Chapter 41: The Beginning of the End

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      I stood at Bagrahs door. A force to be reckoned with. The wind blew my hair and kefta in a way that made me look almost queenly. I looked adoringly down at the small baby in my arms. Her beautiful green eyes met mine and a smile broke out onto her face as she laughed her tiny heart wrenching baby laugh.

     I knocked on Bagrahs door and didn't wait for a response e before walking in. Seconds later a spear was put against my throat. "Is this your security?"

      "Against the kings men? Yes. Against you? I have myself for that." Bagrah motioned for her guard to drop the wrap that was held against my neck. I shot her a look and she cast her gaze to the floor. "What are you holding?"

      "Your granddaughter." The never disappearing scowl vanished from her face. Her eyes showed a true love for the child as I gently placed the baby in her arms. Her eyes never left the child.

"I need you to take her away from here." I knew what I was saying and I knew it would break Aleksander's heart but it needed to be done. I couldn't let that child grow up in this war with me as a mother.

"Aleksander," she began looking at me now gently rocking from side to side at an attempt to sooth the baby to sleep in her arms.

"I will tell him she was still born which isn't exactly a lie because she was still born." I looked down at the child in Bagrahs arms. Her eyes had started to drift closed and every time Bagrah would hurt her movement they would fly open again.

"Why?" It was a simple enough question with a simple enough answer but, to me it was more complicated. I wanted here with me but it was safer for the world to not know she existed.

Her eyes opened for a moment and I smiled at her. Her eyes were Aleksander's. They were one in the same. The same beautiful brown color and his beautiful oval eyes. They almost looked like pools of the soul. Of her soul. My baby was beautiful and perfect.

"Okay," I expected more of a fight or an argument from her. I didn't expect her to agree almost right away. It caught me a little bit off guard. "I'm not sure I agree with it but, I understand it. You want to protect her."

      I found myself nodding in agreement. Bagrah was never the easiest person to get along with, let along agree with on something, but in this moment I found a new respect for her. "I will bring her back tonight after dark. From there you will take her to a family who will care for her."

      "Of course." She handed the baby back to me but not before placing a small kiss against her cheek and whispering something in old Ravkan that I didn't understand. "What's her name?"

      "Scarlet Rose Morozova." I took the baby in my arms and again smiled down at her. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to give my baby away but it would keep her alive and it would keep her human. Bagrah nodded and I turned to leave.

      "Are you sure this is what you want?" I paused before opening the door to let myself out.

      "Not at all." I opened the door and left gently shutting it behind me. Well as gently as I could considering the door was extremely heavy.

      "Yelna?" Ivan's voice broke me from my trance. I looked at him and slowly let myself relax back into the real world. "What do you need of me?"

"I need you to gather everyone who knows that the baby is alive and meet me in my old chambers. Exclude yourself. You do not come."

"What will you do with them?" His body language told me he was with me fully but his voice told me the exact opposite.

"What needs to be done." I stated simply.

"And the general?"

"Will never know that the baby has lived." I cut the conversation short by starting to walk away. "Have them there at eleven. Tell no one else what is to happen this evening. Bagrah will take the baby somewhere safe."

"What of me then?" I stopped and turned around to look at him.

"What of you?"

"What will happen with me?"

"You will live but know if Aleksander finds that she lives it will be your head I put onto a pike outside the palace walls." I saw him gulp in response. Fearing the worst for my sanity he agreed and hurried back to the little palace to get the people who knew she was live.

      (Time skip brought to you by black keftas)
     It was a few hours later when I noticed the changes. Scarlett was sleeping on my bed surrounded by pillows so she wouldn't fall off. I was seated at my vanity writing a letter. To whom I had no idea but I was writing it anyways. I had a feeling that I would need it in the future. That's when I looked into the mirror.

      My entire eye was black. Not just the iris but the whole eye. I looked demonic. My lips had turned an almost blood red color and my cheeks had sunk into my face. I was deathly pale and my one beautiful hair was now black as a raven and flowing freely around gym face and past my shoulders.

      Somethings in me had changed. I reminded myself of death and then the thought hit me. A soul for a soul. She gave me my child but in return she was taking me.

      I looked over at the bed where Scarlett was sleeping soundly. Her fire hair a mess against he tiny head. Her little hands holding the blankets around her tightly. Her mouth slightly open with little s'mores escaping every now and again. I smiled sadly at her. She would never grow up and know her real mother.

      It was thoughts such as those that made me question my choice in this but, I would then think of the possibly of her growing up in this life. Being hunted for those who hate her. Being persecuted by the Ferjdah. That is no life for a child. So I would reset myself into thinking giving her up was the best option. 

      I looked at my reflection again and sighed letting the pen fall from my hand against the paper that I had been writing on. I heard a soft knock at my door.

     "Come in."

     "Their ready for you." Ivan announced walking into the room. I looked at him as I got up from my seat and grabbed the baby. I gently handed her to him.

      "Take her to Bagrah. She will know what to do. As for you get things ready for travel. We're going to the fold."

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