Chapter 43: Fate

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"I'm sorry, we are what?!" Zoya's voice rose steadily with every word she had been saying. Ivan looked frightened and it did nothing to me. I wasn't bothered in the slightest.

"Watch your tone." I warned her and she did nothing but stand and shout at me more. "SIT DOWN!"

She plopped onto her seat when she looked at my eyes. They were pitch black and smoking. She stuttered her next words and eventually gave up with them in general.

"Moi tsaritsa," Ivan began. His voice trembled just slightly. He looked at me with what I could tell was a hint of fear in his eyes. It made me want to laugh.

     I was once scared of them. It was crazy to think about. Once upon a time I thought I would never fit here. That I could never be anything like them. And now here I was commanding them.

     "Zoya, when we get there go tell the general that I will be with Alina. Tell him," I paused and thought about my next words. "Tell him she's mine."

      The rest of the trip to the fold was warily quiet. I smirked as my gaze fell outside the window at the landscape racing past us. The horses hooves thumping against the ground being the only things I heard as I dozed off in the carriage on the way to the fold.

     My dream didn't feel like a dream and instead felt more like another reality. Almost like I was somehow in two places at once but, I knew it wasn't possible. "What was your gain in this?" Destiny yelled to Death.

     Fate stood opposite of the two who were in a heated screaming match as I appeared out of thin air and fell into the arms of someone I had yet to meet. "Hi, I'm coincidence." His voice was much deeper than I thought it was going to be. He gently set me down on my feet and I surveyed the room. Multiple people or witches or whatever, that I did not know, were standing around the room.

     "It's a coincidence that you showed up at this point I think."

     "Nope it was fate. She made it happen." Someone spoke. They were dressed in a copper dress with designed that almost looked like a grandfather clock. "Hello dear, I am time and this is Life." She pulled an older looking man up to stand next to her. "You've already met four of our children so I would say that introductions are not needed until necessary."

     Her words were undesirable to say the least. "What is going on?"

     "Death has forsaken her place to you unwillingly. Of course if you do not wish to take the place of death in this world you do not have to but, there are consciences." She paused and looked me over not once but twice before continuing to speak. "It's nearly time for you to go. We shall talk later on then. Fate would like to have a word."

      I looked over at the woman. She was smiling at me. It gave me a false feeling of security in this odd moment of time. "I wish to speak with you but a moment if you do not mind."

     I nodded my head in agreement choosing that staying silent might be my best course of action in this case. I followed her to an are decorated with shimmering blue and felt instantly out of place. She patted the seat next to her for me to sit. I did so folding my hands in my lap and cross my legs.

     "It is your fate," She began eerily. "It is your fate to choose the path of dark, unwillingly, without the consciousness allowing you a choice. You do have a choice though. Stay on the positive path and all will work out. Choose to stray and you may never find your way back."

     Those were the last words I heard before everything started fading from my view. In an instant I was back in the carriage only this time it was stopped. I could hear echoes of shouts and guns going off. The thumping of feet stomping on the mud surrounding us. I took a glance outside the small window of the carriage and was surprised to see that we had stopped, not in the grisha area but, in the First Army area. My heart stopped when I saw Mal.

     He was chained up to a pole inside one of the many supply tents. Of course Aleksander wouldn't put him with the grisha. He didn't belong there but, he also didn't belong on the floor chained to a pole of a supply tent. I grimaced when I saw the cuts and bruises forming on his arms and face. I looked away quickly not letting myself get emotional in front of the people I was supposed to be commanding.

"Go." I looked to Zoya who was already getting to her feet. The carriage door shut gently behind her and Ivan and I were left alone in the silence.

"What now?" I think Ivan was expecting a simple answer but I didn't give him one because I didn't know either. I had a plan of action in my head. I knew how I wanted this to go but in all honesty I had no idea how I was going to get it there.

"Now you take me to Alina." I looked back out the window for a moment. Caught sight of Mal once more before standing and exiting the carriage.

Hello skittles ❤️❤️
Only a few more chapters left in this book. Then hopefully when season two comes out the next book will be started.

What do y'all think?
How do you feel?

Remember to check out my other stories if your interested!!!

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