Chapter 11: Bahgra

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      "Wake her up." the voice was old. my head pounded and something hard smacked against my shin.  I shot up and gasped in pain. The woman before me was old, long grey hair tied up into a low bun on her head. Her garments were black with black stitching.

      "Shadow Summoner." I whispered meeting her eyes. The connection was similar with her as it was with Alexsander. Something pulled me to her power. It craved it. To mold with it. To-to take it. Make it its own.

     "Leave us," She spoke sharply and the people in the room trying to stop her had removed themselves from the room. Her eyes were hard like they had seen years worth of blood and tears. She hit me in the arm with the stick again.

      "Will you stop that? It hurts." I removed the blankets quickly and grabbed a kefta and walking into the bathroom to change. I chose the black and white one today. "Who are you?"

     "Bahgra. Come quickly, you missed the first lesson you stupid child." I gaped at her as I pulled my hair up and quickly followed her out of the room and down the hallway. The sun shown brightly through the thin curtains on the windows in the morning light. I shielded my eyes as we made our way down the stairs and out one of the many doors leading to the gates. We did not go to the gates though.

      Everything rushed paced me as I sped up my pace to keep with her. For a lady way over eighty she was quite quick. The heels of my shoes crushed the gravel we walked on as I did the buttons up on my kefta.  I struggled the whole way there wanting nothing more than to yell at her to slow down but I didn't think that if I did it would make any difference.

     We went down a little slope to a sort of inground hut and she pushed open a heavy door and walked in. "Close that behind you. I like it warm." She scolded as I started to walk past it. I stopped and turned around to shut it tightly. A picture frame caught my eye as I did.

     It was a black and white photo of Bagrah and Alexsander. I studied the photo for a moment and then it was snatched from my sight. "Looking at things that aren't yours is rude girl." Bagrah said. realization hit me in this moment.

     "You're his mother." It was barley above a whisper but it was audible to the both of us.

     "I am and you had better keep that to yourself. Now summon the light," She paused and looked at my hands. "Or the shadow."

     "How did you know?" I looked down at my hands and then realized I never put my gloves on. I groaned and sighed as she chuckled dryly. "I'm not wearing gloves. That's how you figured it out."

     "Wow she is a smart one." I growled at this as she turned around and went down further into the hut. I followed her acutely aware of every detail that passed me as I walked by. Most of the wall and floor was made out of carved stone. Sometimes there would be wood paneling or carpet but it was very minimum.

     I walked into a bigger more open space with a fireplace and someone's back caught my eye. "Alina." I whispered any confidence that I had this morning drifted to nothingness as I hid my arms behind my back. I felt Bagrah walk behind me and stand there for a moment.

     I felt soft fabric being pulled over my hands and down my arms. She had grabbed my gloves I realized. I sighed in a silent thank you to Bagrah as I caught her eye when she moved I nodded. I didn't quite understand the emotion on her face when I did that. Something was there but I didn't know what.

"Yelna, your hiding your hands." She sighed sadly as she walked closer to me. I hadn't seen her in a little while and for some reason I forgot how to act around her. I let my hands fall to my sides as she embraced me. I stiffened and didn't hug back.

"Summon the light." A felt a stick hit our arms and we gasped in pain. I glared at Bagrah. Only moments before she had been helping me. Now she was hitting me with sticks.

I saw the concentration on Alinas face. I noticed that Bagrah was watching her intently. "You're not trying!"

"I am trying."

"This is you're second time here. If you can't summon DONT come back." Bagrah spoke in a harsh tone to Alina and I flinched. She turned to me. "You summon now."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Thoughts of Alexsander flashed through my mind. When he kissed me that first time. How my skin felt when he touched me. How soft he could be and how demanding he could be.

I saw light from under my eye lids and opened them and smiled. Even with my glove on the light was bright. I left my hand fall and looked at Alina. She has anger behind her eyes. She resented me in this moment. I squeezed my fist of my rig hand closed and watched as the shadow filled the room.

The fire went out. The room cooled. My anger towards her filled me. Why did she look at me like I was the one in the wrong. I did nothing wrong but accept the fact that I was grisha.

Before I knew what I was doing a small version of the cut zoomed back Alina's head and cut Bagrah's stick in two. I heard her yelp which broke me from my trance.

I quickly looked over to her and her stick now in two pieces. "Yelna?" Alina questioned softly. I struggled to find my words. Or my breath in that moment. I obviously didn't need help and left the little guy quickly.

I raced across the grass quickly tripping and catching myself multiple times. I ended up in a little field surrounded my trees with no idea how I had gotten there. I screamed in aggravation and the cut flew from me. Every tree sighing five feet of me fell. The trunks the only things left standing.

Shadows filled the spaces around me and I fell to my knees. I put my palms against the grass and yelled again. My throat felt raw and it ached for water or a drink of some kind. I lifted my right hand from its spot on the grass.

This all felt like to much. The world felt like it was carving. I couldn't breath. My breath caught in my lungs. My pulse raced as I twisted my fingers. A tiny version a little cut formed between my fingers and I let it off towards my left arm.

It felt like a paper cut. It burned at first. It didn't go through my arm. Only a few layers deep and blood seeped from the wound. Causing the Stark white arm to turn a crimson color.

I laid back on the grass and looked at the sky. It was dusk now and I watched as the reddened sky turned dark and the stars appeared in the sky. I felt the wound slow to a stop and the blood on my arm harden.

I closed my eyes and sighed as I moved so my sleeves were covering my arms. I had ripped the beautiful fabric while running through the trees. It saddened me to see what I had done to something so beautiful.

I let a tear fall down my cheek and I pressed the side of my face into the grass. It was cool against my hot skin. I closed my eyes and imagined that I was back in the fold.

I imaged that I was there. My back against the walls of the fold. Volcra swarming above me. Refusing to get closer. I walked confidently through it all the while letting the power I had flow around me. One part of it disappearing into the light. While the other was darkening it to almost unseeable black.

I was broken from my trance was a cold metal met my neck. I opened my eyes to see someone I had never met before above me. A cane was held against my neck. His slick backed hair was brown and looked greasy in the fading light.

"I don't think we've met yet."

"Yelna. A pleasure." I growled. He moved his knee to rest on my right black hand so I couldn't move it.

"Kaz Brekker. The pleasure is all mine" He smirked and hit me hard in the head with his cane. My whole world went dark.

Been a while.
Sorry skittles.
Isnt my hat pretty?
I got it in Mexico

I have my inspiration back for this book now.
It's going to change just a little from the timeline of the show and books because I love Kaz with my whole being lmao

Enjoy the crows *eye brow wiggle*

Question: What are y'all's favorite food?

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