Chapter 12: The Crows

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     A pain erupted in my head when I opened my eyes. I was in a carriage. That was the first thing I noticed. I heard horses and felt bumps and rocks of the carriage I was in.

      I put my hand against my temple and groaned. I was alone in the carriage which I thought was pretty damn lucky. I pulled my hand away from temple and squeezed my eyes shut for a moment.

      How did I get here? I tried to remember yesterday's events. I assumed it was yesterday as the sky was now a light blue with big puffy clouds dotting it here and there. A soft cry escaped my lips as I tumbled forward in the coach. My palms landed hard against the wood flooring.

     "I think she's awake boss." Someone said from the outside of the carriage.

     "So it seems she is." I saw the face of Kaz Brekker pop into the window. I scowled at him, which only made him smirk. "Inej?"

     Someone entered the coach unannounced from the side while we were moving. I sat up from the floor and moved out of her way just in time for her to swing in and close the door behind her. She was beautiful. Chocolate truffled skin and beautiful long black hair. I studied her face for a moment before deciding that I did not know her personally.

     I looked down at what she was wearing. She was trying to be discreet about it but it was more than obvious that in some places there were knives where buttons should be. Knives created a bulge in her shoes. She was somewhat stiff in her movements and I decided that is was from the knives she probably had sheathed around her waist line.

     "Do you speak?" The question had obviously caught the person she assumed to be Inej off guard.

     "Yes, I speak. Its a little unnerving talking to you Sankta." The word sunk into my brain, my skin, my thoughts. I wasn't a saint. I clenched my fists realizing now that the gloves were no longer on my hands. I growled.

     "Where are my gloves?" I twisted my fingers dangerously and the carriage began to fill with shadows. A woman with blond hair I hadn't yet seen or heard from poked her head into the little window.

I watched her hands turn and felt my heart rate slow. My breathing became heavy and forced. My chest felt tight and my vision started to blur. I tried to hang on but the more I struggled the worse the feelings got. Until I was under the darkness once again.


"Aleksander!" I yelled rushing into the war room. I didn't even bother to knock. I knew him well enough at this point to just barge in.

He was a lone leaning against the table with a map carved into it. His hands were folded against his stomach and his eyes were closed. They snapped open when I shut the door behind me.

"What is it?" He was passive and mysterious and commanding all at the same time and I couldn't help but feel that pull towards him. I shook my head continuing with why I had come here unannounced.

"Yelna and I had a squabble and she took off. I followed her into a sort of clearing. She used that cut thing again. Anyways someone was there hiding behind the trees waiting for her." I took a breath and continued. "He knocked her out. The man. I wasn't close enough to hear what he had said but he had a cane. The top shaped like a crow."

Aleksander's jaw clenched as he listened to what I was saying. A darkness took over his features and the room had begun to fill with shadows. I put my hand on his and our eyes locked.

He leaned closer to me and light engulfed the room. He was somehow turning the power on inside me. There was a name for that. It's was uh, an amplifier. He was a living amplifier. My eyes opened in shock and I pulled my hand away slowly as the room went back to its original lighting.

     "Go back to your room." His gaze left her eyes as she stood frozen and shocked. He didn't want my help. Either that or he was trying to keep me safe. Either way I didn't care. This was Yelna.

     "No. I'm helping find her." The fake confidence radiated off me like chemicals. I walked over to a chair and sat down unwilling to move. A look between annoyance and amusement passes over his features for a brief moment.

     The next thing I knew I was clutching my chest. My vision dotted black and Aleksander was by me in a second. My chest felt like it was going to implode at the pressure. My eyes watered and sting with every breath I took.

      I looked over at Aleksander and tried my hardest to speak. "Heart," I coughed. "Render." It came out as a sort of last cry for help before I was pulled into the lulling darkness that was unconsciousness.


     Alina fell into my arms. Limp, completely unconscious. "Ivan!" I called for my own heart render. He came bounding in a few moments later.

     "Take her to her room. She will need rest and possibly a healer." I handed him the girl and took one last look at her resting features before turning my attention to the map on the table behind me.

      Yelna was taken. From my palace. Under my watch. She was just gone. They had a heart render which meant they were either deserters or from the other side of the fold.

      I yelled in frustration slamming my fist against the table. My hand immediately begun to bruise from the impact and I ignored it. Somewhat used to this pain after my long life.

      I thought back to the two summoners. Alina and Yelna. Alina would be easy to manipulate. Yelna, there was something there that I couldn't place. I could not manipulate her. She was to quick. She would catch on immediately. Alina on the other hand was so infatuated with the need of love that it would be simple.

      I looked at the picture of the stag and smiled. Then I heard her. I heard Yelna. It was barley above a whisper but I heard it.


Riddle me this lmao

I want opinions
So I can continue on book timeline or show timeline.
Which would you prefer because either way I have ideas

Thx for the reads skittle
Don't forget to vote and comment cause I'm needy ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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