Chapter 10: And FIGHT!

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"You're going to miss lessons get up half breed." The welcoming voice of Zoya met my ears. I groaned and shifted in the bed and was met with a huge blast of wind causing me to gasp sitting up and shivering.

"Good morning to you too witch." I bit at her climbing out of the bed. She scoffed and ran a perfectly manicured hand through her perfect hair. I rolled my eyes and got dress. Traditional black pants and white shirt under my black kefta. Zoya grumbled and handed me a hair tie as we left the room.

"Right we train first then you go see Bagrah." She was obviously in some kind of mood and I so was not into it today of all days. I swallowed a growl as we walked down the hall. Alexsander rounded the corner as we did and I came chest to face with him.

I felt my cheeks redden and heard him cover a surprised cough. "Good morning to the two of you. Off to lessons and training then?" I shifted my gaze to look at him but he wasn't meeting my eyes. Instead he shifted his gaze everywhere but me. Zoya toyed with a smile on her lips and i rolled my eyes again.

"Yes, General. Training and lessons. If you don't mind I am going to be late unless you move." I snapped and basically pushed him out of our way. Not stopping to catch is face or gaze I grabbed Zoya's hand and pulled her along with me. She stuttered and tried to catch her footing before pulling us both to a stop after we were some ways away from him.

"What are you doing?" She stomped her foot onto the ground and pulled from my grasp. Her eyes were angry and her breathing heavy. She glared daggers at me as I put my hands on my knees to catch my breath.

"Getting away from him obviously." I stated throwing my hands up around me in a crazy sort of fashion. She was annoying me beyond anything else at this moment. I didn't want to answer her questions I wanted to go train.

"Oh you and I are going to be great friends." She giggled smirking. She linked her arm through mine and was casually walked down the hall together gossiping like we had been friends for years. Her smile brought one to my face as we walked. "Tell me has he kissed you?"

"Uh, yeah he has then he has the audacity to leave angry like it was my fault!" I exclaimed as we laughed. I told her about last night, I didn't give her speciates on time so she didn't think it was last night other wise this would not have been a great conversation.

"He did the same to me. God men." We rolled our eyes as we entered the training grounds arm and arm. The looks were a mix between astonishment and anger. A few eyed my kefta with jealousy written on their features. Others looked at Zoya and I like we were some sort of joke. I shot glares back at them while Zoya sent a little wind this way or that.

"Ah the sun summoners!" The teacher announced as Alina entered with two people on her arms. I presumed they were her friends and this was the closest I had been to Alina in over twenty-four hours. She ran up to me and pulled me into a tight hug. I smiled and Boktin cleared his throat. Next thing I know we were paired against two other grisha.

"Pick your partners." We each chose. Alina chose Zoya and I chose a very bulky strong looking Grisha by the name of Jacob. He stood before me as his height towered over me. I caught a glimpse of black on the walkway above the training grounds and ignored it. Alexsander was watching us.

Boktin called the start of my fight and we began. Jacob came at me slowly and sloppily. I was never one for fighting, doesn't mean I didn't know how. Jacob was big and lacked speed while I was small and had the ability to move faster. I used that against him. He went for the first punch and I ducked. We circled one another.

I put my foot out and he landed face first in the dirt as he came at me again. Zoya gave me a high five as he got back up and Boktin called it again. He made the first move again. This time I decided to give me a little more of a chance. I threw a punch and missed. He came at me and I hot the floor hard on my back. The wind was knocked out of me and Zoya held out her hand and helped me up off the ground.

I cracked my neck and we went again. I hung my arms loosely around my face and let him tire out before I would make my move. I threw my leg out and he caught it. I twisted free of his grasp and dropped my arms hitting the floor on the balls of my feet hard. I flipped my hair out of my face and we circled. The black movement in the corner of my eye only slightly distracting from the match. I threw a punch towards Jacob and was caught off guard when a whistle sounded above us. I looked away momentarily.

That was my down fall at this moment. My eyes caught Alexsanders but Jacob caught my wrist. When I pulled free the glove went with it. My pure white hand now out in the open air. I gritted my teeth and went at him again. I landed a few punches as did he before Boktin tried to call it but, we were to far into it now. I threw another punch with my right hand. It hit the buckle on his kefta.

The fabric ripped and blood seeped from the wound. I let my hands gather the energy I wanted. Alexsander landed in from of me letting his kefta swing around the two of us. For a moment we were in total darkness. "Relax." He whispered to me and I felt all of the energy leave my hands and body.

The blood loss was getting to me as the light hit my eyes again. Alexsander caught me before I hit the ground and carried me over to Boktin. They shared a few words before I was brought back into the little palace. Alexsander put me onto a bed and a healer was in moments later. I was nervous. "My hand," I tried to speak but it came out all slurred. "Did they see my hand?" I passed out moments later.

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