Chapter 7: Transform

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"The General is coming here? Why?" I asked sitting on the stool. She pulled beads out of her box and whispered to herself as she worked. The beads were (H/C) to match my (H/C). It made it bright and shiny with little curls in it as she slowly dragged the beads down my hair.

Her hands were soft against my head. It had been years since someone else has done my hair besides myself or Alina. Mal would attempt to braid every now and again which he would always fail and we would always end up laughing because of how hard he would try.

"He is taking you and Alina to see the king. I will be moving to Alina's room after this. There isn't a lot of time though." She spoke softly going back into the box to pull red rose petals out of it. She grazed them along my cheeks and a light blush formed. I smiled at myself.

She then pulled a quill out and dipped it into the ink. This did not meet my face but it corrected the shape of my eyes. Exactly as I had been expecting. They no long looked Shu. They looked normal. The shape of Genya's the color of my own thought. A little line of black against my eye lid made the color stand out. She then grabbed a brushed and beautiful gold glitter appeared on my eye lids. Next was my lips. She turned me to face her and brushed her thumb softly over then causing them to turn a slight pink color.

"What do you think?" She turned me back around and sighed. I looked amazing. The colors and the shaped. Everything working together to make me look like a normal person. Like I could almost fit in. I looked down at my hands and smiled sadly. "I have gloves from Kirigan here for your hands."

She handed me a pair of beautiful velvet gloves. The green color of the the First Army uniform. She then pulled that same uniform from a bag she had brought into the room with her. I groaned dreading what she was going to say next.

"You have to wear this. The king wants to see two humble girls pulled from his army." She said helping me stand. She helped me into the uniform and helped slide the gloves over my hands and placed a veiled hat onto my head. I could barely see my face in the mirror with it down and I reached to move it. "The king will be the first to see you in the room." Genya said looking at me.

"Thank you! I love it truly." I said pulling her into a gentle hug. At first she seemed startled them relaxed wrapping her arms around me melting into the hug. We laughed and knock was heard at my door. Genya went to open it as I turned to face the mirror once again.

"You look better in a kefta." Alexsander said strolling into the room. He dismissed Genya and walked over to me. I smiled and turned to him. He was dressed in his usual black attire with a fancier coat this time. We were after all going to see the king and the royal family. I sighed and smiled.

"Do I now?" His smile lit up my heart a thousand times. He gently took my hand and led me from the room. Down the halls we went and into the foyer. He stopped in the middle and looked up at the huge chandelier hanging above us.

"I will be with you the whole time day. As well as Alina. You should know that you will only be using the sun summoning. The king dose not know of your shadows and I want to keep it that was hence the gloves." His voice was confident as he met my eyes. He placed a hand on my neck gently and pulled me slightly closer to him.

I felt my heart beat rapidly as my eyes met his lips. I wanted to kiss him but it was so public not that anyone was around. There was no confinement here. It was us and who ever was around. His fingers sent pulses through my body and my knees felt weak. My right hand went up to the back of his neck and I looked him in the eyes.

The king did not and would not know of my ability to summon shadow. I was fine with that. The less people who knew the better. Alexsander's other hand went to the small of my back and he placed his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes and felt him pull my face closer until our lips were brushing against one another's. His breath was warm against my cheek as he kissed me. It was soft and gentle but, hungry and full of lust. I felt protected in his arms. I felt protected being near him.

He grabbed my waist gently and moved us to the corner of the room. I felt the shadows hid us from sight as they swarmed around us. I kissed him harder, the need to feel him against me flowing through it. He pulled away from me to breathe and looked me in the eyes. His were full of lust. Pure and undistinguishable lust for me right in this moment. He leaned back down and his lips attached to my neck. I gasped at the touch he had on me. His arms pulling me impossibly closer to him.

I put my hands into his hair and tugged just a little when he gently licked my collar bone. The feeling sending shivers across my skin. In this moment I wanted nothing more than to be with him. I wanted all of him. Then he stopped and looked at me. His eyes full of worry and concern. I put a hand against his cheek and went to speak but nothing came out. We stood there in a hungry silence for a moment.

"Yelna." He whispered to me before meeting my lips one last time. It was softer than before full of more than lust, full of heartbreak and lost love. I kept my hands against his cheeks and melted into him. Then the shadows left us. The world came back into focus and he laced his fingers through mine as we walked to the entrance of the Little Palace.

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