Chapter 36: The Winter Fete pt.3

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I am a tailor and I am not made about it.
I am a very rare form of grisha
Bow lmao
Anyways enjoy skittles ❤️❤️❤️


"Aleks." I breathed holding onto the back of his kefta. My hands and nails dug into the black fabric. My knees felt weak and my head was dizzy. My vision was blurring.

"You're alright. Just keep walking Milaya." Aleksander has his arm around my waist holding me up. His fingers were definitely leaving bruises against my skin but I didn't want to fall over so this would have to work.

"Aleksander!" I gasped. I felt the dress tighten a little when I breathed in. He wasn't listening to me. I couldn't feel my feet. I could t feel them at all and just keep walking wasn't going to be helpful. "I can't feel my feet."

He picked me up as soon as we were out of sight of the people carrying me back to the war room. He laid me down on the couch and called for a healer. I couldn't breath. My chest felt heavy. I saw Mal in the corner of the room. He walked over.

"You need to remove her dress. She can't breathe." Mal said trying to help me sit up to pull the zipper down. Aleksander let him help as much as he hated it. Once the zipper was undone I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"What's wrong?" I had started to cry. Something was wrong. Something just felt wrong. I put my hand against my stomach. Aleksander's eyes followed my hand and called for the healer louder and more urgently this time.

"Aleksander." I sobbed as I grabbed the collar of his kefta. His hand found the side of my face and everything that had happened in the last week was forgotten. He was here with me just as I needed him to be.

"Talk to me. What's wrong?" His eyes were brimming with tears. His other hand was placed against my stomach on top of my own.

"I don't know. I can feel her." I looked at Aleksander who pulled the healer in forcefully to let her look me over. Mal had been dragged out of the room and to another location for now.

"What are you feeling." The healer asked me. I didn't recognize them and felt bad considering how many times I had visited the healers.

"I don't know. I can feel the baby. I can feel it. Like it rapidly grew when I used my magic. I felt it kick me. Which can't be possible since I've only know for two weeks." I rambled on and on to the healer who placed her hands above my stomach and nodded when she finished.

"It's exactly that. Your baby is growing rapidly every time you use your light ability because they share that ability with you. Like when a grisha uses their power it keeps them healthy and young it's growing your baby faster than the average." I grabbed Aleksander's hand.

"But their alright?" I asked. Needing to know if they were okay or not was my main concern above all else.

"Yes she's fine." The healer said. Wait she said she. Was I having a baby girl? We're we having a baby girl?

"She?" I questioned looking at Aleksander than back at the healer.

"Congratulations General and Mrs. Starkov it's a girl!" Aleksander's mouth fell open in shock. The light I had been using tonight had already thrown me into my second trimester two months before it was even supposed to start.

     I went to stand and suddenly hands were on my shoulders. Aleksander was keeping me down. "Go get her one of my keftas." He told the healer. She rushed into the bedroom and came back with one of his huge keftas.

     Of course that was the point. I was pregnant. He wanted me to cover it up. "Wear this until we can make you new ones." I brushed it off.

     "I have my own. Ivan please take me back to my room?" I called to him. He was standing outside of the door way ready to help if help was needed. Aleksander put his hand up to stop him.

"If you don't let him help me I'll go myself. I'm sure everyone here would like to know why there is a half naked pregnant sun summoner walking through the halls." His eyes flashed with something similar to anger.

"Everyone out." His voice was deep and commanding. I stood where I was. He was facing me still holding the kefta out to me. I crossed my arms and stood. He wasn't making me do anything at this time. "Milaya,"

"Don't. You chose your side. It was Alina or me and you chose her. Now I should be going."

"What do you mean I chose her. I've been trying to see you everyday for the last week. Every time I've come you've been asleep. I've been told you weren't eating. You rarely left your room let alone your bed. I was giving you what you obviously wanted."

"Which was what Aleksander? Space? If you really think I needed space you are more stupid that I bet on. I needed you Aleksander. I needed you with me. I needed you by my bed in the healers room. I needed you with me and with the baby all week. You know who was there instead of you? SOMEONE WHO ISN'T EVEN THIS BABIES FATHER!" I was shouting now. I didn't care who heard. I was angry. I looked into Aleksander's eyes and hurt flashed through them.

"Yelna," he began. "I made a mistake when I went to Alina in that room on that day. I made a mistake. I should have stayed with you and with our daughter but I didn't because,"

"Because why Aleksander? Because you were scared right? Scared of the big bad wolf who has come to blow your house down. Well guess what Aleksander you don't have to worry about it anymore."

"Yelna what is that supposed to mean? What are you going to do? Run away? Every guard has been watching you for weeks. We don't want another little escapade to the fold."

"Is that what you thought I was doing? I've been conspiring to get Alina out of the bloody palace and to Keterdam so I can finally have you and not have to worry all the god damn time Aleksander!"

"You shouldn't be worrying anyways! I told you I was yours did I not?"

"And then you went and kissed her instead of me. Yeah Aleksander I remember perfectly. I may not have been all there at that time but I remember better than you think."

The realization that I was awake in the healers room that day hit him. He thought I was unconscious like Alina. He thought I had been knocked out. No instead I watched as the man I loved went to another woman's bedside to wait until they got better instead of me.

"It wasn't what you think Milaya. I was saying goodbye. I was saying goodbye to her because I was going to propose to you!" He yelled the last part and I was utterly shocked to say the least. "I had the fabricators make a ring. That's were I was all that day. Not in meeting with the king. I was with David."

"Aleksander I didn't- I'm sorry. I didn't know. I thought you were leaving me for her and then I hadn't seen you all week and I thought the worst and now we're fighting because we both thought wrong. I'm so sorry." I ran up to him and put my arms around him burying my face into his chest. His arms found their way around me and he gently placed his kefta onto my shoulders.

"It's alright. We were both wrong but can we at least both agree the whole Alina thing was a little much?"

I snorted. "Yes maybe doing that here was a little much." I looked up at him and he placed a hand against my cheek. Slowly he looked into my eyes and his gaze flicked to my lips and then back to my face before he leaned down and placed a breath taking kiss on my lips.

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