Chapter 5

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It was after one a.m. when Luna entered her apartment. 
Wyatt had come back around midnight and watched another movie with them. They had told him what happened and she got to know that Wyatt was a werewolf, as well.

So was his stepbrother Asher, who came home at one a.m. By that time, Lucas was much better, still a little weak, but better.
Wyatt had driven her home and she went straight to the bathroom since she was still full of blood.

Taking her clothes off, she stepped under the shower. The water turned red with the blood washing off her body.
It made her realize what had happened tonight.

She basically stitched someone up, saved a life, got to know that supernaturals existed and that she was one of them in one night.
More than that she was surprised that she didn't freak out yet.

Why didn't she?
Sure, she believed in a lot of supernatural stuff before, but she never thought that all of them would be true. There was always this doubt that they were true. Now, they were.

She should be scared 'cause there are so many dangerous creatures according to the book. She slightly was scared, but then there was Lucas, Wyatt, Asher.
They were nice and didn't appear dangerous at all.

All of it was just so confusing.
And she had so many questions. Questions that kept her awake. She tossed and turned until she found sleep around four a.m.


The next morning Lucas sat inside a small café and waited for Luna.
He was much better now, it was all thanks to her. If she hadn't come and treated him, he would be dead. His heightened healing wouldn't have been of big use by the amount of blood he was losing.

Though he was so tired and exhausted, it took him an hour to fall asleep.
He was worried about her. She had seemed to take it fine, but he wasn't sure if it was an act or if she needed time to realize.

He hoped she was fine and could sleep last night.
At least, he could tell her that he was fine.

Lucas glanced at the clock, quarter to eleven.
They wanted to meet at eleven, so she should be here soon.
Taking his cup between his hands, he twisted it around. Luna would have a lot of questions and he was afraid of her reaction and of not having her answers.

Worse, he was afraid she wouldn't even come.
What if she got scared or didn't believe him and decided to stay away from him?
What if she thought he tricked her with working for the government and was a bad guy?
The last thing he wanted was her staying away.

He took out his phone and checked if she had written him.
Then, he smelt her scent. Looking up, he saw her enter the café and find him.
She walked up to the table and sat across from him.

"Have you been waiting long?" she asked.
"Not really." The truth was that he had been here since ten a.m.
"But long enough for your coffee to get cold," she pointed out, he gave a sheepish smile.
"Guess, you got me. I was worried you didn't take it too well."

"It's still fine. I've been thinking a lot, I have a lot of questions, I'm a little afraid." He nodded.
"I understand that. I will try answering all your questions and you have nothing to be scared of. I will protect you from everyone," he promised and he meant it. He was still very protective of her. Probably would always be.

"Thanks." She smiled, he loved that smile. She was so innocent, he wondered if she could make it in the supernatural world. At the same time, he wondered if she was a fairy. He could imagine that.

"Where do you wanna start?" he asked, but just at that moment a waitress came and took their order.
"How are you today?" she asked when the waitress left. She tilted her head a little.

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