I would be doing something dangerous and new. No one has ever crossed the fold on this kind of skif.

"Alina." I began. She looked over at Mal and I standing before her. Her eyes were wide with fear and her hands were shaking. She grabbed my arm and looked me in the eye. Her worry flowed into me in tenfold.

"Tell me this isn't right. Tell me he did not just call your name." Her words were sharp and needy. They way her voice wavered made that little bit of me crack a little more. I looked over at Mal who was hanging his head.

"I'll talk to him Alina." Mal said putting a hand on her shoulder. This wasn't happening. Not to us. This was a death sentence. Mal exited the tent in a hurry and I was left there to fend for myself with Alina still grasping onto my arm. She sighed and let her hands drop to her sides and turned to leave slowly.

I stood there wondering what I was going to do. I would finally get to go into the Fold. Understand why I had the feelings I did towards it. Why it called to me. Maybe it would bring more questions but, it would put me at ease for a little. I walked to exit the tent and took a deep breath pushing the curtain door out of my way.

The bustle of people all around me calmed my wondering mind a little as I walked towards my tent. It was by the Grisha tents. Not far from the Darkling's. I would lie awake at night listening to the Grisha practice. Listening to the General ramble on about this or that. It was all muffled but his voice was soothing to my ears.

I watched my feet as I walked. They were huge compared to my small body. I never liked my feet. I didn't like my eyes either. They were too, Shu. My whole world screamed Shu. I never liked to be different. I wanted to fit into the mold and not stand out more than I had to. It was a curse that I was born the way I was. I wished to be Grisha above all else in the world.

Ravka was my home and Mal and Alina were my family but I never fully fit into their world. It was always them against the world. I felt like a waste of space in their little world but they kept me around and most of the time I wasn't sure why.

I walked around behind my tent so I could watch the Fold breathe. Even from where I was I could still see the outlines of Valcra swarming and flying, searching for the next meal. The walls moved in a rhythm. Almost like a heart beat, keeping it alive. I heard foot steps behind me and closed my eyes listening to the wind.

"There's something about it." I started. Letting the world around me come into a soft focus. The Dark General took a seat next to me on the grass. I opened my eyes and gave him a little nod. I had no idea why he was here. I would catch him watching it from time to time but I didn't think he would converse with First Army scum.

"There is, isn't there." He stretched his legs out in front of him and place his hands on the ground behind him to keep him up. He looked over at me and gave a little half smile. This man was more than people said. He was cruel is what I was taught but, he was to be respected.

"You are a Shadow Summoner, General?" I looked back at the Fold standing as I did. He obviously, at least to me, wanted to speak of the Fold. I began to walk closer to it. I looked back at him and he looked confused at what I was doing. It was about five-hundred feet from my tent. Not a far walk at all. I would do this at night to calm my nervous brain.

"What are you doing?" He called getting to his feet. I smiled and continued walking up to the Shadow Fold separating Ravka from the west. He followed slowly and curiously. I stopped when I could feel the wisps of the Fold graze my face. I felt him behind me watching. His eyes clipped my every move.

"It calls me." I whispered closing my eyes. I felt like I could be open around him. There was something inviting about him. He was terrifying yes but, there was something there under all the shadows. Pain like nothing I had ever seen. It was their just beneath the surface. "I don't understand it." I opened them and turned to face him.

He stood with his hands clasped behind his back. HE looked hansom in the fading light around us. His black kefta pulling his shoulder down just enough to see his slender features. His pale skin was almost shining like silver. His eyes were pools of pain. His mouth opened a crack to say something then he tightly closed it. "What?" I pondered what he was going to say.

"You said it calls to you. What do you mean?" He walked to stand next to me. His hand grazed mine as he reached to touch the wall of the Fold. My eyes wondered to his face for a moment before turning back around and letting my hands rest against my legs.

"I don't know. I just," I took a breath trying to put what I had been feeling into words. "When I get closer to the Fold it gets stronger, the pull to it. When I am further away further to the east I can barely feel the pull." He was looking at me now and I hung my head ashamed for not knowing exactly what to say.

"Will you be on the skif tomorrow?" I was shocked that he sounded almost concerned. I turned to him and questioned myself before speaking. My voice came out soft but confident.

"Why?" I stood my ground and let him try and figure me out. His eyes met mine in an unofficial staring contest. His hand once again met my face as he tucked a stray hair behind my ear. I involuntarily moved my head so my cheek was resting against his palm. I sucked in a slow breath as he leaned in to whisper into my ear.

"Because, I want to know the answer to your curiosity." He pulled away from me leaving me breathless by the Fold. I stood there unable to move for a few moments. I turned to watch him leave.

"What if you don't like the answer?" I called to him. He stopped and turned around to face me. His black kefta swaying in the wind. Moving with him as he moved.

"We will just have to see. Won't we?" Someone in the distance called him and he was off. Up the hill and over to the war tent the Grisha had set up not long ago after everything moved around.

I turned back to the Fold and let his words sink in. They were curios words. Something he chose for that moment specifically. I did the same. Thought about everything before I said it. Tried to figure out a way it would benefit me in the long run. This though, my brain was mush when I tried to talk to him. Everything just spilling out, not caring about consequences.

'Because, I want to know the answer to your curiosity.' His words rang in my ears. What does he want with a simple First Army tracker? What was his curiosity in this? Why here and now? Why me?

Imma just leave this here

——————————————————AN- Imma just leave this here

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