Chapter 1

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She was sitting on a barstool, a drink in her hand. Friday night Luna Jones had nowhere to go.
Oh, she could be at her ex' party now. She was invited too, but did she really want to be there? Getting drunk? Watching her ex with that girl, Sarah, he had left her for only a week ago?
No, thank you.

She rather preferred some alone time in a bar instead of watching Sarah cling on to that idiot.
Still not getting how he could choose Sarah over her, she took another sip of her drink.
Maybe because he preferred blondes and she was far away from it.

With the tip of her finger she went along the glass rim, not really paying attention to the person, who just entered the bar. A lot of people came to the Black Drink bar, after all, it was the most popular one in the whole city.

Someone sat down on the stool beside her, she didn't pay attention and just took another sip. The liquid burned on its way down her throat.
"What do you want?" the barkeeper asked the person next to her.
"Just give me whatever this beautiful girl over here drinks," a sexy, deep voice said.

From the corner of her eye she glanced at the man. Dark hair fell slightly into his eyes. It was wet from the rain outside. He was looking in her direction and he was smirking. She rolled her eyes and looked away.
Her phone buzzed, signaling that she received a message. Taking out her phone, she frowned.
It was her best friend Reyna sending her a video of the party. Reyna was a party girl to the core.

Not that Luna was opposed to partying, it's just that out of them both she was the more rational one.
A text popped up on her display. A message from her ex.
'I miss you. Where are you? Come to the party. I have to tell you something.' As if.

In an hour or two he would forget about her totally. He would take Sarah to his bedroom, and take her until she would forget her name and couldn't walk. That's what he tried to do with her too, tried.

She never let him go that far, never letting more happen than him going under her shirt and touching her breasts. He never saw anything and that's why he broke up with her in the first place.

"Seems like you should be at a party with your boyfriend instead of drinking on your own here," the man beside her said. She looked over to him, directly into his bright green eyes, green eyes that reminded her of the forest. He was young, not older than her.

"Ex," she said.
"Well, in that case," he started, rested his elbow on the counter, and put his head into his palm, "Can I tell you how beautiful your hair looks." He smiled, and lord help her if that smile wasn't one of the sorts that could make girls' knees go weak.
"Are you flirting with me?" she fired back.

"Maybe I am. Maybe I am not. Depends. Do I have any chances?" he replied with his dark voice. It was mysterious.
"Maybe you do. Maybe you do not." She smiled and he laughed.

"Here you go." The barkeeper gave the man his drink. He nodded and took a sip.
"I'm Lucas and the gorgeous girl in front of me is..."
"What a beautiful name." His tone and expression held surprise. 
"Don't you think you're going too far?" she asked.
"I'm just telling the truth."
"Thank you."

"So? May I ask what you are doing here?" She couldn't tell why, but he had something that made her trust him. A complete stranger, she trusted him. It was probably the alcohol that made her do it.

"I have actually no idea."
"Your ex seems to want you back," he said.
"He just wants what every man wants."
"You think every man wants sex?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Can you deny it?" she countered and gave him a knowing look. He smiled.

"No, but some men want more. Love. A relationship."
"You have one?"
"A girlfriend? No, but I kind of like a brunette I just met." He tilted his head and closed his eyes for a few seconds. Inhaled. "What are you?" he murmured.

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