Chapter 20: Information

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This chapter is a bit of a mess some things rry lmao
Anyways enjoy this uh absolute mess but it's necessary
Love you lots skittles ❤️❤️❤️


      After a few minutes of breathing and thinking through what had just happened in the last five minutes, I headed to the war room to see what Aleksander wanted.

I kept my foot falls light against the floor so I didn't make to much noise. It was pretty dark after all. I had assumed that most people here would be sleeping. The hallways had almost no light and I summoned a little ball of my own to float above me and light the path.

It wasn't far to the war room. Just across the hall but, I took my time. Making every step count. I didn't know why but, I didn't want to talk to or see Aleksander right now. All I would be doing would be giving him half truths and running to the fold to probably most likely be killed by Kaz Brekker and the rest of them.

I knocked softly on the door and heard nothing for a moment. Then a heard papers being stacked and footsteps walking towards the door. Ivan opened it and Aleksander was seated behind his desk looking exhaustedly at paperwork.

"General? You wanted to see me?" Ivan left shutting the door behind him quietly as Aleksander looked up at me. His dark eyes begged me to come closer but I remained where I was. I couldn't do this with him. Not right now. Not when I needed to leave the Little Palace.

"I wanted to know how you were doing. I came back to the room but you were gone. I had Genya come find you and, assuming that she did, she never came back to tell me." He looked back down at the papers on his desk. I let put a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding.

"I'm," I paused thinking my answer over. "I'm as well as I assume I can be at this time sir." I was trying to remain civil. He was after all my superior.

"Why are you acting like that?" He put his pen down and walked closer to me. "You're acting like you have something to hide Milaya." He placed his palm against my cheek and leaned in close to my ear. I could feel his breath travel down my next at the contact. Goosebumps erupted on my skin.

His lips attached themselves to my neck and I held back a breathy moan I oh so desperately wanted to let go. He wrapped his free arm around my waist and picked me up placing me on the table behind us.

I felt his teeth graze my pulse point and gasped at the feeling. I wrapped my legs around him and was only thinking of him in this moment and then he pulled away. "What are you hiding Milaya?"

I sighed. "I want to go back to the fold." My answer definitely caught him off guard. He backed away and laughed. He actually laughed at what I had said.

"No." He said it as more of a command than anything else.

"I wasn't asking permission General." I was free to leave the little palace as I wished. Everyone was so set on Sankta Alina anyways.
I didn't think most ravkans even knew my name. "Was there a reason you asked me here or was it just to confuse me further?"

"Zoya came to me asking about you and Alina's connection. They are found in twins or triplets. But you and Alina are unique. You don't share exact blood and instead share grisha abilities. What I don't understand is how you have the connection. Then I came to me. You and Alina have the same father. Your half siblings." He stated it so matter of factly.

"How do you know?"

"You and Alina have differences that most share with the mothers genes while the things you have similar to one another are the fathers genes so I assumed but I think I am correct."

      I got down from the table and remained silent. My eyes studied the floor even thought I remembered none of what I had looked at. There was no way Alina and I could be sisters.

      Unless Ana told me we were cousins so I didn't get overly attached to Alina. Which makes sense but, now that I was thinking about it Aleksander is right. We look almost identical. Our eye color and height were the only differences I could spot when just glancing in our direction.

     "No Aleksander. We're twins." He looked sheepish when I told him this. Like whatever bullshit he had been telling me moments ago was a lie ghat he had told me.

      "I spoke to Alina," He was being careful about his word choice here. He was talking slower than usual. "She was given a letter from your parents when you two were at the orphanage."

      The look of rage that crossed my face at this moment shit him up. "SHE KNEW?!"

      "You're telling me that Alina knew we were twins this whole god damn time and never said a word?" I didn't think my world could shatter further but it did. The pieces I had tried putting back together within the last twenty four hours were now being swallowed whole by the fold inside me.

      "Yes I did and I thought you did too." Alina had joined us in the conversation and the war room now. "Ana told me not to say anything to you because you already knew and weren't taking it well."

      My voice had gone soft almost as if I was whispering. The whole thing was becoming to much. I could deal with this at the time. "You knew."

      I rushed out of the war room. I heard Alina calling my name. I ignored her. A heard heavy footsteps following me but I didn't even give them a second thought as I burst through my door and locking it. I pulled a bag from the wardrobe and pushed the uniform into it. Then the gloves and the bottle of Kvas. I laid the cloak on the bed next to the bag and looked around the room for any food or water to pack.

      Some bread had been left on my desk by I was assuming Zoya when she was in here earlier. I grabbed a spare towel and wrapped them in it and threw that into my bag as well.

      I froze when I heard knocking on my door. "Milaya? Come talk. I need to know that you are safe."

      "You or Ravka?" I shot back at him. I was angry. Seething at everything that happened.

      "Yelna. That isn't far and you know that. If you don't unlock the door I am going to have to break it down."

      I shot a look at the door and without a second glance I put trousers and a differ shirt on. My kefta over that. I slipped the bag over my shoulder and put the cloak on top. I walked to the balcony and looked over the railing. We weren't high up. If I landed and rolled there would be no damage.

      I took a deep breath and heard Aleksander yell for a fabricator then pounding on the door and him yelling my name. I looked back right as the doors opened and jumped.

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