Chapter 18: Explain

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"You belong here. In the little palace with m- us." He caught himself before saying me. Before he could let her know his true intention.

She sighed and turned away from him. She didn't want him seeing her face. She was much paler than usual because of the amount of blood she had lost. Her hip throbbed even though the healers had done only what she told them.

      Aleksander held her close. Her head rested on his chest. His heart steadying her own. It was hard for her to keep her eyes open at this point. They felt like lead. Soon they closed on their own and Aleksander was left holding the sleeping form of Yelna.

     He picked her up and brought her back to his room slowly and quietly trying with everything he had to not wake her up. The shadows followed him like an angry shadow.

     He opened the door to his suite and gently laid her down on the couch. He removed the blankets from his bed and pushed the pillows up. He walked back over to Yelna and stood over her for a moment.

     He couldn't help but smile at her sleeping form. Her breathing was even and her lips slightly parted. Her cheeks were Turing back to their slightly red color because of the heat in his room. Her nose flared when she sighed and turned in her sleep to get more comfortable.

      He gently picked her back up and left a kiss against her forehead before walking over to his bed and placing her in it. He moved the blankets back over her to keep her warm. Aleksander made sure she was tucked in and kept warm in his sheets.

     Sighing he grabbed his own sleep ware and walked into the bathroom. He placed his hands on the counter and squeezed until he felt the material under him crack with the pressure. He splashed water against his face and sighed again.

     Red drops fell into the sink in an almost slow action. He looked at his face in the mirror. Lines of red streamed against his face. He looked down at his palms and found the reason. Pieces of the counter had embedded themselves in his hands causing them to bleed.  He washed his hands off again and wrapped them in bandages until he could get them healed. Then he changed and went back into his bedroom. 

     Yelna was in the same position he had left her in minutes before. Aleksander grabbed a book from his shelf and lit a lantern next to his bed. He pulled the covers back and slid in. Opening the book he looked over at Yelna one last time before he started to read.

     They stayed that way all night. He stayed up reading to make sure she was okay and safe. She slept better than she had in months in Aleksander's bed. Him watching over her passively.

      The sun started to rise hours later. It broke through the black curtains like an unwelcome guest. Yelna stirred and turned onto her side snuggling up to Aleksander who had begun to doze off. He smiled down at her small figure holding on to him. He slid down and bed a little and pulled her closer. Her head was now resting on his chest and his arm was wrapped around her protectively.


I was against something muscular and warm when I woke up. I snuggled closer to whatever it was and heard someone mumble which vibrated their chest. I rubbed my eyes and yawned then gasped in pain when I stretched my hip to much.

I shot up and placed my hands on it applying pressure. Aleksander shot up next to me in the bed. It was this moment that I took notice of my surroundings. I was in Aleksander's bedroom. In his bed, half naked, with my hips wrapped in bandages. Oddly enough his hands were wrapped in bandages as well.

      "What's wrong? Are you alright?" His voice was filled with worry and concern. His eyes went to my hip. Where my hands were currently applying pressure to.

     "I twisted weirdly. It pulled the skin on my hip. I'm fine." I reassured him. I tried to get out of the bed only to be pulled back in by Aleksander.

      "You're not going anywhere until you explain the scars and what happened." I knew he was serious because he wasn't commanding me to stay. He was genuinely worried for me at this moment. He was concerned about my well being.

     I pulled my arm out of his grasp and folded my legs so I was sitting crossed legged on his bed. I shivered from the cold that had crept it's way into the room. He grabbed his kefta from the end of the bed and put it around my shoulders. I pulled it around me tighter.

      "I don't want to-" He cut me off before I could continue.

      "I won't be able to function knowing that you are in the little palace and in pain. So talk to me Milaya."

      "Everything is running a hundred miles an hour. My cousin hates me. None of my friends have written me. You were pulling away and Zoya wasn't exactly helping the situation. I was drowning and I coped the only way I knew how Aleksander." I gave him a minute to let my words sink in.

     I had been speaking so fast that I didn't stop once to take a breath and when I had stopped talking I held back broken sobs. His face showed all the pain that his words couldn't or wouldn't in this moment.

      "Milaya," He started as he cupped my face in his hands. His eyes were soft and full of worry. I had no idea that the Dark General could have a side like this to him. All the rumors said he was heartless and emotionless.

      "Koya." He placed his forehead against mine and just let it rest there for a moment. I felt the tears fall down my cheeks and did nothing to stop them. The silent sobs racked my body as he pulled me close and wiped the tears away. Slowly and lifted my face to his and place a gentle kiss against my lips.

I know a little sad but it has a bit thing to the story so don't @ me

I was an adorable baby. I don't know wtf happened to me.

Anyways Aleksander fluff *swoon*
Love you lots skittles ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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