Chapter 28: A Surprise

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Okay before this chapter starts

It is safe to have sex while in the first trimester of pregnancy.

And this had been my Ted talk. Enjoy


     We sat there on the floor for a few minutes longer until we heard a soft knock at the door. Ivan was there breathing heavily. "It's our general." Aleksander nodded his head at his words and stood.

"Let's go home okay?" He held out his hands to me and helped me off of the floor. He removed his kefta and placed it on my shoulders and I put my arms through the way to long sleeves and grabbed his hand.

"Don't let go please." I begged him. Tears brimmed my eyes when I didn't think there could be anymore tears to cry. He put a hand on my cheek.

"I won't let go." He kissed my forehead and intertwined our fingers together. I took a deep breath as we went to exit the hut. He switched so I could hold his other hand and his arm was around my shoulders. He was protecting me from something and I wasn't going to let him.

We walked a little further out of the hut and he tried to steer me to the back entrance of the little palace. Instead I escaped and went the other direction. Slowly at first to see whatever he was trying to avoid and then I saw it. Someone burned the word murderer into the grass under the window of my bedroom.

"Milaya." Aleksander began but I stopped him by holding a hand up. It was fine. Everything was totally okay. I wasn't going to loose my cool. I wasn't going to yell or scream or cry. I was going to walk through the doors of the little palace with my head held high.

Well that was all fine and dandy I knew it would actually happen that way. Instead Aleksander led me to the back door and through back halls until we reached the war room. "I don't want to go in there." I motioned to my bedroom door. Scared about what I would find in it if I went in.

"Good because you're not staying in there anymore. I had your stuff moved to my room yesterday. Of course hoping you wouldn't mind." He kissed my temple as I continued to stare at the door. Like it was going to melt and magically I would see the horrors inside. Instead Aleksander pushed me down the hall to his bedroom instead.

     When we entered I realized he has been telling the truth of having my stuff brought to his room. My little trinkets were sitting on top of his dresser and my jewelry ,what little I did have, we're sitting out in the desk. One of the wardrobes was open to reveal that my keftas and dresses now hung in it. My pillows that I had grown so found of now sat on one side of Aleksander's bed.

     I froze in the doorway of the room just looking at everything. I liked where it was at. I liked that he was so worried about me being alone that he moved my stuff. That he was caring so much that he had moved my stuff. I looked at at him now and kissed him. Bringing his face to my own and just kissing him.

     It was a simple loving and passionate kiss that melted my heart. Slowly he picked me up kicking the door closed behind me and gently he laid me on the bed. He started to kiss at my neck and before I knew it our naked bodies were wrapped together.

     His noises making my heart flutter and my breathing quicken. His touch was gentle and it set my skin ablaze. The way me moved made me moan his name over and over again until I couldn't take it and I was yelling it. He would heavily breath my name into my neck and leave trails of kisses from my lips to my hips and back up again.

      He made sure he touched every piece of me. His hands tangled in my hair. My nails scratched his back and I gasped when he hit that spot. The spot that made my stomach tie into knots. And soon I found myself lying on his naked chest. Our breathing rapid and heavy our hearts going faster than a horse.

     His hands played with my hair and my fingers drew lazy circles around his chest. We just slid there like there for hours. We didn't speak to each other. We just laid in silence and enjoyed one another company. Kisses and love were shared between us as we found comfort and solace in one another's bodies.

      Soon we heard the dinner bells ringing. I laughed and he gave me a questioning look as I placed my hand flat against his chest. "We missed breakfast and lunch Aleks." I said as I laughed again.

     "You're so weird." He said leaving a kiss in my hair. "But you're also right. I guess we did. Go thing dinner is being brought to my chambers tonight. I planned on bringing you here tonight regardless so I had something planned you make you feel better."

     "What?" I was curious and I sat up. My elbows were on the bed holding up my body as I flipped my hair out of my face and looked at him.

     "Dinner and dessert for us. It's those little raspberry pastries you love so much." I looked to surprised and questioned how he knew that.

     "Zoya and Alina told me actually. They've been asking of you for days. You should go and talk to them tomorrow. Alina is worried sick about you. Zoya is well Zoya and asked for your bedroom because it's bigger than hers." He chuckled he put a hand on my cheek bringing our lips together.

     "That does sound like her doesn't it?" I giggled a little and so did he. I could get used to hearing and seeing him laugh like this. There was something so childish yet opening about it that it just made me want him to do it more.

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